"A person will never think that he has too much food!"

"No one would think his house is too big!"

Uchiha Manye used his hands to gesture to Itachi.

He said calmly

"When he has a small house! He will want a big house!"

"When he has a big house, he wants a big plot of land!"

"They will try every possible means!"

"Including extremely vicious and ruthless methods and methods full of benevolence and morality!"

"Come and plunder all resources!"

Uchiha Manye stared at Uchiha Itachi's eyes and said confidently.

Uchiha Itachi was stunned when he heard Manye's words.

He was stunned for a while and said in confusion

"Uncle, how could they be like this?"

Itachi Uchiha didn't understand.

In the values instilled in him by adults, he should share all his toys with his friends and help those in need. It's the truth that you can't chew too much.

It's clearly what the adults told him.

But why can't he do it? Although Itachi didn't understand what Uchiha Manye said , but out of respect for Manye, Uchiha Itachi still thought for a long time.

"Itachi! Human desires are like rolling stones on a mountain. Once they start, they can never be stopped!"

Uchiha Manye shook his head gently.

He said in a strong voice.

"Ah! Why is this happening? We all know that you can't chew too much!"

Itachi Uchiha was still puzzled.

He asked again.

"People have all kinds of natures. Greed is just one of them!"

"Itachi, have you ever seen a child who is unwilling to share his/her life with others?"

After saying this mysteriously, Uchiha Manye asked Uchiha Itachi again.


Uchiha Itachi was silent.

He had indeed seen many children who were unwilling to share with others.

And there were quite a few of them.

Some children would even take advantage of their strong bodies to snatch toys from children who were thinner than them.

This was indeed as Uchiha Manye said.


Uchiha Itachi seemed to want to speak, but his voice became smaller and smaller.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi was obviously unable to answer this question.

"Weasel, the biggest difference between humans and beasts is that humans can think, are rational, and can restrain their own nature!"

"Although greed is one of the biggest human natures, it is not unavoidable!"

"But such people are almost unique in the world!"

"Itachi! You may become such a person in the future!"

Uchiha Manye held Uchiha Itachi's hands gently.

He looked into his bright black eyes and said seriously.

Knowing what Uchiha Itachi would do in the future, Uchiha Manye was sure that Itachi could become such a person.

""Eh? I...can I?"

Uchiha Itachi pointed at himself in surprise after hearing Manye's words.

He said in disbelief.

"Well! If it's Itachi, there shouldn't be any problem!"

Uchiha Manye released the hands that were holding Uchiha Itachi.

He said affirmatively

"Are you such a person, uncle?"

Uchiha Itachi looked at Manye and asked with a look of joy.


After hearing what Itachi said, Uchiha Manye smiled softly and did not respond.

I probably can't do this yet!

Uchiha Manye secretly gave his doctor a call in his heart.

Uchiha Itachi looked at Manye thoughtfully without answering.

The two of them were silent for a while.

The scene fell silent for a while.

"By the way, uncle, can I ask you one more thing?"

Itachi Uchiha suddenly broke the silence again.

He asked Manye with anticipation.

"Well, Itachi, go ahead and say it!"

Uchiha Manye nodded.

"Uncle, is life really meaningless?"

Uchiha Itachi asked cautiously.

Some time ago, when Itachi was on the battlefield and mourning for the dead ninjas, he met Orochimaru.

At that time, Orochimaru saw Uchiha Itachi mourning for the dead and said that mourning for the dead was meaningless.

If death had a meaning, it would only exist when he could use it.

At that time, Uchiha Itachi asked him what the meaning of life was.

But Orochimaru told him that life had no meaning.

This sentence came from the mouth of the famous three ninjas, which shocked Uchiha Itachi.

During this period, Itachi had been thinking about whether life had meaning. But he could not get any answer.

Even a terrible thought arose in his mind.

Anyway, life is meaningless.

It is better to die directly and end his life that has been destined.

That's why Uchiha Itachi has been so listless these days.

But now his uncle's words have solved a knot in his heart that he couldn't untie for a long time.

He urgently wants to know what his uncle's understanding of life is.

But Uchiha Itachi is also afraid.

Afraid that his uncle will also say that life is meaningless.

In that case, he might as well......


Uchiha Manye chuckled twice

"Itachi, someone once told me that the falling of leaves is like the death of a person."

Uchiha Manye picked up a piece of cherry blossoms falling from the sky.

Looking at the cherry blossom petals in his hand, he chuckled and said to Uchiha Itachi

"Uncle! Why do you compare leaves with people?"

Uchiha Itachi stared at the petals in Manye's hand and asked expectantly.

Although his uncle always used strange metaphors to answer his questions, he had to say that every time he heard his uncle's story,

Uchiha Itachi would have a new understanding.

"Because it will eventually fall, just like human death, it will eventually come!"

Uchiha Manye played with the cherry blossom petals between his fingers.

He replied lightly.

After hearing Manye's analogy, Uchiha Itachi's pupils suddenly dilated. He stared at the petals in Uchiha Manye's hand tightly.


Falling leaves are so similar to death!

No matter what happens, the leaves will eventually fall off the branches.

Isn't this just like human death?

No matter what happens in life, death will eventually come.

"Uncle, what is the significance of that person's death?"

Uchiha Itachi didn't care about etiquette at this time.

He asked Uchiha Manye anxiously.

"Itachi! It's too early for you to think about this now!"

Uchiha Manye used his other free hand to gently tap Uchiha Itachi's forehead.

He did not continue to answer Uchiha Itachi's question.


Uchiha Itachi called out in a baby voice.

Obviously, he still wanted to know his uncle's

"Itachi, you!"

Uchiha Manye did not answer.

He chuckled and scolded Uchiha Itachi.

Then he slowly bent down.

He gently placed the petals in his hand under the cherry tree.

He grabbed some light soil and sprinkled it on the petals.

He clapped his hands and looked at the petals buried by himself.

He slowly looked at Uchiha Itachi and asked

"Weasel! Is the life of a leaf just to return to its roots?"

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