Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

906. Uchiha Fugaku was born at an untimely time

The Ninja world's first joint Chūnin exam ended a month later.

However, the influence of this joint Chūnin exam has continued. Among them, the MVP of the Chūnin exam, Uchiha Itachi, the young patriarch of the Uchiha clan, set off a small whirlwind in the ninja world. There is a bonus, plus he has evolved to Sangouyu at the age of eleven and less than twelve years old, and his good looks and unique talents have made him stand out in this joint Chūnin exam. It has attracted a large wave of female fans, which is even more violent than Uchiha Shisui two years ago.

Now the ninja world is talking about Konoha Uchiha wherever he goes, a young patriarch with explosive talent.

Uchiha Shisui has been immersed in it since he took office two years ago. It means that it may not be good after a little time, but this Uchiha Itachi's performance in the Chūnin exam is obvious to all. The Three Tomoe Sharingan is paired with Nao's illusions. Except for the first duel, he showed more performances. After that, he didn't make any shots. He stared at the end of the battle. vigorously sought after.

In fact, apart from Uchiha Itachi this time, whether it is Cloud Shinobi's black Lightning Style who inherited Third Raikage's Black Lightning Style, and the Lan Dun boy who has the blood of Lan Dun's blood following the limit, and Oh Yemu's palm that can grow a mouth, it is suspected to be the yellow hair of the youngest son of Golden Lion. The little ghosts are very strong, especially the yellow-haired disciple of Onomu, who also looks like a pair of fresh meat. He will ride a big bird and fly around at a young age.

However, with such a strong momentum of Uchiha Itachi, no one really paid much attention to the yellow-haired disciple of Lan Dun and Onogi who would ride a big bird at a young age. Most people's topics are inseparable from Uchiha. patriarch.

However, this joint Chūnin exam is a joy and a worry.

One of the most worrying is the Hiruzen, Sarutobi, the CEO of Konoha Village.

Although he failed to hit Ohnogi in the face, but he was able to make Ohyogi not lead the genius disciple out of the stinky, his goal was barely achieved, although it was a bit regrettable, but this time Uchiha Itachi was sent to participate in this joint Chūnin exam. He can still accept the ending. Although their Konoha lineup has declined in recent years, Uchiha Itachi's stunning performance can also shock some surrounding villages.

But he didn't think that the popularity of Uchiha Itachi would be so prosperous. After going out for two months and returning to the ninja world, the popularity in the ninja world has almost caught up with the superstar status, and now it was originally because of the sudden rise of Uchiha Shisui two years ago. It caused the Uchiha family's heart to float, and they have been quite restless in the past two years. Now Uchiha Itachi's redness has caught him by surprise. He has been trying his best to promote peaceful coexistence between Uchiha and the village. After all, he is one of the founding families of Konoha. He has been the core of Konoha's combat power for many years, and he really does not want to see the village and Uchiha take the last step.

Over the years, he did not know how many complaints he received about the things the Uchiha family had done in the village, but when was it not because of Uchiha's past contributions that he turned a blind eye and endured it, but now it is because of Uchiha Itachi's work. With a sudden rise, the Uchiha family is now completely unstoppable.

Now he really regrets letting Uchiha Itachi show his face. If he knew that Ohnogi was such an idiot that he would crash with Tianke's Cloud Shinobi boy at the beginning of the game, he might as well be as low-key as Sand Shinobi and send a few boys casually. Let's go make soy sauce, and there won't be so many forced things happening like now.


Every time I think of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen slaps his old face, making Anbu, who is standing guard in the dark, bewildered. Master Hokage died and his wife became so angry after a few years?

Some smart Anbu has already started to think about whether there is a dead husband or an unmarried aunt or aunt in his family. Maybe he can introduce him to Lord Hokage to form a soul mate.

"Hiruzen, since Uchiha Itachi came back, the movement of the Uchiha clan has been getting bigger and bigger. Although Uchiha Fugaku is still calm, he won't be calm for long regardless of my opinion. 35

Utatane Koharu behind Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

In good conscience, Uchiha Fugaku is the most qualified patriarch among the generations of Uchiha clan since Uchiha became Madara. According to the patriarch, it is really possible for the village to coexist peacefully with the Uchiha clan.

When the First Generation died, it was also Uchiha's most prosperous period. Because Uchiha Fugaku was the patriarch who was promoted by his clan, he couldn't stand the bewitchment of his clan. Taking advantage of Shodai's death, he took the lead in attacking their teacher. They were used by their Second Generation teacher to use the security department to ruthlessly cheat.

........... ask for flowers...

If the patriarch at that time was this right-brained Uchiha Fugaku, it's really hard to say what the result would be.

These years since Uchiha Fugaku became the Uchiha patriarch, they have been conscientious and diligent, and they are obvious to all. However, his lineage of the patriarch is not the orthodox line of the uncle. Hokage, but it is not orthodox after all, and its strength is not as invincible as Madara, and it is impossible to suppress those clansmen with extreme thoughts.


Now because of the rise of the genius son, it is even more unable to suppress the inner turmoil of the clansmen.

".... Hiruzen, Dang Duan is constantly fighting against the chaos, and now there is no sign of war in the villages, let's do it.

After Utatane Koharu finished speaking, the literate Mitokado Homura said with a solemn expression, this time he did not accept the big gift package from his friend Danzo, but really started from the interests of the village. Uchiha has always been the core of their Konoha's combat power. It is an exaggeration to say that without Uchiha, their Konoha's fighting power would have dropped by at least one third. Although the Uchiha family is very proud and unpopular with the villagers, their fighting power is really solid. Although the Hyuga family has been in Sarutobi Hiruzen these years. With the support of Uchiha, it competes with Uchiha for the No. 1 giant in Konoha, but after all, it is only a little competitive. Although Baiyan is powerful and even called the three major pupils with Sharingan, its performance is single, and its comprehensive combat power is really inferior to that of Uchiha's group of red eyes. , In particular, pink eye can eventually evolve into Mangekyō, they are people who have experienced the era of Madara, but they have seen how dazzling Madara's eyes are.

Nine Tails are big monsters in their eyes, but in the eyes of Madara, they are just petty pets.

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