Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 16 She's My Sister

"Uncle smelly! You actually made fun of me with strangers!" Lin Qiao pouted as soon as she entered the private room.

"Um, haha, the weather is good today." I said with a sloppy eye.

"Well, the weather is really nice, it's already noon and the sun hasn't even come out!" Lin Qiao looked at the gray window and said to me playfully.

"Hey!" I said cheekily.

It didn't take long for the food to come up.

"The dishes are here, let's start!!" I quickly changed the topic to end this awkward situation.

Both of them seemed to have escaped from Africa, and they wiped out every dish that was served like a storm.

creak! The door was pushed open a crack. A head got in.

"Boss, it's really you!" This head greeted me!

Looking closely, it turned out to be a colleague who had worked together before, and hurriedly replied, "It's Xiao Ke! What about them? Come in!"

"They were all joking with Brother Chen in the lobby outside. We heard Brother Chen say that you brought a beautiful woman to dinner. We didn't believe it. Everyone sent me up to investigate!" Xiao Ke replied.


"Boss, you are too mean, good team, you said that we will not lead if you don't lead, and now you still have time to date here! Poor us who are still being exploited by the bourgeoisie." Another girl's head emerged from behind Xiao Ke and said.

"Lele! You're the only one who has too many things to do!" I hurriedly asked Ya to stop.

The door was pushed open, and five people paid attention to the two of us, which made me feel scared.

"Ask Lao Chen for a bigger private room, let's get together tonight!" I broke out, and if I didn't show some courage, I guess this group of wolves and wolves still don't know how to arrange me.

"Okay! Just wait for your words, Boss!" An Ran, who has always been elegant and quiet, said as glibly as they did. Well, it's already fifteen minutes later.

"Boss! Should you introduce this beauty first?" Xiao Ke, the most amusing and lively in the team, was the first to ask.

"Uh, this..."

I gritted my teeth and stomped my feet and said, "This is my sister Lin Qiao!"

While talking, she looked at Lin Qiao's reaction out of the corner of her eye. This girl's title of "Sister Calm Ding" really didn't come for nothing. She was still concentrating on dealing with a hairy crab at this time. As if nothing had anything to do with her.

"Hey! Say hello to everyone, don't just focus on eating, usually you don't care about food!" I really couldn't stretch myself.

"Hi everyone, my name is Lin Qiao, and I'm the sister of this big villain!" The girl raised her head deliberately and provoked me as if to take revenge on me.

"This is Xiao Ke, this beauty is An Ran, this is Le Le, and they are Xiao You and Ah Fu!"

After introducing them for a while, Lin Qiao quickly became friends with them. Seeing this situation, she felt a little headache.

It is estimated that Lin Yatou can use a beauty trick to eat both men and women, and let this group of guys with the opposite sex and inhumanity shake me out of my old self.

"Boss..." An Ran seemed hesitant to speak, "What's the matter? Just speak up if you have something to say."


"Actually, we're here for a break-up meal today!" Seeing that An Ran couldn't speak, Xiao Ke snapped.

"What's going on? Didn't you do a good job?" I asked with concern.

"Ever since you fired that Miejue Shitai squid and left the company in a fit of anger, she has treated us even worse, using her power to give us little shoes to wear. Gossip says she is some kind of relative of the major shareholder of the head office. The director wants to give her some face and give her three points. We are also very unhappy here. We were made things difficult by him again when we went to work in the morning. We were really angry, so we issued a resignation report together, and we came here at noon today Eat casual meals." Xiao Ke said. (This resignation application for approval is also a bit faster, everyone, don't pick faults...) After saying this, the table suddenly became quiet. All of them lowered their heads in helplessness.

"Then what are your plans? Have you contacted other suitable jobs?" I asked with concern.

"Ah Fu is going to join his college classmate, Lele also has a company that has long wanted to poach her, Xiaoyou, Xiaoke and I haven't found a new home yet," An Ran said.

"Boss, where are you now? Why don't we all go to you!" asked the outspoken Xiao Ke.

"I'm not at work right now. I'm playing the new game "Oath" with Lin Qiao recently. We are trying to be professional players!" I said lightly.

"Professional gamer? I've heard of the game you're talking about, but I've been tortured by the extermination master recently. It's either overtime or rework. I'm so busy all day long that I haven't had time to pay attention to it. It is said that the game has only been opened for a few days. The number of registered people has exceeded 100 million!" Xiao Ke said.

"Lin Qiao and I are getting along just fine now. I am level 16 and have good equipment. Lin Qiao entered the game a little later. His strength is worse than mine, and he is now level 13." I told them the current situation without any concealment.

"Why don't we set up a game studio? Based on the tacit understanding we have cooperated for so long, we will definitely make a difference in the game." Xiao Ke said.

"I have an intuition that this game is definitely not just a game. Its birth will definitely have an impact on many economic and even political situations in reality. Even the av TV advertisements now say that international servers will be opened in the future Internet or something, there will even be national wars at that time. There will definitely be no shortage of business opportunities." The beauty An Ran has always been so rational.

"I've already signed a contract with Huawei, and they hired me to do a new project. I'm afraid I won't be able to participate in this studio! If I break the contract, the sky-high fine will kill me." Lele said a little annoyed.

"I can't participate either. I just mortgaged the house and plan to get married in the second half of the year. I promised my girlfriend to give her a stable environment. There are too many unforeseen changes in the online game studio. Besides, I don't have much talent for playing games. "Ah Fu said with a guilty face.

"Xiaoyou, what about you? What do you think of the studio?" I asked.

Xiaoyou looked at me and said, "Boss, I always thought that as long as we have your leadership, we will succeed in everything we do. Since you left, we seem to have no backbone these days, and we always make mistakes. You have to face the oppression of Miejue Shitai. I believe in your ability, although I haven't played games before, I can try hard."

Xiaoyou is a relatively conservative and introverted girl, with a delicate mind and a tough personality. It is really unexpected for me to say such words from her mouth.

I turned my head to Lin Qiao who was sitting next to me, and asked, "Girl, what about you? What do you think about this?"

"This kind of game can't be played well by one or two people. All kinds of large-scale tasks and perverted bosses can't be challenged by one or two people! I think the advantages of setting up a studio outweigh the disadvantages, so you can try it!"

The matter was decided like this, and we were very open-minded as we planned our way out. Lele regretted quitting so early and signed a contract, while Ah Fu remained silent. I knew he was the one with the heaviest burden on our shoulders. The meal lasted from noon to four in the afternoon. Except for An Ran who was said to be allergic to alcohol and hadn't even touched a drop, everyone else drank too much. I also drank a lot of wine. I always claim to be drunk after a thousand glasses, and I feel a little floating when I walk. When I was waiting for the checkout, there was a circle of empty beer bottles on the wall of the private room, which was very spectacular.

With the help of Brother Chen, the drunks were sent back to their respective homes. As for moving, we have to wait until we sober up.

By the time the work was done, it was already dark. I didn't even eat dinner, so I threw Lin Qiao on my bed and went back to my room and fell asleep in a daze.

It was still dark when I woke up thirsty, I checked my phone, it was 4:18 in the morning. I got up and went to the living room to pour a glass of water. My head hurt slightly from a hangover. After drinking some water, he turned on the bed again and fell into a drowsy sleep. . . When she woke up again, it was already 7:40 in the morning, without waking Lin Qiao up, she tiptoed downstairs to buy breakfast. Let her sleep a little longer.

"Get up and have breakfast!" I shouted gently knocking on the door.

"Understood, let me sleep more!" A confused voice came from the room.

"Get up quickly, if you don't eat the breakfast you bought, it will be cold! If you don't get up again, I will go into your room and throw the quilt!!" I threatened.

Lin Yatou walked out of the room slowly, her hair was disheveled like a handful of straw, she glared at me fiercely, then turned around and went into the toilet to wash up.

After breakfast, I called a few of them to inquire about the specific situation and agreed on specific matters. In order to save money, they decided to move to live with me. The three-bedroom house only needs to add a few more beds, buy some necessary daily necessities, and then bring the luggage, clean up and tidy up.

It took me a whole day to get the move done, and I have nothing else to say, but I saw An Ran's toughness when allocating the room.

What happened was like this. When the five of us shared a room, Xiao Ke and I were boys, and we definitely shared a room. As for the three girls, one of them would definitely live in a single room alone. After discussing for a long time, they failed to come to a convincing conclusion. So the three of them approached me as the landlord and team leader and asked me to come forward and make a suitable arrangement.

As smart as I am, I will definitely not let them transfer the spearhead of the struggle to me, so I made a small plan and said, "Whoever has made a great contribution to all the members of the studio will live in the master bedroom with a separate toilet!"

"I'll take care of cleaning the floor of the studio from now on! I want to live in a single room with a big bed!" Lin Qiao spoke first.

Not to be outdone, Xiaoyou said, "I will pack the clothes of the studio members in the future! I also want to live in a big bed!"

When it was An Ran's turn, she said unhurriedly, "I've provided three meals a day for the studio members, and I know how to cook!"

In an instant, everyone was killed in seconds!

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