Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 187 Auction House Treasure Pavilion

"Since everyone agrees to divide it, I will share my thoughts, and anyone who has an idea can come up with it." I made a final summary.

"84,000 gold, 10,000 gold per person, and the remaining 24,000 gold is used to replace equipment and learn skills for everyone to invest in the future!!" I put forward my statement. .

"Since everyone agrees, let's divide it according to this method, but this time everyone is in your favor, without your scroll, we can't enter the fortress, just take more of the ratio!!" Tudou, how to speak, opened his mouth.

"Since everyone is willing to listen to me, then follow what I said. We are comrades in arms. We don't break up after earning this ticket. We will continue to walk in the future and share 10,000 gold per person. That's it. !!!" Hearing Tudou's words, I was a little inexplicably angry. No matter how familiar people are, when money is involved, there will be inexplicable ties, and I don't like this kind of ties.

The few of them originally had a lot of things to say, but they swallowed them all when they saw how stubborn I was. The team was also full of bold people. Each of them had 10,000 gold, and I traded them into their hands one by one.

The current game has passed the early stage of the wasteland era. The most advanced players in Feiyun City have reached level 45, and the average level of players in the game has almost reached level 35. The era of masters at level 30 has begun to go no more. At this rate, there should be players who can reach level 60 in a maximum of two months. In two months, it will be the Lunar New Year.

After dividing the loot, I still have more than 34,000 gold coins in my hand. Now we are out-and-out rich men. It is considered good for ordinary players to have a hundred and ten gold coins in their pockets. Like an upstart.

I put 5,000 of my own 10,000 gold on the intermediary trading platform, and the rest is counted as investment in the game. Six people created a value of more than 1.2 million in reality in a week in the game , It really stimulated me. I used to play games just to report a kind of speculative luck. Now I see the transaction success records from the platform and the increasing amount in the bank card. Business opportunities in this game.

If you have money in your pocket, of course you have to spend it. Everyone is free to move around. I came to the auction house with money in my pocket.

In the past, when I went to the auction house, I was always daunted because of the limited money in my pocket. Now that I have money in my pocket, I began to focus on all kinds of expensive luxury goods.

In the early stage of the game, the most valuable thing should be the Guild Building Token, which is just a card, and Dragon World even offered a high price of 10 million. However, we already have a trade union, and the newly recruited members are still lacking in adaptation. The lack of management talents makes it impossible for us to open a branch union in a short time.

The second most valuable items should be regarded as rare or unique special props, such as scrolls, sundries, and inconspicuous little things. Among tens of millions of players, there will eventually be people with all kinds of luck who will get various props by chance. These gains may not be taken seriously because the parties do not know enough about the game, but the special attributes are seen by those who are interested and say Maybe it will cause a bloody storm.

The third most valuable are those high-quality equipment with the best attributes, armor, shield weapons, the most valuable, and jewelry with the best attributes. It is not a game that can be played by one person. Most of the gains are the result of the hard work of the whole team.

Then there are all kinds of gems and top-quality books. The acquisition of these things often has a lot of luck. Chance and luck are eternal topics in the game.

Now my pockets are bulging, my waist is much straighter, and I deliberately exposed my Viscount Medal. The busy waiter on the counter has not changed, and it is still the nc with a good eye. Seeing me coming, I hastily greeted me with a smile.

"Young Lord Viscount, how can I help you?" The younger brother's attitude was still gentle and enthusiastic.

On the eve of the last competition, I had already used the human service once. This time, I had money and had a wider range of choices. I remotely pulled the other players into the team and meditated for a while.

After thinking for a moment and organizing my words, I said, "Moonlight wants to do a big business, please help me a lot!!"

"Big business? It's easy to talk about it, if you need anything, please mention it!!"

I said, "I have 24,000 gold in my hand now, and I want to use it to increase the strength of all members of the team. I wonder if you can help analyze it!!"

After understanding what I meant, the waiter said with a look of embarrassment, "I'm very sorry, your friends don't have enough titles, so the human rights cannot be given to them for the time being!!"

I was worried about this at first, but I didn't expect to be guessed right, but seeing that the waiter's attitude was not very firm, I decided to fight for it.

"The principle of the Supreme God is that everything has a price. I wonder if there is a compromise? This authority is very important to our team!!" I was full of solemnity.

Hearing my words, the waiter's expression froze for a moment. He should be calling for information from the main brain. After a while, his eyes recovered, and he said politely, "It's not impossible, it's just that the price is a bit high!!"

When I heard the turning point, I immediately regained my spirits and hurriedly asked, "What price???"

"If you are willing to give up the 20% discount when you pay for the goods in the Treasure Pavilion on the second floor, then the permission can also be temporarily opened!!"

"20% off for shopping?" After hearing this guy's words, I was stunned. Isn't the auction house full of items consigned by other players? Can it also be discounted? ?

"Isn't the auction house consigned by other adventurers? Can there be a discount here?" I asked a little confused.

"In most cases, this is indeed the case, but it is not absolute. There is also a boutique treasure cabinet on the second floor of the store, where the warriors of the Imperial City Adventurer's Union ventured to search for various treasures from everywhere, but due to the high price , no one has gone up to now, the budget you just told me plus your title has already reached the minimum order of magnitude requirements for purchasing those props!!" The waiter was still full of respect, explaining the whole story said it.

Hearing that there are even tens of thousands of things for sale, I immediately regained my spirits. Now that I have money in my hand, I naturally want to see it.

"Put back the matter of humanized authority first, can you take me to the Treasure Pavilion first, if there is something of interest, maybe it is not impossible for me to increase the budget!!"

"Please come with me!!!" The waiter heard that I might even increase the budget, his eyes lit up, he respectfully led me past the counter, and went up the stairs along the back.

Sure enough, as the waiter said, the second floor is a pocket collection of treasures. As soon as I came to the first museum shelf on the second floor, I was dumbfounded. All kinds of props appeared in my eyes, even the lowest All shone with a milky white light.

He took a quick glance, and casually checked the outermost pieces. These equipments were all glowing with milky color, and they should be legendary items. Legendary equipment is expensive, but there are already existing ones in this world. , It’s not that the player is out of reach, among other things, I have a legendary off-hand dagger on my body.

I have to say that the gadgets here are all rare and high-quality goods, such as armor, weapons, armor shields with a touch of dragon prestige, and giant two-handed swords with a shape comparable to door panels. Picking out any one is attractive, such as In my hand right now, I am holding a pot of arrows with a faint blue halo, yes, you read that right, epic arrows.

Falling Star Arrow Epic-level arrows have an additional attack power of +450 and an additional 25 chance to ignore the target's defense and cause full damage.

Requirement Level 55 Introduction According to legend, it was made by a master of the craftsman level using meteoric iron from the outer space. It is a rare treasure because it is rare.

The attack of just one arrow has reached an exaggerated 450 points, even more attributes than my bow. The level requirement is 55 and I can use it with level 12.

"The attributes of this arrow are quite good, why is there no price?" I picked up a shiny silver arrow and asked casually.

"There is no price tag on all the items here, because the value of these items is floating. If you want to know the latest price, you can only go to the Supreme God to check it through me!!" The waiter didn't pay much attention to the arrow, and said patiently .

"Can you check it for me?" I couldn't hold back when I heard the explanation.

"Hold on!"

After finishing speaking, the waiter's expression froze, and after a few seconds he recovered and said, "According to the latest transaction price of gold coins on the platform just now, within ten minutes, the price of this pot of arrows is 153,500 imperial gold!!"

Originally, I was mentally prepared, but I was still taken aback by the sky-high price. The more than 150,000 gold coins, calculated according to the market price, have reached about 2.3 million rb, and there are 200 gold coins in the quiver. Recycled arrows, that is to say, on average, the price of each arrow is as high as more than 10,000 rb.

No matter how fast the money comes, it’s impossible to waste it like this. Shooting an arrow costs more than 10,000 yuan, which is much more expensive than picking up a girl. Even if the father is Bill Gates, he can’t afford it. toss.

I shyly put the quiver in my hand back to its original place, and my original ambition collapsed in an instant. It seems that I should not be here now. With my net worth of tens of thousands of gold coins, it seems that even an iron nail here Can't afford it.

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