Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 101 Orange Cloak

These small white magma monsters are similar in size and shape to the ones at the entrance of the dungeon. If I hadn't seen Yan Yang's abnormality at the beginning, I would definitely not pay attention to these things. Seeing these little guys crawling out of the lake one by one, I am Without saying a word, he directly threw out the wild detection.

Unexpectedly, the wild detection, which has been tried and tested, has a rare failure. In desperation, he had no choice but to take advantage of the effect of increasing the attack added by the wild detection, and casually threw a flaming arrow out.

1 To my surprise, these little guys are completely immune to fire-type attacks, with only a little forced blood deduction.

Seeing that it's a bit tricky, I don't have a chance to continue to ink with these little guys, and the boss behind me is still chasing closely.

These magma monsters have inherited the consistent slow style. Whether it is a boss or a minion, among all the attributes of monsters, I like the attribute of low speed the most. No matter how abnormal your attack is, as long as you can’t catch up, I can break the defense , then there is the possibility of killing, and the benefits of extreme points are also reflected here.

There was a mysterious person on the forum who revealed the hidden attributes of the characters. That buddy claimed to be an official planner of the game, saying that the attribute points given by the upgrade not only affect the intuitive data of the characters, but after the points added by the upgrade in the later stages of the game exceed a certain critical value, It will also affect the data growth corresponding to character attribute points.

I don't know if this guy is a real official, but these gossips reminded me. Originally, dozens of attribute points were added to the game at every turn, and the difference between the five attribute points given by character upgrades is really small, just like the heart of darkness in my backpack and the special ring on my body. If it is a piece of equipment, it will add attribute points with a total value of nearly a few hundred points, which are equivalent to dozens of levels. Thinking about it now, the kind of situation he said is indeed possible.

I have to say, with these little guys blocking the way, it was much easier for me to drag the boss. The little guys surrounded the boss faithfully. The boss was originally at a medium-to-high speed. decreased by an order of magnitude.

Unhurried archery, the skills will be lost after the skills cool down, and this boss does not have the super high hidden attributes of the previous bosses, and the attack and control are not discounted. Naturally, the brush is fast, the poor big guy didn't touch it until he died to the corner of my clothes.

With the last soul-piercing arrow, the super high damage jumped up, and the boss ended his sinful life.

I saw that some of the team members' avatars in the team formation channel have been upgraded, and my own experience value has also increased a lot. At the latest, after completing this task, I will definitely reach level 33.

That is to say, I have the advantage of the special effect of the must-hit, so that I can take advantage of the range advantage to single out the boss without loss. If there is no accurate must-hit, no matter how big the boss is, I can hit the boss accurately by playing projectiles in advance based on my real hand feel. Purely idiot's dream.

I didn't have time to pick up the drop, and there was a large pile of white magma monsters gathered next to the boss's body. It would be very troublesome if it wasn't cleared. After killing the boss, my wild detection skills have also finished cooling down. After silently reading the names of all the great gods, I locked and threw the skills, and the attributes came out. It was a success!

Sun Flame Demon summoned creature level 35 health value 18000 attack 599739 defense 687 skill flame eclipse flame eclipse passive talent skill, fire resistance increased by 99.

The eclipse of the sun releases white yang energy to attach to the target within 30 yards, reducing the target's physical defense by 40.

It is introduced that they are creatures bred by the sun of thousands of years, and they appeared here following the call of the flame lord. Although they are not good in appearance, they have very terrifying strength.

Disadvantages Summoned creatures, fear of dispelling magic, average movement speed.

After reading the attributes of the Sun Flame Demon, I couldn't help but get excited. It's only a level 35 monster with nearly 20,000 health, 740 attack points, and lower defense. Only dungeons can produce such perverted monsters. exists.

Now that I saw the attributes, I kept myself within 30 yards of the monster group, and threw the scattering skills straight out.

The attack is sharp, and the elemental creatures have no protection such as armor. Although the defense value is not low, the armor type is an armorless unit, and arrows can easily trigger the penetration effect.

I fought while retreating. After receiving my arrangement, Tudou had already locked in a groove. Although it was very difficult to kill monsters in groups, in my estimation, I fought while retreating, and waited for the monsters to move to the card. When the position is blamed, the life value should be less than half.

The Flame Lord directly summoned a small group of lava monsters. From my perspective, there were at least fifty of them. I pulled this large group of little guys less than half the height of a person back to the place where the team members were locked.

Tudou is still on the outermost side, followed by the dress, and even Yun Qingshan and Xiaoyou appeared on the periphery. To be honest, the point of this card monster is very reluctant.

I summoned a skeleton to replace Xiaoyou. Although Xiaoyou also wore a set of miscellaneous blue equipment above level 25, but these monsters are too fierce. Now we have cleared the dungeon map, fearless sacrifice It's not necessary at all, if it wasn't for the dungeon time limit, I would just drag the monsters and kill them slowly.

Just by changing the position, the outermost edge has been connected to the fire, Tudou is still tough, from time to time there will be scorching sun falling on him, An Ran disperses it quickly with his eyes and hands. Kankan can stop it.

Seeing An Ran's dispersal skills, I remembered the shortcomings of the summoned creatures in the data, these people are afraid of dispersal.

"Anran, use the range to disperse the monsters!! Tudou and Yifu give up the output and change to the state of holding the ground!" I said without hesitation.

An Ran didn't speak, just cast a gloomy glance at me, and after a little hesitation, a 3x3 yard area scattered and landed on the Balrog in front of Tudou.

To everyone's surprise, the dispersing skill that had no hope at all actually caused a collective 3000 points of terrible damage to the Yanyang Demon within the range, and the monsters with low HP were directly on the verge of anemia.

The wedding dress and the sky looked at each other. After a burst of water waterfall, two large ice balls appeared in the sky above the monster one after another. Two ice bursts in succession drained the energy and blood of the monster in front of everyone.

Before turning in the task, I had already leveled up in a flash of gold. The experience points of this group of monsters are really awesome.

"Potatoes! Collect the drops and distribute them later! I haven't had time to get the boss's drops yet!" After making arrangements hastily, I squeezed out of the human wall and ran towards the place where the boss fell.

I am very excited, this impossible task has been completed by us, such a perverted boss does not know what good things will be contributed to us.

I hurriedly walked to the side of the boss's body. Since the big guy died, the flames on his body have been extinguished. I was busy dragging the monsters and didn't have time to take a closer look. Looking at it now, I feel a little scary. The outermost layer of the boss's body is a layer of semi-oily fluid that has not completely solidified. Now that the flames have been extinguished, it begins to solidify like pine oil. The huge body is actually composed of two parts. The upper body is faintly exposed under the pine oil. The shape of a human body was formed, and the lower body was a large mass of pine oil-like solidification. I fumbled a few under it, and besides a few gemstones of different colors and a lot of gold coins, there was also a rare cloak.

The special spar of the flame spirit can directly increase the level of the fire elemental baby by one level after use, and the basic level of the baby is not higher than the fourth level!

Flame stone x3 Perfect quality flame energy spar, which can be inlaid on equipment to increase the attributes of equipment.

The inlay effect is inlaid on the armor to increase the fire resistance by 5, and when inlaid on the weapon, an additional 150 points of fire damage will be added when attacking.

Yangyan cloak orange equipment leather armor cloak level 32 defense? ? ?

Magic defense? ? ?

additional? ? ?

Additional skills? ? ?

The durability of 450450 is too powerful. This big guy actually gave me a cloak, and it was orange. The cloak is a rare piece of equipment. I only saw the first cloak at level 30, which is enough to explain the problem. Although it has not yet been identified, this alone The equipment type of the leather armor cloak has already determined the belonging of this cloak. After touching the equipment, I always feel that something is missing. After the fifth adventurer was in the belly of the flame lord, I took out the dagger in my second hand.

Suppressing the disgust and nausea, I took the dagger and slowly cut open the corpse's chest. Due to the huge size of the corpse, I was clumsy and almost completely cut open his entire chest cavity.

The moment I cut the grease, I suddenly felt that there was an inexplicable guide in the backpack. This special feeling is very strange, and I have never felt it before. Following this guideline, I opened the sternum of the corpse with a dagger, and a red heart appeared in front of me.

A game is a game. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a player to cut open the stomach of a corpse, and it is even more impossible for you to see the internal organs and other organs completely. Now that you have seen it, there must be his intentions. I grabbed this heart, and the induction in the backpack became stronger.

As the heart touched my hand, the heart instantly changed its shape, and in the blink of an eye, it became a red oval stone.

When I saw this thing, I was completely messed up. Except for the difference in color from the Heart of Darkness last time, everything else was exactly the same.

The heart of rage is a special item, which is said to be condensed from the heart of the fire lord Sazel, and has a strong flame magic power.

Additional Fusible

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