Faced with such a surging attack, Irene did not choose to dodge.

This was not only a sign of self-confidence, but also a venting of anger in her heart.

Being cautious does not mean having no temper.

She believed that those followers were her most precious wealth.

They could create endless gold coins for her.

But now she has lost so much because of this guy in front of her...


The spell successfully hit.

The violent explosion, accompanied by the flickering magic turbulence, disrupted all elements of this space.

Then came the second and third waves of attacks.

Amid the harsh sounds of metal cutting, Irene's mood gradually became serious.

The opponent's spell attack was more fierce than she had imagined, and the damage caused was higher than she expected.

Although the armor could not be destroyed in a short period of time, it still caused some setbacks to her.

But that was all.

In her heart, a plan was gradually taking shape.

Robo seized this moment and used a flicker spell to distance himself.

As a smart wizard, he did not think that these spells alone could solve it.

As expected,

the next moment, the magic turbulence was forcibly broken, and a big guy with a metallic luster rushed out.

Its wings were spraying the light of magic, and waves of spells followed around her, and she was casting spells quickly while moving.

The incomparable magic light flashed at this moment, and Robo seemed to hear the roar of magic.

It was not until this moment that he finally saw clearly what kind of monster he was facing.

The first thing that caught his eye was the huge metal wings that were comparable to those of a young or even adult dragon, which flashed with boundless cold light, making people wonder whether they could leave a whole body if they were hit by this pair of metal wings.

Then came the spiral, beautiful horn like a unicorn, and pieces of body structure like dragon scales.

This is simply the ultimate creation of violence and aesthetics.

Is this... really one of the two young dragons rumored in the Ghana forest?

Robo's brain crashed for a moment, but now he had no time to think.

He had been locked by those sharp golden eyes.

Countless spells had already taken shape! Enveloping him in them!

Amid the roaring spells, the great wizard quickly took out a spell scroll, and under the sweep of his mental power, countless spells were fired!

"Swish, swish, swish!!!"

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

The spells collided, exploded, and shattered, as if turning into countless brilliant fireworks.

Even the heavy clouds were forcibly torn apart by it, and the long-lost sunlight sprinkled on this battlefield of iron and blood through the torn gaps.

Sprinkled on the bodies that had already fallen on the battlefield.

The scorching sun, at this moment, could no longer bring even a little warmth to these already withered lives.


The battle continued.

The dark clouds in the sky tried to heal the wound, but were torn apart again and again.

If the battle between Ryan and David was only in the cold weapon era, then the battle between the two wizards at this moment has risen to the level of the hot weapon era.

Flames, venom, and frost continued to explode.

Little Dragon Lady kept trying to get close, trying to crush the opponent into slag with her powerful body.

But Ryan obviously saw through Irene's intention. He was very careful and kept using the flicker spell to pull.

Once there was no time to cast a spell, he would not hesitate to use the precious spell scroll to resist or teleport.

If it were an ordinary wizard, he would definitely not be able to take out so many precious spell scrolls.

Not to mention that he would not be willing to use them so easily.

Most of the scrolls are disposable.

Some poor wizards would like to tear a scroll in half.

The deep family background of the Principality of Reni, which has monopolized the wine market for many years, can be seen at this moment.


Irene once again broke through the dense elemental turbulence produced by the spell explosion, ignoring the damaged armor on her body. The scale-like structure made it possible for the armor to be used even if it was damaged.

Therefore, her flight trajectory was not even affected by the aftermath of the explosion, and she was still locked on the human in front of her.

At the same time, the scale-like structure also facilitated disassembly.

During the high-speed sprint, several scales on the belly of the armor suddenly popped open, revealing a pair of white feet.


Robo looked calm on the surface, but he was already extremely surprised and shocked in his heart.

Not to mention, why would a dragon, a natural magical creature, practice the mage system.

This guy actually put on a set of armor.

It looks likeMagical equipment.

Aren't giant dragons naturally proud of their powerful physique and the dragon language magic given by the dragon heritage, disdain to learn other knowledge, and look down on the magic equipment forged by other races?

How afraid is this black dragon of death?

Luo Bo's inner drama was very rich, but on the outside he still stared at the black dragon in front of him very cautiously.

The next moment the opponent was about to approach, he once again released spells that had already been charged up.

"Lava Blast"

"Frost Storm"


"Elemental Missile"


After releasing all this, Robbo turned his head slightly and looked at the battlefield where the other black dragon and Renn were.

The flying dragon that was stabbed in the anus was obviously not in good condition. Many times, Ren was about to hit Davier, but failed because of the twitching of the flying dragon. This resulted in several wounds on the flying dragon's body, and Ren's armor was even corroded by acid. There were potholes.

Robbo narrowed his eyes.

Why didn't he understand that the guy in front of him was trying to hold him back?

Once Renn loses, he will face two black dragons whose combat power exceeds that of ordinary young dragons.

Although Luo Bo is very confident in his own strength, it does not mean that he is proud or stupid.

If he continues to delay, he will definitely lose against the two dragons.

"Cunning guy."

Luo Bo thought so in his heart.

His hand quietly touched the storage ring and took out a spell scroll.

There was a very painful look on his face.

At this time, Spell collided with the steel black dragon.

The majestic energy and elements were flowing freely, and the five-color stream of light blocked everything.

Seizing this opportunity, Luo Bo suddenly opened the scroll and murmured in a low voice:

——Legendary Spell Scroll·Starfire

This was one of the few treasures passed down from his grandfather. It could release a legendary-level blow. It had been kept as a national-level combat power. Now that it was used, it was naturally extremely painful.

If it wasn't an emergency, he wouldn't use it.

"I hope the whole body can be preserved."

After activating the scroll, Luo Bo was waiting for the opponent to fall while thinking about the gains and losses.

In his opinion, the opponent was sprinting at such a speed that he must not be able to dodge the blow, and the outcome was already determined.

At this moment, Erin finally realized what a legend was.

A burst of invisible ripples spread to the surroundings, which were the unique domain rules of legend.

At the same time, an unparalleled powerful spell wave burst out, and the majestic energy distorted the space.

What followed was the sudden formation of legendary magic.

Infinite flames mixed with sunlight spurted out from the scroll, and even the air was ignited.

This is a powerful offensive that can wipe out tens of millions of people.

The colorful stream of light produced by the spell explosion was instantly ignited and dispersed, revealing the huge black thing inside.

At such a close distance, it was too late to escape.

Driven by inertia, the armored dragon was overwhelmed by the sparks.

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent explosion.


The roar of the spell resounded throughout the world, space, and magic fell into a brief state of chaos at this moment.

Even the perception of magic power is interfered with at this moment.

Luo Bo quickly put up a shield to block the incoming light and heat.

But as soon as his shield held up for a moment, fine lines cracked.

Obviously, Robo, who used this scroll for the first time, underestimated the power of the legendary magic scroll.


With a shattering sound, the shield shattered into slag, and flames came towards him. Under the intrusion of the chaotic fire element, Robo couldn't even cast spells normally, and could only let the powerful impact force him to fly backwards.

The life-saving equipment on his body shone brightly at this moment, barely protecting him from being burnt to a crisp by the violent fire element.

"Tsk, it's so powerful."

In the process of flying upside down, Luo Bo thought in his heart.

Although he was a little embarrassed, he at least solved the target, so he didn't feel much sense of urgency in his heart, but felt a little relaxed.

He has a deep yearning for the realm of legend.

But at this moment, the flames in front of him were suddenly dispersed.

A face appeared before my eyes.

It was Eileen in human form.


Doubts just arose in Luo Bo's heart. The next second, when he recognized the face in front of him, the doubts turned into a strong sense of horror.

How can this be!

She withstood the legendary blow and survived?

For the first time, Robbo felt a strong sense of fear in his heart, so much so that he hesitated for a moment.

At this moment, Eileen seized the opportunity, and her small hands suddenly turned into sharp dragon claws.Grabbed Robo's neck.

This golden-rank mage was approached!

Then, the two fell from the sky like meteorites.


Under the powerful acceleration, it caused a violent impact on the ground.

Under the wailing of the earth and rocks, some guys with sensitive hearing couldn't help but cover their ears.

The ground collapsed into a big pit, and a happy dragon roar came from the diffuse smoke.

"I caught you, bug."

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