In the endless khaki desert and Gobi, the human army was like a winding snake, slowly crawling out of the deep cave.

Stepping onto this land cursed by the gods, the muddy feeling on the ground after the rain was swept away.

Although it was also cloudy here and thunder flashed in the sky from time to time, the sand on the surface was much drier than the other side of the river, as if it had not been washed by rain.

However, the slightly moist and cool air at the tip of the nose indirectly proved that the God-forsaken Land had also been bathed in rain in these days.

Such weather made this team, which was mostly composed of civilians, feel a little relieved. It seemed that at least before the dark clouds completely dissipated, they didn't have to worry about the extreme heat in the God-forsaken Land during the day.

Some soldiers who were originally prepared to face drought and heat waves also put their hands down from the water bags, drew the emblem of God on their chests, and silently prayed for the gods they believed in.

They firmly believed that this was the mercy of the gods for them.

Compared to the small relief of these low-level soldiers, Robo, who was at the end of the team, was much more serious.

He didn't care whether the weather was hot or cold, dry or humid. As a golden-level archmage, being immune to cold, heat, dryness and wetness was just a matter of spells.

Compared to these, he cared more about when the team could reach the destination.

When could they engage in battle.

For this battle, he almost dispatched all his combat power. The Principality of Reni fell into an extremely empty state in a short period of time. If the battle could not be ended in a short period of time, those neighboring countries that coveted the territory might take advantage of it.

So after a little thought, Robo gave orders to the mage group, asking them to cast spells together and release a large-scale group acceleration in order to reach the destination faster-

The city where the traveling merchants called the black gold in the desert and the queen of red wine lived.


Black City.

At this moment, the city almost merged with the dark sky.

Only the sound of the wind could be heard in the silence.

Irene sat on the edge of the city wall in human form, her legs hanging outside swaying back and forth, the wind blowing her dark hair, and her deep eyes looking into the distance from beginning to end.

On her left ring finger, a ring reflecting bright light appeared at some point.

All of this made Xiaolongniang seem like a carefree, infatuated girl waiting for her lover to return.

However, under this tranquility, there was endless murderous intent.

The storage ring on the ring finger contained a behemoth called dragon-shaped power armor.

With just one thought, the armor could be combined on the spot and enter the highest combat state.

At this moment, Irene was like a strong bow with a full string, ready to shoot sharp arrows at any time, and like a shotgun with a loaded chamber, ready to pull the trigger at any time.

As long as she wanted, she could give the enemy a fatal blow at any time.


A gloomy wind blew from the east, mixed with yellow sand, taking away the little moisture in the air, and the sky began to become gray.

The pits dug around the Black City were covered up with the last traces.

This is a tactic designed by Irene similar to tunnel warfare, but these pits are very shallow and not connected to anywhere, more like independent closed trenches.

Their only function is to hide soldiers.

In this fantasy world, the walls built with ordinary stone materials, without the reinforcement of magic arrays, are no different from paper in the face of large-scale spell bombardment.

An army like the Principality of Reni must have a magic regiment, so Xiao Longniang does not intend to fight a defensive battle.

If you take the initiative to charge, you will inevitably experience a wave of large-scale spell bombardment before getting close, which will greatly increase unnecessary consumption.

So Irene thought of this method, hiding the army underground, waiting for the enemy to go deep into the ambush range, and then suddenly emerging from the underground and attacking directly.

This way, they could catch the enemy off guard and counter the enemy mage group's range bombing.

Unless they wanted to carry out indiscriminate spell bombing on both armies, they would be bound to be restricted.

The army arranged to ambush underground was as high as 30,000 people.

Among them, 10,000 people were black knights who had already been trained, and the other 20,000 people were conscripted soldiers.

Before conscription, Irene had asked Wangcai to make a rough count. At present, the population of her tribe, excluding the black knights, was about 50,000.

These 20,000 people were the most combat power that could be mobilized, except for the elderly, the weak, women and children.

In a hurry, there was naturally no way to recruit large-scale troops.Transform the Dragonborn and quickly improve the combat effectiveness.

You should know that the so-called transformation of the Dragonborn is to use the highly assimilative dragon blood to forcibly distort the flesh of other creatures and make them approach the life level of the dragon blood owner.

The transformation process is not only very painful, but also extremely dangerous. If you don’t have a strong physique and firm belief to support you, it is very easy to explode and die during the transformation process.

The 10,000 black knights have been selected from the strongest and strongest guys in the tribe for transformation over the years.

Now that the war is approaching, everyone is very nervous. This state is obviously not suitable for transformation. In a hurry, if the transformation is forced, not only will the combat effectiveness of the two black dragons be affected by a large amount of bloodletting, but it is also easy to cause a large number of unnecessary casualties before the war, leading to a decline in morale.

That would be more trouble than gain.


Under the yellow sand, in a not-so-big cave, several orcs crowded together were nervously checking their few equipment.

Tie Niu is one of them.

Through the meager sunlight that came in through the gap above his head, he could barely see the expressions on the faces of several comrades in the dark.

Some were hesitant, some were confused, and some were afraid.

But they all still firmly grasped their weapons in their hands, and silently encouraged themselves with extremely suppressed voices.

"Tie Niu...Are you afraid?"

A subtle voice came from behind. It was the sheep-headed man Dujiao. This guy didn't know what kind of relationship he had found, and was lucky enough to be assigned to the same pit with Tie Niu.

When saying this, Tie Niu could clearly feel that Dujiao, who was leaning against him back to back, was shaking.

This is normal. After all, this is not hunting, this is war. Bleeding is the best result here. They all know that they are likely to die in this war.

But just when Tie Niu was about to comfort his brother, another abrupt voice came from the side.

"What the hell are you saying? You're just a one-horned guy. I look down on you for being like this."

The voice was somewhat neutral, even a little soft. Tie Niu knew who was speaking without even looking.

It was because the voice was too special. Only the skinny gnoll named Muge in their pit could make such a voice.

If it weren't for the fact that this conscription only recruited male orcs, Tie Niu would have thought that the gnoll was a female.

"Who said I was a gnoll!"

The unicorn retorted angrily, but his face turned pale. "I just... I was afraid that Tie Niu would worry about his family, so I wanted to comfort him."

"Then you are really great." The gnoll rolled his eyes in the darkness where no one could see. Although he didn't believe a word, he still opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

After all, once the war started, life and death were uncertain. If he died on the battlefield, he would never have a chance to speak again.

However, before she opened her mouth, the ground began to shake slightly.

Moreover, the amplitude of the vibration is gradually increasing.

An alert half-orc quietly lifted the camouflage covering his head, looked out through the gap, and then immediately retracted, biting his lips tightly.

"Is it coming?" Mu Ge asked.


The half-orc who was investigating nodded fiercely, "It's coming!"


Above the sky, a particularly thick lightning flashed in the dark clouds, and a drop of rain fell from the sky.

Irene opened her hand and just caught the drop of rain.

She looked up, looked at the sky flashing with thunder, and whispered: "Tsk, it's raining again..."


The sky became darker in the deafening thunder.

Just like the endless black shadows in the distance, rolling towards her.


Raindrops fell on the yellow sand. The Iron Bull hiding underneath tightly grasped the tower shield and battle axe in his hands, and a gleam of fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

The war began.

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