Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 186 Returning To The City To Divide The Loot

After such a long time, the number of pet soul stones in the package has also reached a terrifying level. There are a total of 3,728 sealing stones. Fortunately, this thing can be stacked infinitely in the space ring. After everyone killed monsters until they felt sick, I finally made up my mind and went back to the city! !

I haven't returned to the main city for a whole week, and the affairs in the guild are also managed by Xiyang. This time, when I come back with more than 3,000 sealing stones, the front-line members of our guild will have their own pets.

Skillfully flipped through the friend list to find the setting sun with a sword, and submitted a call request without saying a word, and after two rings, the connection was made.

Before I could speak, Zhuanjian Xiyang asked, "Moonlight? Where have you been lately? I haven't seen bubbling on the guild channel!!"

"Hey, retreat is coming!!"

"What's the matter? What do you want me to do??"

"I'm at the door of the grocery store, come over here, I have something to discuss with you!!"

"it is good!"

Five minutes later, the setting sun with a sword in a powerful armor appeared in front of me.

"Look what this is??" Without waiting to say hello, I got straight to the point and gave him a sealing stone.

Holding the sword and setting sun suspiciously, he took the stone and looked at the attributes and said, "Sealing stone, although it is not a top-quality sealing stone with additional attributes, it is still very valuable now. More and more people are upgrading their levels, and they are in urgent need of pets. , Now the auction house in the city occasionally shows up a stone, and the rich people fetch a sky-high price!!!"

"How much is this stone worth now? It's normal value!!" I asked Xiyang with his sword in his hand and thought for a while, "The price of an acquaintance is at least 500 gold coins. This is a conservative estimate. If you meet a big money that is urgently needed, A thousand gold coins is not impossible!!"

I was shocked when I heard the words of Zhuangjian Xiyang. Although I knew this thing was valuable, I didn't expect it to be fired to such a high value.

"I'm looking for this stone????"

"Of course not, there are other things, how much do you think this stone should sell if we arm our core team members in large quantities?"

"What? Large quantities? Are you kidding me!!! How can there be so many bosses to kill!!" Hearing my words, Xiyang's eyes widened with disbelief.

"I have an idea. Now I have 3,500+ stones in my hand, and I want to supply them to key members of our guild at a low price. What do you think is the appropriate price?"

"What? 3,500 pieces? When did it become so easy to get soul stones? Chinese cabbage???" Xiyang, holding his sword, couldn't restrain himself, and exclaimed directly.

"Several people in our studio have been working on this thing this week, and this is our week's harvest!!"

Zhuangjian Xiyang said excitedly, "Great, now my problem has been solved!!"

"Your problem??"

"Although the members of our guild are now full of 40,000, there are still many problems. The most urgent thing now is the issue of welfare. They are both famous big guilds for a long time, and behind them are Supported by the consortium, the benefits of other guilds are much better than ours, and many new members who join the guild are not loyal, and several well-operated leaders of the thousand-member group were poached by the other party! I tried my best to improve the guild's Welfare, but we are too low, and we have worked hard for a long time to make small troubles, and there is no comparison with other old guilds!!"

"Brothers who can be poached are not considered brothers. One day they will regret their stupid choices!" I frowned secretly and clenched my fists.

"What do you think is the appropriate price for this stone???" I let go of my fist and continued to ask.

Xiyang thought for a moment, and said, "One hundred gold, as long as the core members are basically able to pay for this price, as long as the backbone of the management team is absolutely loyal, the losses of those fools will not be enough!!"

"Well, that's it!!"

Without hesitation, I immediately started drafting the guild announcement. After a while, a guild announcement appeared in front of everyone.

Ding! The moonlight under the eaves of the president has updated a new announcement!

It is planned to start distributing guild benefits. All active personnel in the guild can participate in the fight. From 12 o'clock this evening to next Wednesday, within seven days, benefits will be distributed according to the ranking of guild activity points. The top 3500 members You can spend 100 gold coins to get a soul sealing stone in the warehouse! After receiving the stones, the points will be cleared for one week! Members who already have pets will give up receiving an additional 200 gold coins compensated by the guild. I hope you will continue to make persistent efforts to build our guild stronger! !

Sincerely, Moonlight!

Just after the announcement was made, the guild channel exploded. Soul stones, what a joke. Not long ago, even our studio members were not fully equipped, and now there are 3,500 quotas one after another. The most important thing is that the price is cheap. Ah, one hundred gold, as long as you are a veteran in the game, you can basically get it. Now the value of gold coins has begun to depreciate. The gold coins traded on the platform are basically around fifteen yuan.

A certain straight man: "Is it true? Today is not April Fool's Day, the boss can't lie, right?"

A certain lady "I don't have any pets yet, the boss will give me one!!"

A hard-core member "I want to earn points in regular guild activities, be hardworking and capable, and be online 18 hours a day!!"

One stone stirred up waves, and the originally chaotic channel became even more chaotic. Members who saw the announcement were all looking for group praise points, and they had already started preparing for this week's points.

"Yueguang, your trick is good!! Not only did you pay benefits, but you also took into account fairness! The enthusiasm came up all at once!" Zhuanjian Xiyang praised.

I touched my forehead and said a little embarrassedly, "Hey, I thought of it by accident!!"

Next, I deposited 3,500 stones into Curry, the guild warehouse. After setting the corresponding price in the withdrawal conditions, I don’t care about it. As long as someone redeems it, the points will be automatically deducted, and the gold coins will also be temporarily stored in the guild. Gold Curry.

After I finished this, I said goodbye to Xiyang. Before I left, I gave him ten stones, which was an extra benefit for the vice president. Since he helped us with all his heart, we couldn't let him suffer.

After this matter is settled, I only have more than two hundred stones left in my hand. This thing can't be eaten in my hand. The most urgent thing is to take the opportunity to exchange it for money.

To whom? After thinking and thinking, he finally locked his eyes on the profile picture of Jasmine Blossom in the friend column.

He directly submitted the application for calling, and unexpectedly, Jasmine answered the call just as he finished thinking about the first call.

"Did you get the token I wanted???" Jasmine's tone couldn't hide the urgency.

"No, but I have some other gains, you will definitely be interested in it!!" I said confidently.


"Here, this is it, you should need it!!" The item sent the attribute tag of the soul stone over.

"Sealing stone, the price of this thing is very high now, it happens that Rose doesn't have pets yet, you can email me directly, and I will give you the money according to the market price later!!" Seeing that it was the sealing stone, Jasmine's voice was full of disappointment One point.

"I want to make a deal with you. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Business??" Jasmine's tone was full of suspicion.

"I have 210 sealing stones in my hand, I wonder if you can eat bloody roses?" I continued to cut to the chase.

"Smelly Moonlight, I'm bothering you, don't make fun of me!!!" Jasmine thought I was teasing her, but she was slightly angry.

"I didn't lie to you, it's true!!" I took a screenshot of the more than two hundred stones in my backpack and sent it to her. Jasmine fell silent, and my brain froze.

There was silence for about a minute, and finally, the big resident regained his senses and asked, "What's the price? We want all these stones from Blood Rose!!"

Seeing that the boss had spoken, the deal was considered a deal, and I jokingly said, "You young ladies are all gold masters, how about a 20% discount on the price of acquaintances in the market for this batch of stones?" I will charge you 400 gold!!"

"Okay!" There was hardly any hesitation. Although Jasmine Blossom's operation level is not outstanding, the ability to run the guild is still higher than most people. In this era when pets are scarce, adding hundreds of pets to the guild in an instant can greatly improve Improve the strength of the guild.

In this way, 210 soul stones were successfully sold by me. I also have 84,000 more gold coins in my hand. The previous transactions were all trivial, and now this money should be regarded as our first pot of gold in the game.

Blood Rose is really strong, so much money without any hesitation, more than 80,000 gold can be calculated as 1,260,000rb according to the price of 15 gold on the platform, the six of us actually created 120,000 rb in the game in a week The value of more than 100,000 yuan was something that was unimaginable before. And that's not counting the big head of Curry I linked to the guild warehouse. If you even count those things, the market price is worth more than 22 million rb.

After the transaction was completed, I brought everyone in the studio closer to the team with a huge sum of money. We should discuss how to deal with such a large sum of money.

"What's the matter, Boss? Continue to go back???" Tudou asked first.

"I sold 210 stones, and now I have 84,000 gold coins in my hand. I want to ask everyone's opinions to see how to deal with it!" I didn't beat around the bush.

"More than 80,000 gold coins? Wow, that's a lot of money!! Divide it up??" When Cang Qiong heard that the amount was so large, his eyes immediately started to shine.

"Boss, you decide how to arrange it. This time we can enter the fortress because of your rewards in the Martial Arts Association. Everyone has no opinion on how to deal with this money! Besides, the pass token is still there, and the chance to make money in the future is still there. There are a lot of them!" An Ran said calmly.

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