Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 17 The Blade Of Sacrifice

Xiaoke and I are at the stage where we can cook noodles without starving to death. I won’t say much about Lin Qiao’s cooking skills, which are at the kindergarten level. Xiaoyou doesn’t know for sure, but it seems to be enough.

In this way, the master bedroom belonged to An Ran, and I had a new understanding of An Ran. It turned out that the woman who had always been very elegant and quiet in the office had the potential to be a queen.

After the move was over, a five-person meeting was held, and each person took out 2,000 yuan to maintain the daily expenses of the studio. I paid Lin Qiao's expenses for him. The three of them each ordered a gaming headset, and just like that, the studio was on the right track.

After I settled down in the afternoon, I entered the game. I still have a rich task waiting for me to complete. Because I have to do trivial things in the studio, I have not entered the game for a day. For the three of them, I let them familiarize themselves with the game, and we will communicate with each other during dinner.

With a flash of white light, Lin Qiao and I were online almost at the same time. Luo Lin was still standing there, the same as when we were offline, even his movements didn't change.

"Adventurers of Flying Dragon City, you are back! Let's start exploring the tomb, the energy of the necklace won't last long!" Luo Lin told me.

"Okay!" I replied.

Ding! The Nether Flower continuation mission is on! During the period of tomb exploration, it is forbidden to go offline, and the mission will fail if you force to go offline!

Rowling settled the two injured teammates, and walked ahead with a long sword in his hand, leading us towards the tomb not far from the fence. Walking into the tomb, he inserted the two-handed sword into the soil, hugged the tombstone with his arms raised high, and slowly turned the base of the tombstone with both hands, revealing the dark hole under the base.

Luo Lin took the lead and walked in the front along the steps at the entrance of the cave. I seldom talked to the sky, and my attention was focused on the movement around me.

The inside of the tomb is very large, and the magic lamp on the wall is shining with blue flames. There is not a single monster in the hall. The dark burials who originally guarded the place crawled out of the tomb for unknown reasons, and occasionally you can see The traces of the earth pit left by the dark burial.

Passing through the hall, slowly around the side room, the first monster began to appear. The guard here was a ghoul-like monster with strong limbs, crawling on the ground, tough and sharp claws, shining like metal of gloss.

Ghoul-thirsty soldiers strengthen monster level 22 health value 3500 attack 60165 defense 110 skill devouring corpse frenzy introduces a low-level guardian in the tomb, who will frantically tear all enemies to pieces when provoked.

Luo Lin had already fought this monster with a big sword. The monsters like Ghouls are much stronger than the previous Dark Burial. Whether it is attack speed or defense value, it is an enhanced version on the whole. the dark burial.

Luo Lin suppressed the monster steadily, wielding the big sword with both hands, each blow could deal more than 600 damage. There is an anti-monster t team. The main role of archers and mages is output. There is no need to move or dodge.

After a few combined blows from the three of us, the ghoul pawn's health dropped to less than half. Suddenly, the ghoul pawn roared, its black body turned blood red, and its fangs even dripped disgusting saliva .

With this change, the attack speed of the ghoul pawns also increased significantly. Luo Lin was unable to parry, and was cut several times by sharp claws one after another. Fortunately, the holy light necklace kept emitting light and healed him continuously. Injured.

Finally, with the last trace of health left, I also used my unique skill piercing soul arrow, a damage of -890 flew up, and the ghoul lay limply on the ground and couldn't get up again.

Ding! Congratulations to your team for successfully killing the Ghouls! Obtaining 1400 experience points, the experience value sharing I opened is set to be distributed evenly instead of according to the output, so that I and Cang Qiong can maximize the level gap and prepare for the future together.

He reached out and touched under the monster's corpse, and got a total of five silver coins. I have to say that this ugly guy really gave a lot of coins. I fumbled again, but I didn't find anything else of value.

Luo Lin didn't seem to understand my behavior of picking up the monster's drops. Seeing me groping under the corpse, he looked at me inexplicably and said with a puzzled face. "Hey, adventurer, where are you looking for? I feel the energy of the holy light is passing away, and I guess it won't last long before it dries up! We must speed up our progress."

"Oh, it's nothing, let's see if there is anything I'm interested in." I won't explain things like getting drops to an NC, even if I explain, he won't understand.

"Captain Luo Lin, if you encounter a monster again, can you leave me the final blow? It is a special experience for me to give a monster the final fatal blow!" Lin Qiao blinked at me while talking to Luo Lin. Lin said.

"Beautiful lady, I am willing to serve you!" Luo Lin also seemed to be a pervert, so he made a standard swordsman salute.

"You are simply too smart. Why didn't I think of it?" I said excitedly on the team channel, so excited that I wanted to hug her and kiss her.

"Of course, you don't look at who I am. It's hard to find someone as smart as me." The sky that I praised is now silent in the light fantasy, and I can see it with a low eyebrow and a slight smile. There was a brief absence.

The tomb can be roughly divided into three parts, the hall, and then there is a side room on each side, and the deepest part of the hall is a separate room for the coffin, which should be the place where the owner of the tomb sleeps.

Followed behind Luo Lin and slowly cleaned up these ghouls. I always felt that there should not be only such a monster in this tomb, but after half a circle, there was still only this kind of monster.

"This tomb is a bit weird, I searched everywhere and why didn't I find the Nether Flower of Raoshizi!" I couldn't help complaining to Luo Lin.

"Look again, maybe it's somewhere inconspicuous!" Cang Qiong comforted me.

"I feel that there is an unknown force watching us from the dark!" Luo Jie said.

After we searched all the places in the tomb, we still haven't found any secrets on this map.

"Why don't we open this coffin and have a look? We've searched all over the place, but we haven't seen this one!" Cang Qiong suggested.

I also thought about making a coffin and said, "Just look at it, I still don't believe that this task will be unsolvable!"

It was Luo Lin who actually put the proposal into practice. He inserted the blade of the big sword into the gap in the coffin lid, and then lifted it hard, and the coffin was lifted.

"Who disturbed the slumber of the great mage Messier?" A transparent figure rose from the coffin.

It turned out to be a neutral character with a soul state, and I muttered when I saw his green name.

"Hello, great mage, we have no intention of offending your deep sleep, we are adventurers from afar, in order to save our comrades infected by the plague, we went into the tomb to find the ghost flower that can detoxify!" I said humbly, and my reason told me This nc should be the key to the mission.

"It's too late, it's too late, it no longer belongs to me, it has been tempted by demons, it has become a walking dead in pursuit of power! The Nether Flower has already been picked by it!" the soul named Messier babbled. Speaking nonsensical words, I have no idea what they mean.

"Is there anything I can do to help you? I am willing to help you!" Since we don't understand what it said, let's try using the most common way of receiving tasks.

Messier pointed to the empty coffin and said helplessly, "It is no longer here. It has abandoned everything after being tempted by the devil. And I, because of its betrayal, will never be redeemed! Young adventurers, you are willing to help me Are you busy?"

Ding! Do you want to accept the mission of Messier's soul to redeem?

Here comes the mission, accept it!

Ding! Accept the task successfully!

Redemption mission content Collect all 300 undead cries and give them to Messier. Messier will use the spiritual energy of the dead to activate the teleportation array in the side room, and hold the sacrificial blade washed with dark blood to pierce the corpse sent from another world. Witch Messier's head, to redeem Messier whose soul cannot be reincarnated because of his body's betrayal of faith! Completing missions will get rich rewards!

"Dark blood? What is that, where can I find it?" I turned my head to Messier's soul and asked for help.

Messier explained, "Dark blood? Aren't you a person with a dark physique? Dark blood is the blood of a race that is spurned or even hated by a certain god!"

Finally, I finally knew what the so-called dark blood was. I took out the sacrificial blade and lightly cut my fingertips with the arrow blade. Dark red blood that was close to black dripped down. The bone dagger began to change, and the bone gradually faded away, revealing a metallic blade.

Blade of Sacrifice purple equipment dagger level 15 attack 50135 additional agility +20 additional strength 15 additional skills Eviscerate Eviscerate close to hostile targets, there is a chance to make them paralyzed. The duration is 5 seconds, the cooling time is 60 seconds, and the mana consumption is 20.

Durability 120120

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