Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 190 The Veteran's Knowledge Enlightenment

The potion is exhausted, the equipment is seriously worn out, looking at the heavy gains in the backpack and the experience points that have been increasing, no matter how reluctant we are, we still have to go back to the city. Thanks to the high amount of experience, the level of our team members has improved throughout the day. The fastest risers are Xiao Ke and Xiao You. The gap between these two products who have always been at the bottom has now been narrowed a lot. Both of you I have reached level 42. As for me and Tudou Cangqiong, I have already reached 40% of level 44, and Tudou and Xiaoke have both reached more than half of level 43.

Back to the city, I couldn’t wait to go straight to the blacksmith’s shop. After the blacksmith beat him, our equipment returned to its original state. The only heartache is that the price of repairing equipment here is too expensive, which is about half of the price in Feiyun City. Equipment The higher the quality, the more expensive it is to repair. After repairing so many high-quality equipment, one-tenth of the coins obtained from killing monsters was spent, reaching more than 270 coins.

There are still a lot of gains when killing monsters. In addition to the claws that basically every one must have, high-level elite monsters sometimes contribute high-level blue equipment. These things are still the mainstream in the market. Those whose basic attributes are not low are all selected by me individually. After returning to the city, I have not been idle. Jian Xiyang will eventually make the most reasonable decision.

After a few of them went back to the city to rest, they went offline to wash up and prepare to rest. Since I have been thinking about this military exploit, I didn't rush to go offline, but came to the barracks. General Luo Feng might be able to give me some information.

With the badge in hand and the title of King City, it was not difficult to get in and out of the barracks. The guards on guard only checked us briefly and let us into the barracks.

It's not the first time I've been here, I've already been to General Luo Feng's commander-in-chief camp, without much ink marks, I went straight here and walked over.

The barracks is easy to enter, but the general's couch is not so easy to enter. Four Kongwu powerful guards at the door blocked my way.

"Stop! What are you doing???" The guard who had seen me once didn't seem to recognize me at all.

I said with a little respect, "I am an adventurer from Feiyun City, and now I want to meet the General, this is my badge!"

The majestic guard didn't even glance at the waist badge, and responded bluntly, "The general is busy with military affairs, so he has no time to receive him!!"

As the saying goes, the ninth-rank officials in front of the prime minister, the general's guards are indeed arrogant enough, but we have something to ask for, so we can only say in a low voice, "I once met the general once, and now I have something to do to get the money. I hope brothers can do it." It’s convenient!!” As he said, he took out a small bag of gold coins and stuffed them into the hands of the leading guard.

The sound of the gold coins colliding was clear and pleasant, but the guards were unmoved at all. Just when I was helpless, the general's majestic voice came from inside the tent, "Who is making noise outside the tent??"

Seeing that the general was alarmed, the guards hurriedly responded, "General, I am an adventurer from Feiyun City, Viscount Moonlight under the eaves!!"

"Let him in!!" The general's words made my half-day hard work bear fruit.

After entering the account, the furnishings inside remained unchanged. The desk was piled high with military affairs reports, and the fur of an unknown beast was draped on a chair. General Luo Feng was dressed in military uniform, as if he was dealing with military affairs.

"Brave adventurer, what do you want me to do here?" General Luo Feng was almost middle-aged, exuding a steady aura unique to middle-aged men.

The general's aura is far from that of those petty officials, and it was originally just for clichés, so I naturally dare not slack off. , after performing a standard shooter salute, he leaned his chest slightly and said humbly, "Moonlight and his teammates have marched into the depths of the abyss. The military merit value mentioned by the general, Moonlight and his teammates have already come into contact with killing the creatures of the abyss. I am here to ask for your military merits." The rules!!"

Hearing me say that I have explored the depths of the abyss, the general, who is used to seeing big scenes, did not have any waves on his face. He pondered for a moment and said, "Your Majesty the King is right. Your courage and perseverance are worthy of respect!"

Seeing General Luo Feng's compliments in a formal way, I didn't talk to him. What I want to know is that he hasn't said anything yet.

Sure enough, after a few words of praise, Luo Feng didn't mean to stop. After a short pause, he talked about the core issue he was most concerned about. "The battlefield is the ultimate belonging of an imperial soldier. Soldiers do most of the work, but"

"However, these are not enough! The high priest of the imperial city, Erinka, has predicted through divination that there will be continuous disasters and wars in the imperial city in the coming time. As an adventurer from afar, when the authority of the imperial city is facing desecration, , have the responsibility and the obligation to stand up!!"

"Yes!" I replied.

"As for these military merits, it is a unified standard to measure the contribution of an adventurer to the kingdom. As long as it is a factor that is harmful to the stability and prosperity of the kingdom, after the adventurer participates in the resistance, he will make a greater or lesser contribution according to the degree of effort. The military merit reward. The Supreme God has tens of thousands of clones, everywhere, and it is always watching the efforts of all his people!!" General Luo Feng's face was firm, but it seemed that there was no meaning to continue here .

"What about the specifics? Moonlight is very interested in what you said!!"

"Lock! Take this viscount to the Military Command Office, and ask old Charlie to tell him in detail about his military achievements, military rank, and corresponding responsibilities and obligations!!" General Luo Feng didn't seem to bother to talk to me about these things, and said with a big face After finishing the business, he called the guard outside the door in.

"Yes!" The man named Locke entered the tent in response, without much nonsense, he took me out of the general's barracks with a gesture of invitation.

I heard a lot from Locke on the road, and gradually gained a basic understanding of the composition of the military's departments. The Military Command Office is a relatively core department in the barracks. It coordinates and handles most of the issues reported from below to form opinions. These written opinions will be submitted to the general for review. This is not all the responsibilities of the Military Command Department. There are also lower-level units, such as the Military Supplies Department and the Military Law Department.

After turning around in the barracks, Locke led me to an inconspicuous small tent. The tent next to this tent was similar to the general's camp couch. A small tent stands here abruptly, which feels indescribably awkward.

After confirming that it was correct, I followed Locke into the tent. There was only an old man with gray hair and beard Sheila in the tent. He was obviously not a combat-ready person in cloth armor.

"Oh, my god, look what I saw! I saw a dark elf adventurer with the title of viscount in old Charlie's hut!!" Old Charlie saw my race and title at a glance, and sent After arriving at the destination, Locke didn't stay, and then left.

"Dear Grandpa Charlie, I would like to ask you some knowledge about military achievements and military ranks!!" Facing such an old man, I was still full of humility.

"Hey! There are not many young people who are so polite now, little guy, what do you want to know? Old Charlie just needs someone to talk to!!" I secretly threw a wild detection skill in the past, but I don’t know if it’s luck It was not good or something, but it failed. Old Charlie seemed to have noticed something, and he took the initiative to reveal his name and military rank.

Legion Commander Charlie Emmed, an old man with a hunched body, gray hair, beard and wrinkled face, turned out to be a veteran with the rank of a Legion Commander! ! This is not the most shocking thing, the most shocking thing is what happened next. Old Charlie stood up from the chair and walked slowly to me. I lowered my head slightly, and I clearly saw that the old man did not The right foot, which originally belonged to the right foot, is a wooden bracket with a magical luster.

"War can create a civilization, but it can also destroy it! Young man, are you ready?" Old Charlie's voice was full of inexplicable vicissitudes.

"Ready!!!" I raised my head and said firmly.

Ding! Legion Commander Charlie Aimed gave you knowledge enlightenment, do you accept it? ? ?

An abrupt system notification sound came.

Intellectual enlightenment? I've never heard of this term, but it doesn't seem like something too dangerous.

After hesitating for a moment, I still chose to accept.

After choosing to accept it, my body was temporarily separated from the thinking of my head, and my consciousness was clear but my eyes turned into darkness.

There was no time for me to panic, and the old voice of the veteran rang in my mind.

"War can create a civilization, and likewise, it can also destroy a civilization! Those eternities that we thought would be eternal are crushed one by one under the iron hooves of war behemoths, and all kinds of vows and glory go through life and death in front of the gods. and death, through iron and blood"

It was as shocking as the first time I saw the advertisement of the oath. The text version of the scene that shocked the soul directly rang through the mind through the voice of a veteran. In the movie, scenes of life and multiplication of various races in the Oath Continent began to appear like an animation, and then the war shrouded in giant dragons and unknown shadow creatures, the blooming of various magics, and the howls of all kinds of fighting, Then there was a desolate ancient battlefield, and finally reproduced and struggled again. At this time, various more advanced war elements appeared in my mind one after another. The bigger and bigger war beasts, the new meat grinder and catapult , Meteorite creatures falling from the sky, magical beams of increasing power, and the phantom of the God of War emerging in the sky. After experiencing several times of reincarnation, all the lights and shadows disappeared under the last ball of curse-level magic , In the end, there was only a golden-armored general in full uniform and holding a giant sword on the huge battlefield, standing in front of a high mountain rock and waving the giant sword, and finally there was a silent narration, oath! For survival and freedom! !

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