Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 113 Anxiety Before The Finals

After tidying up these few skill books, my task is completely completed, and I urgently called Cang Qiong and Xiao Ke over, especially Cang Qiong. I always feel that this unstable compound skill is not so simple.

"Wow, the boss is so kind to us, and he has found a new skill!!" When Cang Qiong saw me take out the skill book, his eyebrows and eyes became crescents.

"Here! One copy per person, especially Cang Qiong, hurry up and try the effect of this unstable compound skill!!!" I especially urged.

Cang Qiong and Xiao Ke did not hesitate, and immediately learned the skill book after receiving it.

Ding! Player Dongxuemantianqiong requests to compete with you!


After I accepted the discussion, Cang Qiong threw an instant fireball over.

Seeing that I was not in the so-called unstable compound state, I stood there without moving.

A few more fireballs were thrown one after another, and finally, after a few attacks, an unstable compound impregnated state appeared in my status bar.

Sky seems to have realized something.

Explosive flame technique!

1320 After just one explosion, my health was emptied, and I squatted on the ground.

"Wow! Get rich!! From now on, I will be invincible!!!" Cang Qiong couldn't help dancing when he saw the 200 fire damage increase in the system's battle prompt.

Sure enough, as I expected, this Unstable Compound skill is a status magic similar to Waterfall, the only drawback is that this skill is a passive skill.

Just relying on the superposition of a status magic, I perfectly lost the flame resistance perverted me. I have to say that the current sky has become a killer-level existence, so many gems are not in vain!

"Xiao Ke! How about trying out the skills you just learned?" After finishing the experiment, I submitted an application to Xiao Ke.

A battle flag stood fiercely between the two of them, and I entered a fighting state.

Without the slightest evasion and defense, Xiao Ke's dagger hit my shoulder blade straight. After the skill was completed, a state of continuous bleeding appeared in my status bar. Unexpectedly, the defense of the equipment did not reduce the damage at all. The fixed damage of 35 per second made me very ecstasy for a while.

Most of the bleeding skills in the game need to calculate the discount of the armor defense value. It does not mean that the damage per second is marked in the skill effect, but the actual effect can be guaranteed. What is rare is that the bleeding effect of the bone breaking technique There was no discount at all.

I couldn't wait to learn the last Lianzhu arrow skill. I saw Longxing Tianxia use this skill last time. Although the basic damage of the skill is not high, it is expensive in continuous attack, strong explosive power, lucky enough to get a crit Or if it penetrates, the damage of the three arrows is also very ecstasy.

After learning the skill, I didn’t stand there to be beaten. After taking a few steps back, I released the Lianzhu arrow skill I just learned. I saw three arrows shot out in a straight line. Xiao Ke hadn’t reacted yet. Three arrows were nailed to his chest.

375427+800526 Fortunately, Xiao Ke swallowed a blood bottle in time, otherwise just these three arrows were enough to kill him.

Xiao Ke, who had escaped the catastrophe, broke into a cold sweat with fright, and began to approach me after being invisible. After losing the target, I didn't panic. I roughly estimated the position, and the scattering skill was cast, and a fan-shaped range of arrows covered the position in front of me. , Xiao Kemao stooped to hide, couldn't dodge in time, was successfully hit by my skill, the remaining health was emptied, and he sat down on the ground.

The addition of an explosive skill makes the skill more selective. Although the Soul Piercing Arrow is awesome, it still has a 90-second cooldown after the intermediate level. Such a long cooldown severely restricts its power.

"Boss, how do you think we should arrange our tactics? I think we should save some skills and use them until the end. If we use up all the previous skills, by then people will have figured out our tricks, and we will suffer a lot in the game!!" Xiao Ke stood up and said.

"There are still many rounds of monsters in the audition before the team competition. After that, we will compete with the players. At that time, it will be at least the top 64. Everyone should try to keep their skills secret!" Sky returned to silence, making a very logical analysis road.

I "Sky+1"

Considering that many players signed up for teams and individuals at the same time, in order not to conflict with each other, the team competition will be held first, and the rewards for the team competition will be more generous, while the prizes for the individual competition will be much less.

Everyone didn't wander around in the afternoon, and they didn't care much about each other at first, but when the game was approaching, everyone was a little excited. Seeing that there was no obvious effect of leveling, I simply entered the game forum.

The forum is still full of discussions about the martial arts competition that has not yet started. What's more, the market is opened directly in the forum, and the forum currency is used as a bargaining chip. After the top 64 list is released, large-scale gambling begins.

Officials are not unreasonable, and they have not managed this kind of purely recreational gambling. A single handicap post has been pushed to tens of thousands of floors by good people.

The forum was also very boring, most of the space was occupied by the oath posts of the major guilds. After a quick glance, he returned to the game.

After entering the game, I don’t know what to do. After playing the game for so long, I feel confused for the first time. Everyone seems to be a little excited. The main city is crowded with people. The gate of the former wild team is now deserted. There are not many people at all.

Boring around the market a few times, although there are a few items that are not bad, but the seller seems to have never seen the money, and they often ask for thousands of gold. Ignoring these poor and crazy sellers, I turned around and walked towards the professional guild.

Yulia was still there with nothing to do. When she saw me coming, she greeted me from afar, "My dear clansman, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?"

"Thanks to having your face scarf, it's okay! The martial arts meeting is going to be tomorrow, and I've already signed up!"

"Naturally, a good man has to make contributions. Tomorrow, I will give a speech as the career mentor of the main palace office. I hope you can achieve good results!!!" Yulia looked at me very calmly, her green eyes were as gentle as water.

"I will borrow your good words!! I will work hard!!!"


After dawdling in the guild hall for half an afternoon, it was finally time for dinner, and he took off his helmet and went offline.

The dinner was very sumptuous. After the potatoes arrived, the studio gathered six foodies. The craftsmanship of An Ran's big sister was not impressive, and everyone ate very happily.

I didn't ask everyone to go online at night, and anyway, I have nothing to do when I go online, so it's better to have a good sleep than to wait anxiously.

When I woke up, it was already seven o'clock the next day. After breakfast, I went online and walked towards the arena in Wangcheng, where the opening ceremony will be held in the morning.

Finally, the much-anticipated martial arts competition began...

After drowsily listening to the stinky and long opening speech of the real representative of the organizer, it is considered to be the start of the competition.

The competition system is the announced elimination system. The opponents in the audition are monsters. Everyone sits in their seats with relaxed expressions.

At 9:03, it was finally our team's turn. The five people who had arranged for me, Tudou, wedding dress, sky, and dress were teleported into an independent space.

This is a relatively empty location, about half the size of a football field. Facing the empty field, everyone is at a loss.

Ding! After ten seconds, the monsters will be refreshed, and if all the monsters are cleared, it will be considered an advancement! The countdown begins! Nineteen eight seven six...

The countdown was completed, and a large group of monsters appeared around us in an instant. After everyone stabilized their positions, I was happy. So many monsters turned out to be low-level goblin warriors.

Everyone was relieved after seeing these goblins. With my reminder, everyone didn't waste time. After a few group attack skills, the monster fell to the ground and we were teleported back.

Ding! Congratulations to your team for successfully qualifying. The second round of knockout will continue in three minutes. I hope participating players are well prepared!

The second round started again, and everyone was teleported into that space again, but this time the level of the monster was a little higher, it was already a level 15 zombie monster.

Under the attack of several big killers, there is still no pressure. After the attribute gap is too large, even the forced blood deduction is gone, and most of them are iss.

After brushing for four or five rounds in a row, finally, high-level monsters began to appear, and the monsters in the sixth round had turned into level 25 vines.

Everyone leaned together, the potato dress and the two skeletons easily surrounded the mage in the middle, and it didn't take long for the group attack skills to kill monsters, how could these low-level monsters with ordinary attributes be able to stop them.

When I returned to the stands this time, there were not as many people as before. The stands are where the players wait for the game. If they are eliminated, they will be automatically sent to the gate of the arena. If they want to come in to watch the game then, You need to spend money to buy a ticket.

While waiting, let's despise the game company by the way. I don't know who came up with this kind of money-making idea. With tens of millions of players, the income from gold coins alone can be as high as hundreds of millions or even billions when converted into rb.

With the progress of the knockout round, the level of monsters is getting higher and higher, and the attributes are also improved accordingly. The only thing that is more humane is that the monsters are getting stronger and stronger, but the number is constantly decreasing. After dozens of rounds of competition, the number of monsters Fixed on the last five. Ordinary high-level monsters, enhanced high-level monsters, elite high-level monsters, small boss-level expert monsters, and finally fake boss monsters.

After a series of eliminations, finally, around two o'clock in the afternoon, the list of the top sixty-four came out...

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