Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 18 Messier The Fallen

After being washed with my blood, this quest item turned into a purple quality dagger, which is really unbelievable. The purple equipment is different, it even carries a melee attack skill. Equipping the dagger also added 20 agility and 15 strength out of thin air. (The off-hand weapon can be equipped with the main-hand weapon at the same time, but when using the main-hand or off-hand weapon, the character attributes will be calculated separately)

Get up and hand over 300 Undead Shouts to Messier, Messier's translucent body walked to the room on the right, muttering words.

As Messier's incantation continued, the screams of the undead flew into the air, and gradually transformed into a black energy. The black energy gradually formed a hexagram array on the ground, and the rest of the black energy gradually gathered in the center of the array, slowly It slowly becomes tarnished, compressed, rotated, and finally turned into a rotating black hole in space.

"God said it wanted to answer the call, God said it longed for redemption, God said light and darkness are illusory, come back! Death is calling!" After chanting the last incantation, Messier's soul became thinner and fainter. signs of collapse.

There seems to be an endless force pulling something in the black hole, and the energy gradually changes, gradually condensing into a shape exactly like Messier.

Messier the Fallen Boss Monster Level 25 HP 8000 Magic Attack 80160 Defense 60 Skill Darkness Shield Black Flame Flickering Shadow Arrow Rain Death Prophecy Introduction The body of the great mage Messier was tempted by the darkness and became a Lich Fallen Mei Seale. Forsaking his faith in pursuit of greater power, he is a formidable opponent.

"Stubborn old guy! You are the one who summoned me!" The fallen Messier ignored the few of us at all, and stared at the translucent Messier.

"It's your betrayal that made me sleepless after death. Lost lamb, why don't you accept the judgment of fate?" Messier said, glaring at his body.

Messier the Fallen pointed at us and said, "Just relying on these little bastards, you want to give me a trial of fate? I, who believe in darkness, now have endless power and eternal life!"

"I don't care about trial or not, and I don't care about redemption or not. You just need to take out the Nether Flower and give it to me to cure the plague on your teammates. I don't care about anything else, and I won't interfere!" Luo Lin is worthy of being an NC character. Sure enough, the chain fell off!

The fallen Messier said disdainfully, "You humble reptile, dare to point fingers at me! Welcome to the wrath of endless darkness!"

Black Flame! !

The fallen Messier waved his hand, black flames ignited on Luo Lin's body, and the -100 damage kept floating up one by one. It turned out to be a continuous damage skill. Fortunately, it wasn't thrown on me. If it was thrown on me, it would burn me to ashes in just four or five seconds.

Holy light purification! A ruddy halo shone on Luo Lin's chest, and the black flames burning like tarsal maggots disappeared unexpectedly.

crash! Luo Lin held a big sword in both hands, and slammed into it like Messier.

Even cut! When the castration was slightly exhausted, he twisted his body violently, and the big sword slashed at the fallen Messier one after another. Four swords in a row - 320 - 360 - 400 - 450 instantly cause 1500 damage output Combo skills. If this move is used against ordinary opponents, it can often kill the enemy with one move, and it is impossible to defend against.

Seeing that Rowling was entangled with him, I secretly pulled out a few refined iron arrows. Black Flame must have a cooling time, so I didn't believe that such bad luck would fall on me.

Take the bow and shoot the arrow! The bow was pulled into a full moon by me, and the purple arrow light mixed with strong wind shot at the fallen Messier.

-553 I stamp! There is no effect of ignoring the defense. Sure enough, level suppression exists. Now I am only level 16, and it is really difficult to face this level 25 boss.

Flame Impact!

-210 The flame impact of the sky is even more tragic. The mage's killer skill, which took three seconds to chant, only deals 200 damage.

Ice ring technique! The fallen Messier who just wanted to escape was frozen into a lump of ice. Although the boss monster is resistant to certain skills, as long as he is lucky, there will always be a chance.

Flame Arrow!

Big fireball!


Taking advantage of the frozen time, the three of us crazily used our most harmful skills. Luo Lin was even more exaggerated. He actually used a high-level combat technique like the flurry, and kept waving the giant sword, scraping Messier's body with chaotic blades.

-50-60 A large number floated up. Nearly 2000 damage was caused in just five seconds!

After the ice was lifted, Messier's HP had dropped to less than half. Rorin alone dealt nearly 3,500 damage. Although the mage-type boss had a high attack, his HP and defense were really not flattering. Trap!

A magic grid fixed Messier in place again, and trapping could only restrict movement. The covered Messier chanted a spell, and a layer of black light enveloped him.

It turned out to be the second turn mage skill magic shield.

With the magic shield, Messier endured the time of trapping, and a flicker moved to the corner ten yards away. For six full seconds, the three of us did not exhaust the resilience of the magic shield.

"You despicable raiders, God of Death will not let you go!" the fallen Messier said viciously.

Shadow Arrow Rain!

With Messier's light drink, a piece of magic element condensed out of thin air above our heads, with a buffer of about two seconds, a large piece of elemental arrows fell from the sky.

I yelled "Run!"

I ran straight to the door with full horsepower. Although my speed was fast, there was only a buffer time of less than two seconds. The entire room was under the attack range of the Shadow Arrow, and when he ran out of the room, he was still hit by two elemental arrows.

-148-156 two arrows reduced my health by 300 points, seeing the remaining 100 points of residual blood, I broke out in a cold sweat on the spot.

Cang Qiong was luckier than me, she who was closer to the door ran out of the room immediately after seeing something bad.

Having escaped the catastrophe, I turned back and entered the room, looking at the messy room for a long time speechless.

Messier, the neutral soul body in the mission, was in an invincible state and was not affected in any way. Luo Lin fell to the ground, and the great sword was uneven in several places. The armor was torn into several terrible holes, and bright red blood flowed out.

The holy light necklace on his chest slowly floated out of his neck, the soft light lit up, and the bleeding gradually stopped. With the last bit of energy used up, pop! The silk thread that tied the necklace broke, and the pendant fell to the ground and cracked.

Luo Lin stood up and picked up the pendant. He was still weak after being healed. The energy of the Holy Light Necklace just stops him from bleeding.

Reluctantly standing up with a big sword, let alone fighting, I think it is enough to stand still for 10 seconds.

Luo Lin raised his head proudly and said sternly and unyieldingly, "If you are alive, you must continue to fight!"

"Go to hell!" The depraved Messier waved his hand lightly, and the lowest elemental ball hit Luo Lin's body, and the tough guy who was standing up with his sword fell down again.

Ice ring technique!

Cang Qiong couldn't stand it any longer, and came out with a blow of ice ring technique!

Ding! Frozen successfully! Due to the resistance of the boss monster, the freezing time is reduced to 4 seconds.

Four seconds was enough time. He drew the bow and shot the arrow, and the refined iron arrow mixed with purple light was firmly nailed to his forehead.

—1328 Flame Arrow!

-378 Put on a dagger to bully you, Eviscerate!

-427 succeeded, and the boss was paralyzed for six seconds.

Flame Impact!

-275 took the dagger and stabbed him a few times, and then cut off hundreds of points of damage. The boss is about to regain his freedom. A thorn trap was placed a yard to his side.

The boss who regained his freedom turned around and attacked me behind him, and stepped into the trap I set up in advance, and the boss who had just recovered from paralysis fell into a blinded state again.

A short three seconds passed, and I was still tightly stuck behind the boss and attacked with a dagger. Due to the angle of view, I couldn't lock the target from behind, so I would not be able to be successfully released by the boss. I was actually safe as I led the boss around in circles.


The boss finally survived the flashing cooldown, and suddenly teleported 10 yards away when I was caught off guard.

go to hell! Prophecy of death!

The furious boss made a big move out.

The gem on the top of the staff shone with a strange light, and after a short time, a black ball of light shot towards me.

crash! Luo Lin, who had been lying down in the corner, suddenly didn't know where the strength came from, and a collision skill knocked me far away, and the black light ball just hit his chest.


A large number jumped from Luo Lin's head, and at this moment time seemed to be frozen!

The black ball of light punched a big hole in Luo Lin's chest, and the chest was completely pierced.

Luo Lin opened his mouth not knowing what to say, he raised his hand feebly, handed the necklace to my hand, and finally lowered his hand slowly.

At this moment, I completely forgot that the person who fell in front of me was just an NC, and the flames of revenge burned my sanity.

The boss who released the death prophecy seemed to have been exhausted, and stood there a little sluggish. It seems that this kind of skill release has a certain price.

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