Along with this voice, the steel debris burning with flames fell.

That was the product of the explosion of the dragon-type power armor.

These things fell from the sky with rain, like meteorite fragments, which inevitably caused a commotion.

At the same time, the rain also washed away the smoke and dust.

Two figures appeared in the deep pit created by the falling from the sky.

Robo was in a very embarrassed state at this time. Not only was his robe stained with a lot of dirt, but his neck was also clamped tightly by a dragon claw covered with black scales, like a chicken, being lifted in the air.

His wide-open eyes were full of bloodshot, and he no longer had the aristocratic temperament.

In fact, if it weren't for the magic equipment on his body that played a role at the last moment, with his weak body, he would have been a pile of mud after falling from such a height.

In comparison, Irene looked a little better.

In her human form, only the dragon scales that should have been hidden under her skin were exposed on her face, and there were obvious burn marks on the dragon wings and tail behind her.

This was thanks to her evacuation from the armor in advance.

Otherwise, she would have been crippled if not dead.

In fact, Irene herself had not expected the current situation.

Originally, she just wanted to use the elemental turbulence generated in the battle to escape, use the armor to attract the opponent's attention, and attack by surprise.

Unexpectedly, she tricked a big one directly.

This made Irene feel scared.

This was the second time she had fallen into such a dangerous situation in all these years.

Recalling the last time she encountered such a dangerous situation, it was when she met that group of stupid adventurers in the Ghana Forest.

But on the surface, she still looked calm.

Staring at the guy in front of her with a fierce look, she said, "It's over, Master Mage."

Then, she exerted force on her hand and was about to break the opponent's neck.

The intense feeling of suffocation spread throughout his brain in an instant, and Rob's face became extremely ugly. He wanted to struggle, but at such a close distance, coupled with being strangled by the neck, he had no chance to cast a spell to escape.

Even the magic equipment on his body was damaged just now.

He could only kick his legs weakly while raising his sore arms and tightly grasping the opponent's dragon claws.

"I surrender!"

When he was dying, the great magician seemed to have not yet recognized the reality. Although he was a little embarrassed, he did not look very nervous. His trachea could no longer function normally, so he naturally could not speak normally, and could only use mental power to communicate.

"My father is Duke Edriman, the master of the Principality of Reni. As long as you don't kill me, he will pay a ransom that will satisfy you."


Hearing this message, Irene's golden eyes showed a hint of sarcasm, and the strength in her hands did not relax even a little, and a playful look appeared on her face.

In this fantasy world similar to the Middle Ages, when human principalities start a war, they usually do not kill the other side's high-level officials, but keep them and wait for the other side's allies or other forces behind them to pay enough ransom before letting them go.

This trick is also very applicable to the greedy five-colored evil dragons.

Otherwise, there would not be so many stories and legends about evil dragons catching princesses.

Then I heard the little dragon girl say in a mocking tone: "Your conditions are very tempting."


Erin's tone changed. "I'm not interested."

"You can't kill me!"

Listening to the cracking sound coming from his neck, Robo, whose eyes were already a little black, finally showed an anxious look. He keenly noticed the undisguised murderous intent in Erin's tone. "If you kill me, the human countries will not let you go. You don't know what you are facing! You are courting death..."


Erin narrowed her eyes and exerted force with her claws.

Rob wanted to say something, but he had no chance. His eyes widened and then bulged outward, as if they were about to be squeezed out. The veins on his neck bulged, and his legs twitched and stretched straight.

He was obviously dead.


The fire element in the air was mobilized, gathered into a small flame, and ignited the still warm corpse.

Even under the heavy rain, the flames still jumped higher and higher, and it seemed that the corpse was completely covered, and there was no possibility of resurrection.

"I'll wait."

After saying the second half of the sentence, Irene loosened her claws and let the burning corpse fall to the ground powerlessly, and quickly turned into ashes in the flames.

Some human soldiers who were closer witnessed this scene, and their eyes were completely filled with fear. Before they could wail, a scream that pierced the sky penetrated their ears.

Raising their heads,It was seen that of the two dragons that were originally fighting, only one was left, wearing black pants and flashing colorful light, and the other flying dragon, one of its wings was torn off roughly, and it was falling from the sky with half a crossbow arrow.

Before the flying dragon landed, a group of big guys equipped with black armor gathered, and behind them were incomplete wolf corpses.

Facing such a situation, any normal person would know that the outcome was already determined.

Those human soldiers finally could no longer resist the fear in their hearts. Some directly dropped their weapons and shouted loudly to surrender, while others chose to run away.

Not only them, but even the mage group and priest group originally in the rear had chosen to evacuate from the bottom of their hearts when Robo was defeated.

They were all hired, and it can only be said that they were paid to do things. Now that the overall situation has been determined, they will naturally not choose to wait for death in the same place.

The only ones left were probably the loyal wolf riders, but they couldn't change the situation.

The orcs and half-orcs were roaring, crying, and chasing bravely.

After paying the price of countless blood and the lives of their compatriots, they finally won.

Faster than them was Irene.

The body of this vengeful little black dragon swelled up, revealing its true form, spreading its huge dragon wings and tearing through the rain curtain at a very fast speed.

After catching up with the deserters, it used violent acid breath and a large amount of magic bombardment to slaughter almost all the mages and priests.

As for those human soldiers.

She didn't move, and even called back the pursuing army.

Just let them wail and flee from this cursed land.

Doing this was naturally not out of kindness.

These soldiers were no longer a threat, and killing them was just a waste of magic power.

What Irene wanted was for them to bring back the news of the defeat.

In this battle, both her and David's dragons appeared openly.

The Principality of Reni announced the declaration of war with great fanfare before the war. Even if all the enemies were killed, it was difficult to guarantee that no one would use some special means to notice the situation here.

It is easy for some people with ulterior motives to have thoughts that they should not have.

And once these defeated soldiers bring the news of defeat back.

Being able to kill two gold-level and one principality's army, this combat power is enough to make human countries wary when the legend cannot be deployed.

It can also make some greedy guys calm down.


But when those soldiers who escaped by chance ran all the way, went through the tunnel after untold hardships, and returned to the Principality of Reni under the surprised or contemptuous eyes of the dwarves.

What they saw was... a blazing fire.

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