"You just said that I have the qualifications to buy things here, can you tell me what I can afford???" I asked a little bit angrily.

"Weapons and armor are expensive. These stocks are looted from extremely dangerous creatures such as giant dragons. The price is high. Some other commodities will be much cheaper!!" The waiter did not because of my attitude. Not good and change the service attitude, still very respectful.

"Then where is the cheap one you said? I want to see it!!" I took the bait and asked.

"Follow me!!" After the waiter finished speaking, he led me to continue walking into the depths of the room, passed through two rows of shelves, and came to a row of inconspicuous Bogu shelves.

"Here, the price of the goods here should be affordable by you!!" The waiter pointed to the shelf next to me and said.

With the bottom line in my heart, my expression naturally improved a lot. I came to the Bogu shelf and began to check the items on the shelf one by one.

The equipment on this shelf has disappeared, replaced by books with simple appearance and various scrolls.

After seeing the goods, I felt confident. Although these things are not worth much in front of the game mastermind, in front of us players, the value of a top-quality skill is far more than a piece of top-quality equipment.

After my selection, several books appeared in front of me.

Vision enhancement special skill book. After learning, you can get the vision enhancement attribute. After strengthening, the night vision is as long as the daytime.

Learning requires no learning cost and no power-enhancing special skill book. After learning, you can get the power-enhancing attribute, and reduce the probability of being knocked down by 40 when fighting monsters.

Learning requires melee occupations to be level 40.

2000 points will be deducted from the prestige value of learning cost.

Resurrection unique level skill book, active skill, used in non-combat state, can revive a friendly unit, and lose 30 current experience points after resurrection.

Learning requires the priest profession, level 40.

5,000 prestige points and 2,000 gold coins will be deducted from the learning cost.

There is no doubt that these things here are absolutely rare treasures. Two books of passive enhancement skills and one book of resurrection skills. If you can buy them with enough gold coins, you will definitely earn a lot of money. The value of these things is far from mere Gold coins can be measured.

Vision enhancement is for Xiao Ke. Reconnaissance is the housekeeping skill of thieves. In the game, only players of the elf race have a natural racial advantage in vision. After learning this book, Xiao Ke's pathfinding and tracking will be even more powerful.

This power enhancement book is prepared for Tudou. As a professional t, there will inevitably be a huge gap in power when fighting against high-level bosses. The consequence of the power gap is that you will be knocked down. The probability of accidents when fighting against bosses. Good luck plus abnormal attributes, this is the magic weapon to win against the boss.

As for resurrection, let’s not mention it. Although there are many restrictions on using it, there is a chance to recover a life. At this stage, flying resurrection skills are even rarer. I haven’t seen it except for one on the side of Longxingtianxia. Others will.

The books in the corner are far more than the ones I’m optimistic about now. There are also a few books marked with rare and unique skills, and there is even a skill I already have, Shadow Clone, but these skills require a lot of learning. It takes more than fifty or even two ranks to learn, and there are not enough gold coins, so I simply didn't consider it.

I put the selected skill books in front of the waiter, and said, "Please check the price, if the price is acceptable, I want to buy these books!!"

"Hold on!!"

After a brief absence, the waiter's eyes recovered, "8230 gold for vision enhancement, 12400 gold for strength enhancement, 15030 gold for resurrection. The total is 35660 gold coins, 28528 gold coins for a 20% discount!!!"

Although the price is exaggerated, it is still within my tolerance. Listening to the waiter’s clean quotation and calculation, my heart is not disturbed at all. Three books, equivalent to more than 400,000 RMB, would kill me if I changed it before. I would never buy such an extravagant skill book, but it is different now. My concept has changed a lot. Facts have proved that the game can indeed earn a huge amount of wealth, and the money is considered as the investment capital. .

I took the goods and went downstairs to pay the money. After I got the three books, I was beaten back from the nouveau riche. Looking at the thousands of gold coins in my pocket, I sighed.

Just about to go out, suddenly thought of something, hastily turned around and turned back.

"By the way, I have something to ask you!"

"Your Excellency the generous Viscount, please speak!"

"What are the specific requirements for entering the Treasure Pavilion???"

"The Treasure Pavilion was set up by His Royal Highness to enrich the treasury and reward meritorious subjects. The second floor is actually a small parallel space, which can be entered in the auction houses of all secondary main cities and super main cities. Only those with the above titles are eligible to enter, and almost every item is worth a lot of money!!"

"I am the first player to come to the Treasure Pavilion???"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Viscount! Any adventurer who has entered the Treasure Pavilion will leave a record on the space teleportation crystal, but until now, this crystal has only your name!"


After leaving the auction house, everyone began to gather. Now everyone’s main energy is still to collect stones. Although the level is important, the business opportunities are obviously more attractive to us. Maybe there will be changes when the version is updated, so take advantage of the opportunities. Abandoning leveling efficiency and spending more money is the kingly way.

The three books made the three guys happy. Everyone has been together for so long, and the suspicion and mistrust have been eliminated. There is no difference between those who did not get the books.

We set off again and headed towards the fortress. Although everyone in front of them vomited blood after brushing monsters, but after seeing such a huge benefit, everyone re-energized. After four or five hours, they went through thousands of mountains and rivers and came back to the fortress.

Taking out their tokens, everyone successfully entered the city without the slightest hindrance. After restocking in the store, they went out of the city again through the west gate.

Along the canyon, we made seven turns and eight turns, and finally came to the position where the monsters were spawned. Everyone performed their duties and continued to spawn monsters.

It was another whole day, and more than n materials were collected in a centralized manner. When we came to the grocery store again, a situation that everyone did not expect appeared.

After exchanging more than 200 seal stones again, finally, what everyone didn't want to see happened. The seal stones in the old lady's shop disappeared! !

There is indeed a saying that the goods in various system stores are sold out, but they are basically temporary and will be refreshed after a while. With the last hope, I have been waiting in the grocery store until late at night to check the list of goods again , there is still no seal stone.

After I calmed down, I realized that more than two hundred seal stones, plus the more than 3,700 we exchanged before, add up to exactly four thousand. In other words, this seal stone can only be exchanged for four thousand at most? ?

After communicating with my mother-in-law, the answer was revealed.

From the mouth of the old woman, I learned that these goods were left by a great animal trainer who passed by here a long time ago. Regardless of the big fortune, just making so much money has already been discovered by the system.

Now that the stones are gone, there is no point in staying here to use some useless materials. I will keep dozens of them as spares. I will go back to the city and exchange the last two hundred sealing stones for five hundred gold each. The reserve price was posted to the auction house, and a few dollars were given away to a few familiar friends, and he returned to the team using the teleportation skill on the ring.

There is still a large area ahead that has not been explored. Now we are only at the outermost edge of the abyss area, and we have long been dissatisfied with the experience value. Now there is no temptation of gold coins, so we have to move on.

Going west along the monster's position, the landform here has undergone earth-shaking changes. The main color of the environment has become dark red, and the abyss is full of gloom and depression. The ups and downs caused by various violent surface collisions destroyed almost all vegetation, and above the head, the originally bright sun was completely blocked by black clouds. The sunlight penetrated through the dense clouds, leaving only a layer of dim light on the ground. .

"Boss, the iron wing demons have started to spawn here. Although these guys are not densely distributed, they are very troublesome to kill, and there is not much oil and water. Why don't we try to hide and move in!!" Pathfinder Xiao Ke came here when he was attracting monsters. After all our troops arrived here, Xiao Ke expressed his thoughts.

Tudou "Monsters with long-range attacks are indeed difficult to deal with. Although they can be killed, they are much more dangerous. Sister Cangqiong and Sister Anran have too weak a commoner professional defense. If the hatred shifts, it will easily cause danger. If there is no boss level If it’s a monster, let’s try to avoid it as much as possible!!!”

What Tudou and Xiao Ke said made sense. We didn't stop much, and after killing a few monsters blocking the way along the way, we successfully crossed this area with complicated terrain.

Going west again, the place is still gloomy, but the originally rugged terrain has begun to flatten, and the monsters have begun to change.

Not long after walking, Xiao Ke, who was leading the way, stopped. Seeing the situation ahead, I immediately moved to the front of the team.

"Boss, look!" After learning the vision enhancement skills, Xiaoke's eyesight is comparable to mine, pointing to the monster a hundred yards away to remind.

This is a muscular monster, the size of a bull, showing a sickly dark red color as a whole. It has no fur, and its body looks like a skinned rabbit magnified hundreds of times. The muscles are full of thick blood vessels, teeth and limbs. His sharp claws gleamed faintly in the dim sunlight, looking extremely ferocious.

Far away, a wild detection skill was thrown away, and the attribute came out.

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