It is the Principality of Reni that is burning.



A war has also broken out. has already fallen.

From afar, outside the city on the edge, countless green-skinned dwarves holding simple weapons, wearing tattered animal skins or simply naked, are rushing into the burning city one after another.

They are the lowest and dirtiest fantasy creatures - goblins.

Behind them are ogres with heads over three meters tall, holding small trees broken in half as weapons.

Most of these big guys have two heads, and what is even more peculiar is that each of their heads has only one eye.

Whenever a goblin retreats and wants to escape, he will be caught back by these big guys with his palms as big as a palm fan.

Put it in your mouth...

Then there will be a series of creepy crunching sounds.

It's like eating fried beans.

In addition, following closely behind the Goblin Cannon Fodder Group and the Ogre Suicide Squad are all kinds of magical beasts and evil intelligent races.

Among them are wombats, scorpion tail lions, and even slimes...

All of them are indigenous people of the Ghanaian forest.

They may have been enemies or natural enemies, but at this moment they are united together.

In the blazing flames, there are wailing and roaring.

That is the living force of the Principality of Reni struggling to resist.

This scene makes these human soldiers who have returned from the battlefield feel unreal.

It is as if they have never left the battlefield.

Some people saw this scene and even pinched themselves hard, but the pain that came immediately made them wail.

It was not because the pinching was too painful, but because of the sadness of the destruction of their homes.

The instigator of all this was now lying on the tallest building in the capital of the Principality of Reni, stretching out his huge black wings that covered half of the capital, and making an oppressive dragon roar.


In the galloping thunder snake, the thick black fog had enveloped the capital city of the principality at some point.

Under the illumination of the lightning, it was barely visible that this huge creature was a dragon.

Judging from its size, it was at least an adult dragon.

If Irene and David were here, they would be surprised to find that this was their mother, the black dragon Silvery.

Looking at the followers who were busy carrying various treasures and magic items out of the royal treasury in boxes under the shadow of his wings, Silvery's golden eyes narrowed into crescents and he let out a low laugh.

Just now, under her coercion, the last high-end combat force of this principality, Duke Edriman, has hurriedly used the teleportation scroll to escape.

In other words.

This principality has changed hands here.

Retracting her gaze, Silvili looked in a direction shrouded in fog.

That was the direction of the God-Forsaken Land.

When the Principality of Reni declared war on the God-Forsaken Land, she had the intention to invade this country.

Not for anything else, just to stretch her muscles.

By the way, ask for some compensation from those guys who disturbed her sleep.

The progress was naturally very smooth.

The empty principality was easily broken by her.

But she didn't expect that according to the information sent back by the followers, the new force in the God-Forsaken Land was actually established by the two dragon cubs she drove out a few years ago.

This naturally surprised the Dragon Mother.

"You have given me a great gift."

After moving her neck, Sylvieli looked to the other side, and the kindness in her eyes immediately turned into vigilance and fierceness.

Over there, an extremely strong pressure was coming quickly.

In just a moment.

The black smoke that enveloped the entire capital of the Principality of Reni was forcibly torn open a gap, and a figure crashed in like a meteorite.

With a "bang", a big pit was smashed on the ground, and several unfortunate ogres were killed on the spot.

"Oh, isn't this the Valkyrie Tracy of the Rose Empire?"

It was Dragon Mother Sylvieli who spoke first.

"What, did you get lost while walking?"

She lowered her neck with contempt, and a strong sense of oppression swept towards the uninvited guest.

Countless black dragon followers who were originally carrying treasures seemed to be hit by a mountain at this moment, their legs softened, and they knelt directly on the ground.

This was just the aftermath of Long Wei.

In the pit where the ground collapsed, the smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the real person that Long Wei had locked onto.

This was a woman who was fully armed and carrying a long sword. Her blonde hair was particularly eye-catching at this moment.

The legendary warrior named Tracy slowly stood up, walked out of the deep pit, and pulled out the gun on his back with one hand.The long sword behind her, her eyes were fixed on the black dragon.

She looked calm and composed.

The dragon's might seemed to have no effect on her.

"Hua La La -"

The skirt armor made a crisp sound as she moved, accompanied by a cold voice.

"Evil dragon, you have crossed the line."

Then Tracy raised the long sword in her hand, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the dragon mother, Silvery.

As soon as the words fell, a tyrannical force close to the rules spread out from the tip of the sword. All the black fog covered by this force was like ice and snow encountering a blazing flame.

It quickly melted away.


The dark clouds dispersed.

The war was over.

When the golden warrior Ryan was beaten to death by a group of people, it was completely over.

And those loyal wolf cavalry were all wiped out.

They did not surrender until their death, and fought to the last moment.

Unfortunately, facing the siege of two black dragons, it was just a mantis trying to stop a chariot.


"Your Majesty."

Wangcai, wearing power armor, strode over and looked at the little dragon girl who was standing on the battlefield, wondering what she was thinking.

The broadsword behind him had been broken into two pieces, and the armor on his body had a lot of battle damage. In addition to sadness, there was a hint of joy that was difficult to conceal on his dog face.

For this old dog-headed man, this battle was undoubtedly brilliant. Before, he didn't even think he could win. The long-term oppressed thought made Wangcai ready to be defeated and slaughtered. Now that he won, he was naturally very excited.

"How is it? Have you counted the casualties?" Irene put her hands in her pockets and glanced at the orcs and half-orcs who were cleaning the battlefield and treating the wounded.

"The statistics are almost out." Wangcai's face returned to seriousness, and he put away the trace of joy, and said in a somewhat heavy tone:

"In this battle, the loss of ordinary orcs and half-orc soldiers is about one-third, the loss of black knights is more than 1,700, and the loss of the imperial guards is eleven."

"As for the wounded... almost all of them are injured..."

"Well..." Irene nodded, and her eyes swept across the entire battlefield.

She paused for a moment on David, who was whipping the dragon crazily, and then moved away.

The sound of the wind came into her ears with a wailing sound. The little dragon lady secretly swore in her heart that she would make the other party pay the price.

Even if the other party's losses were greater than hers.


"Iron Bull!"

In a corner of the battlefield, the sheep-headed man Dujiao knelt on the ground, looking at the minotaur in front of him who was no different from charcoal, and stretched out his hand somewhat at a loss.

Beside him, the gnoll Muge supported himself with his spear station, silently looking at the frost wolf lying on the side, whose shape could no longer be seen.

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