"Itachi, after returning from this battlefield, you seem to have become a different person!"

Uchiha Manye took away his hand on Itachi's shoulder, looked at Itachi's lifeless eyes, and said in a very complicated tone.

He really couldn't understand his elder brother's magical train of thought.

Even a teenager like him was determined not to go to the battlefield, but he took his almost five-year-old son to the battlefield to experience it. What do you want a five-year-old child to understand on the battlefield?

Uchiha Manye guessed that his elder brother just wanted Itachi to know that his stable life in Konoha was obtained by the disappearance of these fresh lives.

He wanted Itachi to realize how hard it was for him to have everything he had now, and to train himself harder. Uchiha Manye did not agree with Uchiha Fuqiu's way of education.

"Uncle! What is war?"

After hearing what Uchiha Itachi Manye said, his eyes gradually became bright.

He asked with hope on his face.

When Uchiha Itachi was on the battlefield, he met a dying enemy ninja.

The ninja kept saying in a barely audible tone that he needed water.

After Uchiha Itachi poured the water into him, he said thank you to Uchiha Itachi without seeing the person clearly.

But when he opened his eyes and saw Uchiha Fugaku beside Uchiha Itachi, he immediately pulled out his kunai without hesitation and swung it at Uchiha Itachi.

Itachi also subconsciously pulled out his kunai.

He blew his kunai and killed the ninja who just thanked him.

At that time, Uchiha Itachi asked his father why that man suddenly wanted to kill him when he had done nothing.

But Uchiha Fugaku told him that it was a war.

It was not a war between people, but a war between countries.

Uchiha Itachi wanted to know what war was.

Why did two people who didn't know each other fight like mortal enemies when they met ? Facing this uncle whom he respected since childhood, Uchiha Itachi asked out his questions without reservation.

"War? Itachi, you are really different!"

After hearing Itachi's question, Uchiha Manye couldn't help but sigh.

Then he looked at Uchiha Itachi with interest and continued

"War may look different to everyone."

"Let me tell you my personal understanding of war!"


Uchiha Itachi nodded gently.

"In my opinion, war is a dirty game!"

Uchiha Manye said calmly.

"Game? Why is war a game?"

Uchiha Itachi was shocked when he heard Manye's answer and asked hurriedly.

Uchiha's understanding of games is that they are just activities for people to kill time in their spare time. Uchiha Itachi had almost no contact with this kind of thing since he was a child.

"Yes, war is a dirty game"

"The rulers of major countries are the players of this game!"

"The ninjas fighting each other are all tools needed to win in the game.

Uchiha Manye continued to reply.

"Uncle, why do you compare war to a game?"

Uchiha Itachi thought about it for a while, but he couldn't figure it out.

He asked Manye again.

Uchiha Itachi wanted to know why Manye concluded that war was a game.

"Hehe, Itachi, do you know why wars break out between countries?"

Uchiha Manye chuckled twice.

He did not answer Uchiha Itachi.

Instead, he asked him:

"I don't know!"

Uchiha Itachi thought for a while and gave the answer.

"Itachi! So far, there have been three Ninja World Wars."

"There is only one reason why the ninja world launched three wars, and that is greed!"


Uchiha Itachi asked in a confused tone with a hint of surprise.

"That's right, it was greed. When the First Ninja World War broke out"

"It's all because Konoha lost the first generation of the God of Ninja"

"It also possesses enormous resources, and all the major countries are jealous, so they all launched an attack on Konoha!"

"The Second Ninja World War was also like this. The Rain Country was unwilling to be relegated to a small country, so it launched wars against the Iron Country, the Fire Country, and the Wind Country to compete for resources."

"The same is true for the third war. The Lightning Nation took the lead in launching a sneak attack on the Wind Nation, where the Wind Shadow disappeared, and looted a lot of resources."

"Then the Land of Lightning declared war on the Land of Rock and the Land of Fire. The Land of Water, which had been watching the show, joined the war after seeing the major powers fighting each other, wanting to get a piece of the pie. This caused the ninja world to become a mess."

After hearing this, Uchiha Itachi thought for a moment and immediately asked Uchiha Manye:

"Uncle, can they not survive without these resources? Otherwise, why would they start a war at the cost of the lives of ninjas?"

Uchiha Itachi was very sure that

Manye would not deceive him with such a thing.

That's why Uchiha Itachi thought that the resources of the major countries were extremely scarce.

If they didn't start a war, the people in their own country would starve to death.

Otherwise, why would each country be willing to sacrifice the lives of countless soldiers and madly plunder the resources of other countries ?

"Itachi, you are already very good to think of this! But you guessed wrong this time. The resources of the five countries have always been sufficient, and the residents are far from starving to death!"

Uchiha Manye first praised Itachi.

Then he denied his answer.

"Why are they fighting like this?"

After hearing Manye's explanation, Uchiha Itachi became even more confused.

He asked anxiously.

"Itachi! Did you know? The former Rain Country was actually an insignificant village in the Ninja World. There was no national organization! The residents were caught in the cracks of the major countries fighting and couldn't even get enough food!"

"At that time, the Rain Country was called Rain Village, and all people wanted was to have enough food."

"This was originally a difficult wish for the Rain Village, but it was all realized by a man named Salamander Hanzo."

"The Rain Village, with the extremely powerful Hanzo of the Salamander, quickly annexed the surrounding ninja villages and quickly became the Rain Country, second only to the Five Great Countries!"

"At that time, all the residents of the Rain Country had enough food to eat, but after that, the Rain Country still launched a war against the major ninja villages, which eventually led to heavy losses in its own country."

"Itachi! Why did they start the war at that time?"

Uchiha Manye stopped talking here and asked Itachi again.

"I don't know!"

Uchiha Itachi answered directly.

He really couldn't imagine that the Rain Country had already realized their wishes and filled their stomachs.

Why would they sacrifice countless lives to plunder the resources of other countries ?

"Weasel! Because people's stomachs can never be filled!"

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