Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 112 Final Preparations Before The Game

I hung up the call with Tudou, and I continued to struggle on the way to upgrade. Finally, at 2:31 in the middle of the night, I upgraded, and now I have reached the height of level 33. The two people, the wedding dress and the dress, have been working hard since the dungeon separated. Upgrading alone, it is obvious that the two of them worked very hard, and they have always occupied the first and second positions in the ranking list.

I yawned, I couldn't take it anymore, I found the world with swords.

"Hey, thank you Brother Zhanjian for taking me to an upgrade tonight, and there are tasks tomorrow, so I'll go to sleep first!!!" I said with a haha.

"Don't say thank you. Since you joined the team, at least you have increased your efficiency by 40. It's too late for everyone to thank you!!!"

"Then what, I'm not being polite anymore, I really can't take it anymore, I'm off the assembly line to rest, and I will work together again when I have a chance in the future!!"

"Good talk and good talk"

I have to say, the same team, why is there such a big difference? If it were a team led by the evil dragon against the sky, they might have killed me and exploded my equipment today, but this sword-wielding sunset enthusiastically pulled me to upgrade together. The illusion of the Internet can reflect a person's nature to the greatest extent. There is no legal constraint here, let alone the constraints of traditional social morality. Those who have scruples in reality, facing this open platform, become more and more rampant. .

Saying goodbye to everyone, I directly used the scroll to return to the city, and with a flash of white light, I returned to the Teleportation Square in Feiyun City.

The square was still bustling with people, and he was too sleepy, so he didn't dawdle any longer, chose to log off, got up, drank half a glass of water, turned on the bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

At eight o'clock in the morning, I was woken up by Tudou's knock on the door. This guy didn't go offline until after two o'clock yesterday, so he woke up so early in the morning. After looking at the rice on the table, everyone was surprised. Tudou actually cooked millet porridge, and there were steamed buns and fried dough sticks just bought on the table.

I couldn't help but be happy to see Tudou working so hard. I finally don't have to get up early and go downstairs to buy breakfast. Not only that, but I also have delicious millet porridge in the morning, so comfortable.

Potato is very diligent, not only finished our meals, but also a small pot of millet porridge was made for Brother Chen and the others.

Breakfast was carried out in a very comfortable environment. Last night, the girls went to bed before ten o'clock, and when they got up in the morning, they drank delicious millet porridge.

After breakfast, a group of people went online to enter the game one after another. They agreed to sign up together today, and the competition will officially start in three days.

After pulling Yun Qingshan and the others into the team, we went straight to the nearest NC.

After the maintenance, you can ask for a registration form at all NCs in the imperial city. After filling in the names of the players, send it directly to the Martial Arts Association commissioner, and the registration is considered successful.

It is not difficult to ask for the form, but we have a difficulty when delivering the form. Facing the long line, we are all petrified.

Each player only needs to pay a fee of one gold coin to sign up. I thought that most of the players who can participate in the martial arts meeting should be masters, but when I went to the commissioner who signed up, I found that 99% of them were ordinary players around the twentieth level. The registration fee of one gold coin is basically no threshold. Everyone is registering with the idea of ​​participating. Looking at the commissioner's publicity statistics column, there are only one Feiyun city, and more than 1,500 players have already participated in the registration.

Fortunately, the registration was in the morning. If it was after 8:00 p.m. during the peak flow of people, it would be difficult to move here.

After dawdling for nearly half an hour, the registration form was successfully delivered. Single registration does not require a form, just pay the money and record it. The main players, except An Ran, have registered for two competitions at the same time. Due to the quota problem, Xiao Ke took the initiative to do the logistics, but he also signed up for the solo competition.

After the registration, everyone started to discuss the issue of upgrading. There are still a few days left. If you use it well, you should be able to upgrade to another level. In this way, the level advantage can be more obvious in the battle.

In just a few days, it is obviously inappropriate to go to other places to take risks. Last time, Xiao Ke had already dropped a level. After everyone's unanimous discussion, they still chose a safe plan, and everyone continued to go back to the Lost Temple to upgrade.

Speaking of the lost temple, I'm also a little depressed. Maybe the sunset with the sword is still there, so it's best not to have any conflicts.

After making up my mind, I prepared the supplies and set off. Since I was traveling from the old place, everyone was very familiar with the road, and came to the lost temple talking and laughing. As expected, the sunset with swords still brought countless Fewer people are here.

"Brother Zhanjian, our team has also come here to upgrade. With such a large monster spawning field, it's no problem to divide me into a team of ten people, right?" I said straight to the point because of my previous contact.

"Haha, no problem, no problem, the hall is so big, our twenty-odd people can't use so much space, and we are free if we are idle!" Zhuanjian Xiyang agreed boldly.

The buddy beside him murmured softly, but Zhan Jian didn't care at all, and agreed directly.

Now our team is not what it used to be. After going through the lava purgatory dungeon, our strength has improved a lot. Facing these weakened monsters below level 40, the pressure is very small.

We deliberately picked the farthest southwest corner, and we started to card positions to spawn monsters. Skeletons, lava beasts, and a few melee players were stuck on the periphery, which is relatively safe now.

The lava monster in the wedding dress has already caught up with my skeleton. The mob in the clearing dungeon has risen to one level. Later, the spar exploded by the flame lord has raised it to another level. Now the lava monster is already a giant lava monster. The shape is different, the only difference is that the body is not so huge, it is only as tall as a person, and if you stand in front, these flame-type attacking bishops basically have no good way to deal with it.

I am not so leisurely when I spawn monsters in my own team. I have to worry about attracting monsters, packing up loot, and all kinds of trivial matters. The only thing that is gratifying is that the monsters refresh here very quickly. After everyone cooperates tacitly, the experience improves quickly.

This time, Cang Qiong completely let us see the horror of the glass cannon. After inlaying so many gems, the current Cang Qiong's damage is astonishing. Judging from the team's DS output statistics, the output of Cang Qiong alone has accounted for 35% of the team's total output. The high-destruction fire-type skills would cause huge damage from time to time, and everyone who was used to perverts couldn't hold it anymore.

Just like that, we spent two and a half days here, and the long-awaited Budokai will start tomorrow! ! !

A group of people returned to the main city in broken armor. Now the main city is completely boiling. As long as there are any skills, props, and equipment related to improving strength in the market, all prices will increase. The price of gold coins on the trading platform will also be at least 20% With more than 400 gold coins harvested in the past two days, I decided to go to the market to try my luck before the war, maybe I could find something good.

There is still half a day before the start of the game, and most of the players are not going out to practice. The main city was originally crowded, but now there is a sense of rubbing shoulders.

I walked half a circle around the ore and herbal medicine area. This is the only place that is relatively deserted. They are basically ordinary goods. The medicinal materials in the several formulas I was looking forward to were all missing. Seeing that there was no gain, I went to the skill book The area turned around.

The types of skill books are now much higher. There are several larger guilds that send people here to trade skill books, buy skill books from single players at a low price, and then resell them to those who need them at a high price. This stall also gained a lot of fame in the city.

I walked towards the largest booth, which was made by Fat Monkey of Longhang. This professional businessman is basically online for 20 hours, and now he is in charge of the skill book business.

"Brother Fat Monkey, do you have any better skill books recently???" I greeted with a smile.

"I must have top-quality skills, but I don't know if my brother can afford the price!!" Fat Monkey was still so confident.

"Hey, I'm not talking to you, I'm telling the truth. I really want to buy a few skill books. The skills of our small team members are really inferior!!" I said humbly.

"What occupation do you want?? I'll find it for you!!" Seeing that I wasn't joking, Fat Monkey immediately became serious.

"Mages, warriors, assassins and archers, as long as they are not common in the market, I am interested in them!!" I said.

"Wait, I'll find it for you!!"

Not long after, Fat Monkey found several books from the pile of books.

"Here, these are uncommon skills. After being in the market for so long, these books are all orphans!!" Fat Monkey put the book in front of me. Unstable compound mage's passive skill, the primary level increases by 3 flames Damage, when casting magic, there is a chance to apply an unstable compound effect to targets within 30 yards, and the skill can be upgraded.

The study requires level 30 of the mage profession.

Osteotomy Rogue skill, the primary stage of gaining momentum for one second, applies a bone-breaking state to the target, causing 35 points of bleeding damage per second, lasting for 20 seconds, and the skill can be upgraded.

The study requires Thirty-Level Thieves.

Lianzhu Arrow Archer skill, shoot three arrows in a row, each causing 50 of the base damage.

Learning requires the archer profession to be level 32.

When I saw the first book, the corners of my eyes twitched unconsciously. The state of this unstable compound did not give any specific effect. Coupled with such a low explosion rate, my intuition told me that this book must It's not just as simple as it is introduced.

As for Bone Breaking Technique and Lianzhu Arrow, these two are relatively top-notch attack skills, and they must be of great value.

"Except for this unstable compound, these two books are not bad!! Give me a price!!" Facing this professional businessman, I didn't show much interest in the first book.

"400 gold for Osteotomy, 300 gold for Beads and Arrows, if you want both, I will give you this unstable compound skill for free!!!" Seeing that I was quite interested, Fat Monkey gave the market price directly.

"Well, the price is good, but I don't have that much cash!!!" I pretended to be embarrassed.

"You can exchange items or equipment of equivalent value!" Fat Monkey said calmly.

"Can you see if this suit can be exchanged???" I took out the leather armor suit I harvested last time.

"Ah! It turned out to be an advanced leather armor suit!!!" Fat Monkey is a person who knows the goods. Although it is only blue equipment, the suit has much better attributes than blue equipment of the same level. At the current stage, purple equipment is still the equipment pursued by top players, and the pieces of purple equipment do not necessarily have better attributes than the complete set of blue equipment.

"This set of leather armor, add another two hundred gold! You take all the skill books!!" Fat Monkey pondered for a while, and made a plan.

"make a deal!!!"

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