Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

905. The labor and management just closed the fire, but did not turn it off

.. this word is no problem, it is indeed written by the big name, but... the 50 billion written on it does not indicate that it is cash, and Golden Lion, you are also aware that apart from your country of wind, it should be There is no country that can take it out at one time, even the country of wind needs to use gold sand instead. 99

Tumu said slowly after looking at the words for a long time, his eyes turning around for a few times.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Shinto raised his eyebrows. The brains of smart people turn fast. Although the intelligence of this civil engineer is not as high as the big head of Azabu and Nara, he is also a rare person in the ninja world, up to ninety-five. The country can't get 50 billion, and he's making a fuss here to make Ohnogi ashamed. Who let this old Yin beat him in the face before. If they Sand Shinobi and Konoha once or twice, Cloud Shinobi will crash into a car. Forbearance, but this old yin bit made them Sand Shinobi crashed with Konoha and Cloud Shinobi, so that in this joint Chūnin exam, their Sand Shinobi took two tea eggs, and their record was better than that of Kusanagi. The village is not as good as it is, it would be a good temper for him to not let Oh Yemu lose face again.

The labor and management just closed the fire, but did not put it out!

"Since the big name has lost the bet, of course we will recognize it, but our land country does not have so much cash, so it's better... We can replace it with the same amount of jade 520 stones, and now the price of jade continues to rise, I want to come to Golden Lion Your Excellency, you are not at a loss, what do you think?"

Toki pondered for a few seconds and said to Shinto.

To be honest, he wouldn't even want to give jade if he could. Now is a peaceful age. Those aristocratic grandfathers and literati and pranksters like this thing. There has been no war in these years, and the price of this thing is getting higher and higher. If there is no large-scale team battle yet, this price will continue to soar, which is a huge wealth!

But it's all for the sake of it, and they are so stupid than the big name, and there are so many big names present, you can't even admit it.

"Cultural people's brains just turn fast... You said that for the sake of it, since everyone has known each other for decades, I have to give you this face, but I plan to use this money to compensate the country of fire. I don't have a problem with the daimyo, I just don't know if the daimyo of the Land of Fire agrees with me.....

Oh Yemu's face has been lost this time, and it's not a solution to keep making trouble like this. Although it's a pity not to see Oh Yemu's face being beaten (cjbc) and swollen, but he can't really do it with Oh Yemu here. The chassis, if this is done here, the old Yinbi Oh Yemu is also a violent temper, and he has to start a war. Now that the three wars have passed, it has been a few years since Miss Kaguya was released. What accident caused him to fail the final big BOSS plot, didn't he lose the face of his peers?

As for those messy jade stones, he doesn't like them either. It's just a pile of rotten stones. The price is not as strong as their Sand Shinobi's gold sand. Winning these big names before is considered a little money. It's better to go with the flow Throw this mess to the daimyo of the land of fire.

What Shinto said, including Ohnogi, all the people with the name of the rock, all looked at the daimyo of the land of fire, who was covered in cold sweat and feet, as if he had just been trampled on for a round, especially Ohnogi's black and purple The nose and eyes, although not expressed, are clearly full of warnings.

"I... I'm fine. If your country is in trouble, I'll take it slowly. That's it."

Being stared at by such a group of murderous Rock Shinobi, especially Ohnogi's eyes that want to eat people, who has been eating, drinking, prostituting, gambling, gambling, and wasting his time for many years, how can the big name of the country of fire be able to withstand, Ohnogi's small body is like a Like a flood of beasts, this place is still the land of other people, and there is no White Fang and Hokage covering it. He wanted to leave when Golden Lion and Oh Yemu were fighting each other. Although the five billion is very tempting, compared with Xiaoming, He doesn't want to give him 500 billion, and he doesn't lack the money anyway.

Now what he wants most is to quickly solve this matter and return to the land of fire. He will never come to the land of the land in his life, especially the base camp of these ninjas, who will shout and kill at every turn, the danger of Tete Meow, now Thinking of the little white light that appeared on Oh Yemu's hand just now, his heart was still cold, how dare he push too hard.

"Since the big name of the country of fire has agreed, then we will make up for this account one after another. I wonder what Your Excellency Golden Lion thinks?"

The reaction of the fire country daimyo was also expected by Toki, and after hearing what he said, Toki turned his head and asked Shinto.

"Since all the names of the Fire Nation have agreed, I naturally have no objection. Hey! Brother Tu Mu, it's tiring to be the younger brother of this kind of boss, isn't it?

Shinto put his arms around Tsuki's neck and expressed his sympathy.

"Ahem... Lord Golden Lion is a joke. 35

Tu Mu was so frightened by his words that he broke into a cold sweat. This kind of words must not be continued. Otherwise, one night, he would really encounter a masked dwarf. In the past two years, those high-level executives disappeared for no reason for no reason.

"Damn it bastard... hum! Let's go!"

Of course, Oh Yemu wouldn't be irritated by this bastard's words, but seeing this bastard hooking up with his head and horse in front of him, his mind was like eating shit. If he didn't want to have trouble outside the festival, he would really be like this bastard. The eggs were beaten to death.

"Cut! I'm still so fiery at an age! No wonder that nose can't be cured all the time. Since everyone's accounts have been settled, I won't bother you to continue to be dashing, Shayo...!

Shinto used Observation Haki's "whisper" rant against Ohnogi's short back as far as possible to make everyone hear it, and then waved his hands to these famous names with a smile, his disciples and those younger brothers are still waiting for him to go back, what the hell is here It was Onogi's turf who knew if there would be any mysterious dwarf interception on the way, and Onogi was more slippery than Senju's second master about the dark under the lights, so he didn't feel relieved to let them go back by themselves.

"This bastard bastard...(^x)"

"At the same time, the noble grandfathers of the Daming House, let them re-elect a big name, and this idiot will deal with it more cleanly."

Onomu, who had just left the house, heard the bastard's "whispering" and paused, then he gritted his teeth as if he couldn't hear him and continued to float forward with his younger brother. After leaving the private room, Onomu gritted his teeth and said to Tumu.

For the first time in decades, he was pointed at his nose and sprayed in his own land. It was all because of this idiot's name, who had no money and pretended to be a high-roller! (♥~▼x).

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