Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 421 Find A Treasure

Standing high, the field of vision was much wider, and after flying aimlessly for a period of time, the general outline of the Psychedelic Island appeared in my mind.

This is a small island, flying around the island did not see a single figure, only eyes full of emerald green. The vines and shrubs are tangled together, and the whole island seems to be covered with a thick green quilt.

I watched the countdown of Xiao Hei's flight time, and there was still more than half an hour left, so I had to grit my teeth and continue exploring in mid-air. After I had almost visited the entire island, I finally found a clue.

Not far from the steep cliffs at the northernmost point of the island, there appeared a huge stone formation suspected to be made of rocks.

That is to say, I have the convenience of a mount, so I can discover this thing so quickly. Although the island is not big, the vegetation is dense and it is super difficult to walk.

The use of the word suspected is well-founded. The pattern composed of giant rocks is not one of the known magic circles I have seen. Within a circular range of more than 500 yards, there is no plant growth at all. The giant rocks are not Not messy, the radial distribution on the ground, the distance between each stone is equal, my intuition tells me that there must be a problem here, it is this vague feeling that makes me control Xiao Hei to land.

After landing, the stones on the ground were bigger than what I saw in the sky, and each piece was half a head taller than me. Sometimes a single stone can block most of the field of vision. If I didn’t look down from the sky, even if I found There is also no way to find the rules of the placement of this big thing here.

Patiently turning around among the stones, almost every stone has been carefully observed, but still nothing is found. I took out the crescent moon on my chest again to try my luck, but this time I was disappointed , still no response.

When I arrived at the small island, the sun had just risen in the morning in the game, and before I knew it, I wandered around the stone forest until the evening, when the sun set again, and a crescent moon was looming. People are patient, but no matter how patient they are, there will be a moment when they are exhausted. Now that my patience is exhausted, I am not in the mood to see whether the crescent moon is beautiful or not.

I looked at the real time, Nima, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening, no wonder I was hungry, I chose to go offline and took off the helmet on my head in a daze.

The group of foodies in the studio had already had dinner. They knew that I was doing a task, so they didn't wait for me. There was a note on the dining table, which was written in Enron's plump and round font.

"The vegetables are in the refrigerator, and the rice is in the rice cooker. When you are hungry, heat it up in the microwave!!"

Opening the refrigerator, sure enough, two plates of untouched dishes were covered with plastic wrap.

After warming up the delicious food with careless hands and feet, I went back to the room without clearing the dishes and chopsticks. I turned off the light and was about to lie down and continue playing the game.

The fast pace of urban life makes it easy for people to ignore some things. Seeing the beam of moonlight entering the room, I was inexplicably touched in my heart. I don’t know what I was thinking. The entire curtain was completely closed, without the barrier of the curtain, the room was instantly covered with a layer of silver.

Today is the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and the Chinese New Year will be half a month away. In the night sky outside the window, the moon is as round as a disk.

The sensibility only lasted for a few minutes, and I stared at the moon for a few minutes without thinking. During this time, the irritability of having no clue about the task gradually disappeared, and my mind was so clean that I couldn’t think of anything. From the window, I could see the fast food restaurant downstairs. With diners coming in and out, I shook my head and climbed into bed to continue logging into the game.

After entering the game, it was also night, and I had the talent for night vision, so the night had little effect on my actions. The first quarter moon was high, and the moonlight also covered those huge stones with a layer of plain silver.

Looking at these stones, I suddenly felt something was wrong. They were not exactly the same. In addition to the plain silver sprinkled by the moonlight, some stones seemed to have something else on their surface. I had an illusion, a faint light As if it wasn't exactly reflected moonlight.

With a thought, I stepped onto Xiaohei and flew into the air again.

When I saw it in mid-air, I was stunned.

In the huge stone array, some are brighter and some are relatively dark. Looking from a height, many stones glow faintly. These lights are connected together to form a pattern of a crescent moon, but this pattern is similar to that in the sky. The moon is different. If the pattern is seen from a high place, it happens to be the last quarter moon. If the two patterns are the same size, they can be pieced together to form a complete moon.

I watched this strange scene carefully, wondering if this scene was some kind of reminder of the mission, my eyes swept along the way, and suddenly stopped on a boulder.

The position of this boulder in the center of Stonehenge, according to the distribution of patterns, it should also emit light, but it does not. The pattern of the last quarter moon has a little flaw because of its existence. Not only that, but relatively Compared with other stones, the top of this stone is much wider. The wide stone plane gives me an illusion that even if Xiao Hei and I stand on it, it should not be crowded.

Seeing this scene, with a thought in my mind, I manipulated Xiao Hei Luo to go over.

It landed steadily, and sure enough, even if Xiao Hei and I stood on it, there was still room left.

I was feeling that my estimation was accurate, when suddenly I felt a chill in my chest, and a cold breath rushed from my chest to the back of my head. of.

I felt the cold ice on my chest almost like a conditioned reflex, but only after I got it in front of my eyes did I realize that this is not ice, but the crescent moon. The crescent moon at this moment also emits a cool light. After coming out, the light curtain gradually expanded, and finally completely covered the range of the stones under his feet. The jigsaw puzzle blemish caused by the stone not shining has been filled.

When the light curtain emitted by Crescent Moon stopped expanding, the entire stone forest vibrated violently.

The duration of the vibration was short, but the momentum was very loud. The gloomy light emitted by the stones floated into the air, and stone fragments began to fly down from the big rocks. Except for the boulders under my feet, there was no change. It was completely turned into dust, and some of them just peeled off a thin layer. When the dust settled, a familiar giant hexagram array appeared under my feet.

The original radioactive array of stones has less than one-third of the stones still standing in place. The size of these stones has hardly changed, but the outer skin has all peeled off, turning into pieces of crystal clear giant magic that is as tall as a person. Crystal diamonds, I have a very good understanding of the magic circle, and I can see at a glance that the positions of these crystal diamonds are the nodes of the hexagram pattern.

I didn't even have time to exclaim, the entire magic array was activated, with the giant magic crystal drill as the node, the thin lines formed by continuous magic power became part of the hexagram array, within a short time, the entire hexagram array was too dazzling to be added.

Ding! The second phase of the mission on the way home has been activated. Do you want to continue? ? ?

Hearing the long-lost system prompt, I was so excited that tears almost came down, Nima, God has eyes! ! !

Without even thinking about it, I chose to continue! !

brush! ! ! I just felt that my eyes were blank, and I completely lost my vision. The space force kept pulling my body forward, and I seemed to be floating in the night sky with no stars at all.

Except for consciousness, there is nothing else, and I can't do anything now.

This state lasted for more than a minute. I only felt a blur in my mind, and I regained consciousness in an instant. Then a white light flashed, and I appeared in a completely strange environment.

The time here is like a summer afternoon, the sun is warm, the surrounding is full of natural atmosphere, the fragrance of flowers, the singing of birds, and even the butterflies flying up and down around me. ? ?

Ding! ! Welcome to the kingdom of elves, Lost Forest! ! The third phase of the mission on the way home begins! Following the prompt, an independent map that has nothing to do with the game world map was refreshed on my mission map, with a striking red 3 marked on it.

A system prompt brought my thoughts back. Fortunately, my brother didn't travel through, but just changed the map.

When the mission reaches the third stage, there will be mission instructions. The first mission instruction now is to find the tree of life of the elf tribe.

The tree of life is the dwelling place of the elves, and it is the incarnation of the world tree in the forest. They can secrete a kind of eternal spring, which can obviously increase the fertility of the elves. Although the elves live extremely long, they can The fertility rate is extremely low, and the existence of the fountain of eternity has almost played an irreplaceable role in the reproduction of the elf population. The tree of life itself has limited protection, but the whole body is full of treasures, so if you want to survive, you can only rely on the power of elves Guardianship, a very subtle accompanying relationship has been formed between the two.

There is no hint at all in the first two stages. If you are unlucky, you may not be able to complete the task in the mission location for a lifetime. However, we are strong and smart, and with the help of Xiao Hei, we finally made it through. Now that I have mission instructions, I feel confident.

After getting on the horse and taking off, Xiaohei carried me over the dense treetops and flew into the air again.

The situation is not as simple as I expected. Although there is no shelter above the treetops, the field of vision is not wide. Unexplored areas continue to rise from dense forests with large groups of fog, which firmly controls my field of vision. Within a few hundred yards, fortunately, the mission map was available, and Xiao Hei flew across the sky quickly. After dispelling the fog of war, a large area was lit up.

Until the time-of-flight technology was on the verge, finally, a towering tree appeared at the edge of my field of vision, and I was overjoyed, the tree of life was found! ! !

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