Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 191 The Mission Of Quartermaster Zhuo Lin

Finally, all the pictures disappeared, and the uncontrolled body returned to normal, and the enlightenment was completed. From a more professional point of view, these should be the complete cutscenes, and what is captured in the game advertisement is only the section with the most colorful and colorful light and shadow effects.

Ding! Congratulations on accepting the knowledge enlightenment from General Luo Feng's Legion Commander Charlie Aimed. Permanently increase the base intelligence by 30 points, permanently increase the base strength by 30 points, permanently increase the base agility by 30 points, and permanently increase the base physical strength by 30 points.

Those shocks just now have not passed yet, and the system prompts later are even more gratifying. All attributes are permanently increased by 30 points, which is completely comparable to an additional piece of jewelry with good attributes. After a few seconds, I completely Recovery from great joy.

"Young man, what else do you want to know? Old Charlie knows everything!!!" The old soldier's voice soaked in the vicissitudes of time made people feel very awkward.

"Grandpa Charlie, thank you for your enlightenment, I also want to know the detailed setting of military ranks!!" I was still humble.

"Here, this, these little things are recorded in this manual, you can look it up." Old Charlie didn't seem to care or take it seriously.

I took the ancient parchment handbook with both hands and began to flip through it. Numerous numbers flooded into my mind. Most of the opening chapters were about the glory and glorious history of the empire. Key data of interest.

The military rank system of the Oath Continent is divided into eleven levels, and each level has corresponding requirements and benefits in order from low to high.

A low-ranking soldier has 5,000 military merit points, no battlefield equipment, and no salary.

First-class soldiers have 10,000 military merit points, no battlefield equipment, and no salary.

The sergeant major has 50,000 military merit points, no battlefield equipment, and no salary.

Centurion 10,0000 points of military merit, no battlefield equipment, no salary.

Commander 250,000 points of military merit, battlefield equipment green suit, salary ten gold per week.

The ten thousand commander has 600,000 military merit points, a blue suit for the battlefield, and a salary of 20 gold per week.

The legion leader has 150,0000 points of military merit, is equipped with a purple suit on the battlefield, and has a salary of 40 gold per week.

The general has 350,0000 military merit points, a legendary suit of battlefield equipment, and a salary of 100 gold per week.

The marshal has 500,0000 military merit points, epic suits for battlefield equipment, and a salary of 200 gold per week.

Grand Marshal 1200,0000 points of military merit, battlefield equipment sub-god-level suit, salary 400 gold per week.

The decree of the god of war is 5000,0000 points of military merit, the battlefield equipment is a god-level suit, and the salary is one thousand gold per week.

On closer inspection, the respect for veterans has increased even more. Veterans at the rank of regiment commander are only one level lower than Luo Feng. At this stage, it seems that there are no NCs above the rank of general. This veteran's status is already considered the second in command.

The records in the sheepskin handbook are very detailed. As long as you kill the military targets of the corresponding level or complete the specified tasks, you can get military merit points. Military merit points can be accumulated. From the beginning, you can enjoy battlefield equipment and receive salary.

After getting enough official titles, you can buy battlefield equipment with a small amount of gold coins from the material officer in the imperial city. Battlefield equipment is different from conventional equipment. Although it is also graded according to quality, battlefield equipment of the same quality has much higher attributes than ordinary equipment. The battlefield outfit has an independent attribute system, which makes it more suitable for v battles, and there are many compensatory attributes that can only work when k. One piece of battlefield equipment k must be dropped after death. After being captured by the opponent, it can be used to exchange for a considerable amount of military merit. Every time you increase your official rank, you can only buy one battlefield equipment. If you lose one piece, the suit attributes will be lost. Wasted.

When I saw that the highest official title was God of War, it was completely messed up. A military merit value of 50 million is required, a salary of one thousand gold per week, and god-level suits can be purchased. The military merit value is only 50 million. There are dozens of points for killing a monster now, and the rewards may be even higher in the future, so it's not too much trouble.

As if he had seen through my thoughts, old Charlie said meaningfully, "Military merit is far less profitable than you imagined, and after reaching a bottom line and continuing to kill hostile targets at a certain stage, military merit will not increase any more! ! In addition, there is one item that is not written in this manual. In addition to these benefits, each soldier can receive a medal representing his military rank. When receiving the military rank, don't forget to ask the military officer for it!!"

Originally, he was full of confidence, but when he was reminded by the veteran, he suddenly became sluggish. The supreme god is indeed everywhere, and it is not so easy for people to get a god-level suit.

After bidding farewell to the veterans, I was going to return along the road, passing by the supplies office, just in time to see the old lady from the grocery store walking towards the supplies warehouse, and by some coincidence, I followed.

"Master Zhuo Lin, these are the materials harvested from selling items in the past few days, I hope you can count them clearly!!" The old woman said kindly.

The quartermaster named Zhuo Lin tapped the rough claws we used to exchange the sealing stone several times, and then handed the old woman a token with a magic imprint after registering. The old woman found me sideways and smiled kindly It was counted as a greeting, and without stopping any longer, he turned around holding the token and left the material officer's office tent.

"Young man, what's the matter with you? I don't seem to have your face in my memory, you're new??" Zhuo Lin began to notice me after sending the old woman away, and asked after looking around.

"Hello, Master Quartermaster, I am an adventurer from Feiyun City, and I still have a lot of materials you need in my hand. I don't know what equivalent benefits I can get in exchange for you!!" He took out more than a dozen sharp claws and other materials and said.

"Adventurer?? It's unbelievable. Has the strength of an adventurer reached the Abyss Fortress?" The material officer named Zhuo Lin was a little surprised, but quickly locked his eyes on the materials in my hand .

In a hurry, I took out more than one material at random, curved fangs, sharp claws, and a sharp claw for making arrow clusters.

The material officer reached out and took several materials in my hand. After observing the canine teeth and the three-headed dog's claws, he finally locked his eyes on the sharp claws of the Claw Demon.

"Is this the sharp claw on the adult Claw Demon??" the supplies officer asked while pinching the sharp claw with his right hand.

"Yes, my lord!!"

"Young Viscount, are you interested in doing me a favor?" Zhuo Lin, the material officer, said with bright eyes.

Seeing his demeanor, I subconsciously took a step back. After realizing that I had lost my composure, I made some adjustments before saying "I am willing to help!!"

"The Claw Demon is a kind of monster in the depths of the abyss. Although its defense is poor, it is extremely aggressive. His hamstrings are the best bow strings. Its sharp claws can make extremely penetrating arrows, even if it is The lower-quality claws on the third to fifth fingers are all rare materials, since you can kill this kind of monster, I would like to ask you to help me collect the materials from the Claw Demon!" The material officer put away just now With a gaffe, he said eagerly.

"No problem, but now I am concerned about a problem, what can I get??" Now that the status is equal, it is a good time to talk about conditions.

"Military achievements! Prestige! Gold coins! And the mellow wine and hot girls after returning to the city!!" Zhuo Lin said bewitchingly.

"Alcohol and chicks are fine, military reputation and gold coins are good choices!" I said calmly.

Ding! Do you want to accept the material collection task of Zhuo Lin, the material officer of the army?

Material collection Collect the materials of the Claw Demon that haunts the depths of the abyss, hamstrings, claws, and 1,000 copies each. After completing the task, you will get rich rewards.

The hamstrings and sharp claws with different qualities were collected when we were killing monsters, but no one paid attention to them at the time. Seeing that the quality was very low and the level was also very low, they were all discarded as garbage. Both sharp claws and hamstrings were The by-products harvested when peeling, each claw demon can harvest four to five claws when peeling and collecting, but basically only one of them reaches the complete quality, and the others are incomplete or broken. We did not expect In the eyes of the material officer, the uncommon gadgets turned out to be rare and good things.

Without hesitation, I immediately chose to accept.

I took a mission by accident, and now I have nothing to do. I checked the time and it was past ten o'clock in the evening. I walked out of the barracks quickly, and after returning to the supply merchant, I chose to log off.

After going offline, I went straight to the toilet. The requirement of professional players is to learn from camels, but my camel seems to be unqualified. The feeling of empty stomach can be tolerated, but the feeling of bladder bursting is really unbearable. After some venting, the personal problem was finally resolved. After getting out of the toilet, I glanced at the living room casually. The light in the kitchen was on. The few of them were still awake, and they could vaguely hear the sound of talking and laughing.

"Wow, the boss is offline, let's continue the supper made by sister An Ran!!" Cang Qiong seemed to be in a good mood, seeing me come out of the toilet and hurriedly greeted me.

"What are you busy with? A meeting??" I asked jokingly.

"Hey, we're all very excited. I checked my account just before I went offline, and the gold coins consigned on the platform have been swept away. Now we are all professional gamers with a six-figure net worth!" Yelling excitedly.

Tudou also changed from the simple and honest before, and said with the same excitement, "I have made money now, and I will send money home tomorrow. My father and mother will definitely be very happy when they see so much money!!"

Before I could speak, the kitchen door opened, Xiaoyou and Anran came out with a few dishes, Xiaoke appeared last, holding a medium-sized rice cooker in both hands.

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