As the order was issued, a low horn sounded in the camp, like the roar of a giant dragon. It was the order to assemble for the expedition.

The soldiers who had gathered near the bonfire with sad faces gathered together sparsely, barely forming a fairly spectacular army of 10,000 people, pushing each other and heading towards the God-forsaken Land.

It was just that noisy sounds were heard from time to time, making the army seem so loose.

Compared with the army that was about to shed blood and heads on the battlefield, they were more like slaves forced to go to the execution ground.

However, in fact, most of this army were civilians who were temporarily recruited, and naturally there was no discipline to speak of.

In this backward medieval fantasy world, the lord would not raise a large number of idle troops for no reason, which would only consume the treasures and food they collected for no reason.

Therefore, these people who worked diligently on weekdays became the best consumables for them to fight.

When there is no war, these people are responsible for farming and hunting to meet the sky-high taxes set by their direct lords, and then the lords will exploit them layer by layer and pay them to the nobles of higher levels.

Once a war breaks out, these people will be temporarily recruited, pick up the hoes and sickles they usually use for work, and rush to the battlefield for their lords to become a glorious soldier.

As for casualties, those lords will not care.

For the noble lords who are high above, these lowly people are just like leeks in the field. After cutting one crop after another, as long as the roots are still there, there is no worry that there will be no leeks to cut.

This is the cruel Middle Ages.

Behind the army of people, followed by a noble wolf knight, there are as many as 5,000 of them, which is the real combat power and foundation of the Principality of Reni to resist foreign enemies.

Each knight wears silver armor with the national emblem of the Principality of Reni, holding an iron shield and a spear in his hand.

Compared with the army of miscellaneous soldiers formed by the people, their discipline is much stricter. Every knight is serious and the armor on his body makes a creaking sound during the bumpy march.

Under their crotch, there are frost wolves as big as buffaloes. The protruding fangs and silver-gray hair like steel needles all prove their ferocity and strength.

There is no doubt that this is a kind of magic beast.

In the past, frost wolves gathered in groups on the beast plains, which was a strong force on the beast plains. Until that man came, this group of wolf cubs who refused to obey anyone saw what strength was.

Under the crushing of the legendary level of combat power, the frost wolves chose to surrender from the heart, which saved them from being slaughtered.

After so many years of domestication and breeding, the frost wolf has now become the standard cavalry of the Principality of Reni.

Following closely behind the wolf cavalry were huge creations covered in black cloth. The wooden wheels drove on the muddy land, making a series of creaking and harsh sounds. If you were not careful, you might fall into the mud pit.

That was a siege crossbow, a powerful weapon for attacking cities and plundering land. Even a powerful existence like a dragon, facing this huge crossbow arrow enchanted by magic, had to carefully choose to avoid the sharp edge to prevent being accidentally struck by it.

On both sides of the crossbow cart, followed closely by the mage group and the priest group. They belonged to the rear unit like the siege crossbow, responsible for fire support and healing friendly forces.

Above their heads was the golden-level archmage Robo, floating in the air and following slowly.

His eyes were a little deep, looking at the spectacular army in front of him.

This huge team of more than 30,000 people was like a series of fine gears and screws, forming this huge and precise mechanical giant called the expeditionary army.

This is a terrifying spectacle created by the whole country, and this is a terrifying fighting force that can sweep across a small principality.

In this battle, he not only wants to defeat the new force in the God-forsaken Land and prove himself to his father, but also to show the claws of the Principality of Rainey to the outside world.

Let those forces that covet the fertile land under the San Pedro Mountains know that even if there is no legend sitting in the Principality of Rainey, it is not a soft persimmon that is easy to pinch.

On the contrary, this is an iron hedgehog covered with steel needles. Those who dare to offend must be prepared to be covered with wounds.


The two-legged dragon flew over his head with a hurricane, and Rob's eyes turned cold in an instant.

If he can get rid of this "dear brother" in this battle, it would be great.

Unlike Ryan, his bloodline is mixed, not pure aristocratic bloodline.

It was the result of his beloved father, Duke Eddriman, raping a maid after a banquet.

Because of his humble origin, Robb was looked down upon since he was a child.His father disliked him, other nobles looked down on him, and his half-brother bullied him.

He hated this world, hated the maid mother who gave birth to him, and hated his brother Ryan who was born better than him.

All these changes started when he awakened his outstanding magic talent at the age of eight. Since then, he began to study magic under the arrangement of his beloved father and became a noble magician.

And in just a few decades, he reached his current height.

From then on, his life changed dramatically.

No one dared to laugh at him anymore, no one dared to belittle him anymore, even his father who had originally ignored him regarded him as his most beloved youngest son, and after abdicating, he handed over all the affairs of the Principality of Reni to him.

However, Rob knew that these people still looked down on his blood of being born as a low-class person.

His father, Duke Edriman, never really regarded him as his own child, just like Ryan never regarded him as a brother.

He, Rob, is just a tool, a part.

Duke Eddriman only needs a tool who can assist his biological son, Ryan. He has never thought of passing the title to a guy of low blood.

At least, Rob thinks so.

And want to change all this...

Rob's eyes are fixed on the guy on the back of the wyvern.

"As long as you die in this war, father will definitely pass the title to me."

He whispered in a low voice: "Then I will be father's real child."


Under the dark sky, the cold wind whistled.

Under Rob's unknown thoughts, the army methodically passed through the route planned for them by the Dwarf Empire and entered the river-crossing tunnel that had just been dug and had not even had time to reinforce.

At the door of a tavern not far away, the dwarf king Herbert, who witnessed the army's passage, yawned and scratched his itchy wine-red beard as if he had not woken up.


The wooden door of the tavern was pushed open from the inside to the outside, and the dwarf Gray came out with a bottle of wine, glanced at the army that disappeared in the tunnel, and smacked his lips. "King, are we really just going to ignore it?"

"What else?"

The dwarf king grabbed the bottle of wine in Gray's hand and took a sip, then continued: "We have done our best to get to this point, and now we owe nothing to either side."

After saying that, he turned around and pushed open the wooden door of the tavern and walked in.

A somewhat regretful voice sounded along with the creaking sound of the wooden door: "What a pity, I recently discovered that beer mixed with red wine has a different flavor..."

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