Within two seconds of showing up, waves appeared in Yanyang Lake, and the big guy covered in flames rushed towards the shore again.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, I commanded my shadow to release the trap. Unexpectedly, the trap was successful, and the trap time was not discounted at all, a full six seconds. Without the slightest hesitation, two soul-piercing arrows and a wild detection were thrown in the past. Immediately, two damage figures of 4837 and 1467 jumped on the boss's forehead. The damage in front is the damage of the original skill of the main body, and the damage in the back is the damage of the avatar .

I was surprised when I saw the damage figure. The boss's defense is as high as 800+. With my current attributes, I can barely break through the defense with my skills. I didn't get a critical hit, but I hit 4000+ damage, which is basically the same as killing wild monsters.

I didn't stop releasing my attack skills, and I was thinking while shooting. This situation is really weird. I hit a high-level boss with high-level arrows one after another, and I couldn't turn my head around for a while.

The boss under attack kept roaring, and kept throwing fireballs in his hands. Now the trajectory-type missile magic is not a big threat to me from a long distance. I can hide by walking. This should be the attack method of the boss. up.

Six seconds is very short, and the confinement was released very quickly. I didn't think too much about it, and dropped another trap, and a surprising thing happened again. It was fully controlled, and the control effect was not compromised at all. .

Based on my current attributes, the frost arrow hits the boss with about 1200 damage per arrow. Now if you don’t tell me the attributes of the boss, I will not believe that there is such a fragile boss. It's the same on normal monsters.

After playing for a few rounds, I understood the shortcomings of this boss. Although the prompt from the skill appraisal did not explain any shortcomings, I have discovered it now. If I guessed correctly, this boss should be a boss monster with a normal monster template , otherwise it is impossible to explain why he is so irresistible with such a perverted attribute. Although the blood defense attribute is strong, but without the hidden damage discount of the boss monster, this should be the only shortcoming of the boss.

While thinking about it, the boss broke free again. I became invisible and controlled the shadow to run wildly, but the lord didn't give up at all. Slowly, the flame lord was led away from the range of Yanyang Lake by me.

After some observation, I found that the movement speed of the lord is slightly slower than mine, and it is basically flat. Due to the rugged road on the ground, there are many large and small pits, and the actual operation is much different from the theoretical data. No, I As soon as the controlling shadow turned a corner, the moment his figure paused, his back was hit by a flame ball.

The shadow only has half of my blood defense attribute, so I hurriedly used the touch of the wind to block the blow. Now my purpose is to test the attack distance of the boss. If there is a range difference, there is still a little hope to kill the boss by moving and dodging. I shot a frost arrow to slow down part of the speed of the boss, and controlled the shadow to stand a little more than 40 yards away from the boss. The boss didn't hesitate at all, and threw the flame ball straight over. There is no suspense in seconds after one blow, this is just a ball of fire thrown by a normal attack, if it is a serious attack magic, the lethality will definitely be even more astonishing.

The shadow disappeared, I was a little frustrated, not frustrated wasting a big move, but the range of the boss exceeded my maximum range by 40 yards, so if you fly a kite, you will be killed by the fireball in a short time.

The boss who lost the attack target turned back and ran towards Yanyang Lake. Seeing that the success was about to fall short, I subconsciously scanned the skill bar.

Several main attack skills are cooling down, and the control effect of the trap skills is not obvious. Finally, I found a skill projectile state at the bottom that I have never used. I saw the gray passive skill icon, and I remembered that I Can now also use the projectile state to attack.

Thinking of this, I was immediately happy, and now I saw a glimmer of light for the problem that was basically unsolvable.

I hurriedly switched the projectile state, and my attack method changed from a direct shot to a 45-degree upward projectile.

Since I have a must-hit skill on the weapon in my hand, my projectile does not lose its calibration value like ordinary projectiles. After increasing the range by 20 yards, various attack skills can still be nailed to the boss stably and accurately.

After gaining an extra twenty yards of range, my pressure was greatly reduced. From time to time, I threw out traps and ice arrow skills, and carefully dragged this flaming big guy for a walk. I don’t know how far this guy’s attack distance is, anyway. Now it is impossible to use the flame ball at all.

While shooting arrows non-stop, while reporting the real-time current situation to everyone on the team channel, the team members know the severity. Although I said it lightly, everyone knows the feeling of powerlessness in the bottom of my heart when I first saw the boss attributes. Absolutely It's not fake. The girls didn't mess around, they stayed with everyone very quietly, and found a side seat to wait for me to slowly kill the boss.

Now that I know the real shortcomings of the boss, I can handle it with ease. If there is no accident, I will be able to kill the boss before the end of the task time, and the whereabouts of the last team member have not been found. Maybe it is really related to Sword Spirit. As said, the body is in the belly of this boss.

Throwing skills while going around in circles, the range advantage is really useful, the boss who only takes a beating but never fights back is still chasing after me. At the beginning, I deliberately avoided the shore of Yanyang Lake for fear that the boss would turn his head and dive down. Seeing that the boss is so persistent , I don't have any scruples now.

He didn't dare to summon a skeleton to help. Although this guy is not afraid of death, he was summoned purely to give the boss some snacks. After all, the devouring skill is still very speechless.

After working so hard for more than half an hour, adding various skills, I finally beat the boss to half health. The initial boss basically has the habit of using skills at half health. Although I know the effect of skills, I I still didn't dare to be careless, and I didn't let me down. This flaming guy used the extremely wretched soul fire skill. The boss just waved his hand, and there was a burning purple glazed flame on my head. Fortunately, this The skill has no real attack power, otherwise the trackless state skill would directly kill me.

There are several types of magic in the Oath Continent. First of all, it is the most basic trajectory magic, the early ice hockey. fireball. Arcane missiles, etc., all belong to this category. These magics have an attack range. After leaving the range, it will prompt that they are out of range and cannot attack.

The second category is to lock instant magic, such as the priest's blood increase. curse. Punishment, etc., these magics only need to be within the field of vision to select the target, and directly add the spell effect to the target, as long as it can be seen, there is no range limit. This kind of magic is basically the auxiliary type accounting for the vast majority, and the only offensive ones are the low-level light magic such as punishment and holy light punishment.

The third category is space magic, such as teleportation magic, and the branch of space magic, summoning magic, and even the legendary exile magic. This type of magic has its own system, and it is basically related to different spaces. In the oath, the animal trainer profession that few players choose has an extra pet space, but this profession basically has no attack power except for pets. It's rare to see anyone playing.

After being hit by the boss's soul fire skill, there was a seal status behind my HP status. I tried to fill a bottle of blood, but the system failed. Sure enough, this skill appeared on the boss, which is really too wretched.

There are advantages and disadvantages. I don’t need to fight the boss head-on when I fly a kite. From the beginning of the attack until now, my health is still full. Although it looks like I have a bad state on the table, this state kills me The boss has no effect, even after limiting the boss's blood recovery, it is easier for me to kill.

Continue to output, which is similar to what I analyzed. Since the addition of this soul fire state, my waist is not sore, my back is not hurting, and I can walk with strength. Ahem, I’m sorry, I said that I went off track, because the efficiency of killing the boss is higher. up. The HP recovery speed of advanced bosses is astonishing. Without HP recovery, the difficulty of killing has been reduced by at least 20%.

The boss is just like the never-ending Kuafu, running on the road non-stop, the only difference is that Kuafu is chasing the sun, and this boss is chasing a handsome guy (Fuck? Well, today I am a little yd up).

Finally, the most difficult time for monsters came. This time, the system was quite generous, and it even gave out two reminders in a row.

Notice! If the boss's HP is lower than 20, the chance of berserk and mutation is doubled!

Notice! The boss's life value is lower than 20, and the release limit of the unique skill disappears!

After these two eye-catching reminders, the boss really went crazy. The boss who was chasing me stopped in place. His huge mouth opened and closed, and many complicated and difficult syllables came out of his mouth. If it's wrong, it should be the legendary invincible summoner Dafa.

It’s rare to have such an opportunity. While the boss was chanting a spell and calling my brother, I threw another round of skills on the boss. The boss’ posture in a fixed state was very punctual, and the soul-piercing arrow almost passed through the chest. A big damage figure jumped up, and it actually went through.

The skill did not interrupt the boss's spellcasting. After about five seconds of chanting time, the white Yangyan Lake in the Yangyan Lake beside him boiled.

The originally calm and stable Yangyan Lake became irritable and heated. Big bubbles kept popping up from the bottom, and the boiling Yangyan kept solidifying and merging. There are a bunch of smaller white magma monsters.

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