Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 422 The Son Of The Forest

The tree of life stands there abruptly and completely towers into the clouds, and the top of the tree cannot be seen from a long distance, but these are not my concern, as long as the tree of life can be found, the task can continue.

Clamping the belly of the mount with both feet, Xiao Hei flew towards the tree of life in a straight line.

The tree of life is getting closer and closer, and it is about to arrive. Suddenly, there is a sudden change. With a whoosh, an afterimage flashed across the face. Familiar, someone put a cold shot! !

There was a surprise attack, so I hurriedly stopped Xiao Hei and circled in the air. There was a dense tree top below me. I looked around and found no trace of the attacker. The straight-line distance from the tree of life was less than a hundred yards. I can't lose it on foot. After thinking for a while, I added a cunning effect to myself, and Xiao Hei landed from the sky.

"Don't move!!!!" As soon as I landed on Xiao Hei, a group of elves with bows and arrows and spears jumped out of the cluttered bushes and surrounded me tightly. Tightly, the arrows and the tips of the spears shone with a deadly cold light.

"Don't, don't get me wrong!!!" I hastily put away my longbow and raised my hands high to show that I am not hostile. Now is not the time to pretend, they are highly nervous, their nerves are tense, and so many people give me one at a super close distance. Come on, I have no place to hide, I can go to see God directly.

"You, are you an elf????" A middle-aged elf with a handsome appearance and a strong body put away the weapon in his hand and asked me tentatively, staring at me with dark green eyes.

I took off my veil, revealing my pale gray skin and pointy ears.

"Yes, I am not the enemy!!!" I replied.

"It's the dirty black elf!!! Kill him!!!" A young elf next to me raised a spear high in his hand.

"Roka, stop!!!" Without waiting for the young elf to make a move, the middle-aged elf who asked me just now grabbed the tip of its spear.

"Elder Ke Roy, what is there to hesitate? They traded their souls with the devil, and they have already lost themselves!!!" The elf warrior named Roca said confidently.

The black elf is a species that is somewhat similar in form to the forest elf. It is vicious and bloodthirsty, and lives underground. I didn't expect my light gray skin to make the other party misunderstand.

"Calm down, he's not a black elf!!!" The young elf who became Elder Ke Roy said solemnly.

"Young adventurer, why did you come to our kingdom of elves???" Elder Ke Roy stared at me and asked.

"I am a dark elf, entrusted by my mentor to find the Tree of Life and the Goddess of Life!!!" Now is not the time to be impulsive, even if I have the ability to escape, I will not do that, the mission must continue Yes, and the contact with these indigenous elves should be an opportunity to complete the follow-up tasks.

"Is there anything to prove that what you said is true??" After hearing my reason for coming, the elder frowned and continued to ask.

Without even thinking about it, I took out the crescent moon token hanging on my chest.

"This is the token my mentor gave me!!" The bright silver crescent moon swayed in the air, and circles of subtle moonlight halos radiated out as it swayed.

"Put away your weapons, he is not an enemy!!!" After reading the token in my hand, Elder Ke Roy waved his hand, and the dozen or so elves around him put away the weapons in their hands. Seeing that the opponent's weapons were all put away, I just relaxed, Nima, if you are unlucky and get slaughtered for no apparent reason, your reputation will be really ruined.

The middle-aged elf said, "I am the elder druid of the elf tribe, you can call me Ke Roy! Young man, tell me your purpose, maybe I can help you!!!"

I thought about it for a while, but I didn’t come out straight. Teacher Yulia once told me that when the dark elves were expelled, the majority of the elders’ meeting opposed it. Now I don’t know the other side’s position. Talking nonsense will kill people. . After thinking for a while, I said, "I accepted the mentor's racial mission, and took the token to the Lost Forest to find the archdruid elder Fandral Staghelmet. Only after I find him will I know the follow-up mission!!"

"You want to find Fandral Staghelm, the elder of the Elf King's Court???" Ke Roy's eyes widened after hearing what I said, as if doubting the authenticity of what I said.

"In God's Highest, it's true!!" I responded.

With the oath in the name of the Supreme God, the elder's last doubts were dispelled, and he responded, "You are lucky, boy!!! Come with me. In three days, it will be the elders' meeting held every 20 years by the elves. The great archdruid elder Fandral Buckhelm will come, and you can see him then!!!"

"Thank you for your information!!" I respectfully saluted a standard shooter.

Three days in the game is equal to one day in the real world. Now it is midnight in the real world, which means that I will be able to see the legendary elder druid at about this time tomorrow. The mission is not bad. It goes well, just wait a day, it doesn't matter.

I followed Ke Roy to the tree of life, and I settled down here.

The elves all live on the tree of life. The tree of life is like a giant high-rise building connected to the sky. Tree houses, elves live in these tree houses.

The huge size of the Tree of Life occupies a range of a hundred yards. Within the enveloping range of the big tree, there are no other trees growing at all. The entire ground is covered with green grass, and many young elves who have not yet grown up gather together to fight. Play around. Sunshine, forest, and green grassland, if you can live like this forever, it should be a very good childhood.

As the sun slowly slanted to the west, the adult elves from hunting in the elf tribe came back carrying the harvest of the day one after another. The arrival of my uninvited guest brought a sense of tension to the whole tribe, and many younger elves mistook me. He thought he had become an evil black elf, if Elder Ke Roy hadn't stopped it in time, a fierce battle would have been unavoidable.

The waiting time is very long. Since there are game clues, I didn't get too entangled. The racial missions are definitely not as small as those small branches and plots. Impatience is not enough.

I went around the elven tribe like a tourist. I went around the whole elven tribe except for the giant tree houses at the top of the tree of life, which were forbidden to check.

It was still early after looking at the time, and I really couldn’t find any interesting pastimes, so I simply said hello to Elder Ke Roy and went offline. Now it’s midnight in reality, so I’ll have a good sleep and get enough energy to talk about it tomorrow.

The next day I had a long sleep, and I didn’t get up until it was close to nine o’clock. I was doing tasks these days, so my life schedule has changed a bit. He didn't wake me up except for a meal.

I just went online lazily after breakfast. The Lost Forest is a safe area, so I don’t spawn monsters. It’s impossible to dawdle some levels when I’m bored. There’s still waiting time throughout the day, so I have to find something to do for myself. .

This didn't bother me, so I opened the forum while I was online, and started wandering around the pages of each channel.

I have experienced several large-scale guild wars in a row. The popularity of various battle reports and long comments on the forum has not passed. I took a quick look and found that the game has a large player base, and there are really many capable people. He made an evaluation of the recent wartime with his attitude, and he sprinkled tens of thousands of words in it. Although it belongs to paper, the content is also exciting.

Skipping these forums such as counting soldiers on the battlefield, I found the rumors section of the rivers and lakes. This is the distribution center for all kinds of gossip. From some inside stories to some unpopular tasks can be found here. Of course, for those who are interested, there are many News of every opportunity.

After roughly browsing a few pages, a help post jumped into my eyeballs. A low-level player named Chest Hair Burning was also randomly assigned to the branch race of the orcs. He accepted the race mission like me, but he was stuck in the first round of the mission. Judging by the fact that his words and sentences in his posts are sophisticated, he should not be too young. The post was just posted a few minutes ago, and no one cared about it except for a few replies from the spammers who got points for spamming. In the forum where gossip was flying all over the sky, it sank to more than ten pages in almost a few seconds.

There are still branch professional players who have not been recruited by any forces? ? ? After seeing this post, I had a thought, almost missed half a beat, and immediately locked my profile picture and chose to call online.

The call was connected quickly, and as expected, there was a man on the other side who was as loud as a potato.

"Moon, moonlight, you are the moonlight under the eaves??? Are you looking for me???" The man opposite had obviously heard of our name, and after seeing my id, he couldn't speak excitedly.

"Um, don't get excited, it's me, I just read your post on the forum, so I want to know more about the situation, maybe I can help you!!!" I directly explained the purpose of my visit.

"Not long after I entered the game, when I chose a race, I randomly picked a violent orc. After the race was selected, I received a race mission that can only be done at the second turn by default. After struggling for so long, I finally passed the second turn, but I accepted After the quest, I couldn’t proceed at all, and I couldn’t find the person who triggered the quest, and there was no quest instruction.” Chest Mao was burning the bamboo tube and pouring beans, talking a lot.

"What are the characteristics of your profession? Haven't joined any guilds or forces yet???" Seeing that the other party was a straight-hearted person, I directly asked what I was most concerned about.

"The violent orc is a race with high output and low defense. The power bonus is 25, but the defense ability is weakened by 30. The unique berserk talent of the orc race has also been strengthened. The berserk effect has been increased by an additional 10. I am a casual player with garbage equipment. I just turned 2 , the equipment sucks and no trade union is willing to accept me!!!”

Hearing this, I was overjoyed, so I just went to the forum in my spare time, and I found a treasure...

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