Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 433 Who Are You?

"Damn!!! So perverted!!!" Tudou exclaimed as soon as the attribute was copied to the channel.

"I don't know if this thing can be caught as a pet. If you can have such a pet, it will definitely be a fortress," the dress said yy.

The four skills of the necromancer are too nb. Curse can reduce the opponent's hit rate, fanaticism can greatly improve the output efficiency of allies, and although the skill of summoning skeleton warriors is limited by corpses, who knows if there are any buried underground? What about corpses that have been around for hundreds of years, and the last disabled skill, a near-death blow, reduces the target's movement speed and attack frequency by half. become crippled. If the terrain is suitable, the necromancer can use these ace skills to defeat people who are much stronger than him.

"Uncle, this... how do we fight??" Cang Qiong's expression changed after reading the attributes, but he quickly adjusted back.

I quickly glanced at all the active skills in the skill bar, my eyes wandered, and then quickly locked on the burning soul skill of the evil spirit king, and never moved again. Burning Soul is a new skill acquired by the evil spirit king when he was promoted. It can add a negative state of Burning Soul to the target. Not only will the magic defense ability be weakened by nearly half, but also legal professions cannot concentrate on chanting magic spells when they are in the state of Burning Soul. Undead The wizard's skills are so sharp, logically speaking, it should need to be chanted, and it happened to be restrained.

"Don't panic, I have a solution!!!" I shared the burning soul skill with everyone, and the chaotic crowd quieted down.

"Try first, everyone pay attention, let's start monsters!!" I controlled the little skull and walked forward quickly. The necromancer had just activated and raised his arms to prepare to attack. The fire energy in the eyes of the little skull flashed. Then a burning purple flame hung on the necromancer's forehead. The soul-burning flames made the necromancer extremely painful, and the rattling sounds like metal friction made people's teeth sore.

"Fire with all your strength!!!" The Soul Burning skill of the evil spirit king only has an effect of 30 seconds, but the cooling time is close to two minutes. This armored monster has such low blood, and there is no need to worry about the offset of the hatred value. I give an order , everyone took out the special skills at the bottom of the box.

The professional skills of the legal system are sharp, but the basic attributes are not strong. Cloth armor, the defense value is less than 3,000 points. After I use the skill to lower the defense again, the skin is brittle. Any skill attack can deal 3,000 to 4,000 damage The output, the big killer skill with a relatively long cooldown is even more terrifying when thrown on the body, and the Soul Piercing Arrow even hit 30,000+ crit damage.

My previous conjecture is similar to the actual situation. Only the evil curse is an instant skill among the first three skills of the necromancer, and the other two skills cannot be used at all. The only evil curse skill fell on the head of the unlucky ghost in the dress, but fortunately, with Sister An Ran, two purification skills in succession finally eliminated the damn curse effect.

With the restraint of the burning soul skill, the necromancer's combat power was limited by at least 70%. Within 30 seconds, it only released an evil curse, and then began to shoot fireballs one after another. Normal attack, magic attack 2000 Five dozen people is a bit painful, but because of the presence of priests and blood-enriching potions, this threat is not fatal.

At the end of thirty seconds, the necromancer's blood was less than 100,000 points. As soon as the burning soul skill disappeared, the necromancer began to chant a spell. After two seconds of chanting, beside him stood, a Skeleton warriors wearing tattered armor and holding rusty broadswords emerged from the ground.

It was useless to greet me, the evil spirit king directly transferred the attack to the skeleton warrior. Since the skeleton warrior was of a low level, it was affected by the deterrent aura skill of the evil spirit king almost at the moment of appearance, and jumped up on the forehead before he could do anything. With a damage value of 30,000 points, it is obvious that this product is full of blood, only 100,000 blood, drizzle, and even the wild detection skills are saved.

Three strikes, five cuts and two kills the little skeleton warrior. Everyone silently stopped. The tacit understanding formed by fighting side by side for a long time was vividly reflected at this moment. Everyone silently looked at their attack skills that were still cooling down. Although the skills of each profession are different, the cooldown time of the skills is basically the same. Due to the oppression of dying skills, everyone tacitly chose to wait for the cooldown of the skills to complete, and then focus on the fire attack to instantly drop the residual blood of bosses 5, 4, 3, and 2 , 1. The longest cooldown in the team is my Soul Piercing Arrow. Now that the cooldown is complete, I nodded at everyone. After getting everyone's response, I shouted, let's do it! !

brush! ! !

More than 20 combat units focused fire at the same time. This effect was too spectacular. At the same time, more than a dozen skill effects shrouded it. The necromancer had not yet triggered the dying state, and was directly torn into pieces by the violent skill energy.

The blood bar was empty, and the dark gray linen robe was reduced to ashes together with the bones.

Ding! !

A pile of magic stones exploded out. I heard the sound of magic stones colliding with each other, and my ears moved involuntarily.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I seem to hear a more crisp and pleasant existence in the sound of the magic stone colliding.

"Kang Qiong, pick it up, pay attention to see if there are gems with special attributes!!!" I reminded.

"Okay!!!" Cang Qiong responded, took two quick steps and bent down to carefully pick up the spoils on the ground.

"Hey, uncle, there are really special gems, look!!!" Sky searched, and then there was a small dark gray gem in his hand.

The gem fragments of the dark side of the moon seal rare gem fragments of dark energy, which can be embedded into equipment to increase the attributes of equipment. For more gem fragments, you can find gem masters to synthesize more advanced perfect gems.

After the inlay effect is inlaid on the equipment, an additional 20 points of dark erosion damage will be added.

As soon as the gem attribute came out, my eyelids twitched subconsciously, and then I turned my head to look at Yang Dan involuntarily. The eclipse damage up to 800 points is not very effective when attacking minion monsters. They are basically paddling. As for picking up and dropping, she usually hides behind the crowd in a daze.

"Yang Dan, here, the stone you used!!" I walked up to her in two or three steps, and then traded the gem fragments I just got to her.

"This..." Yang Dan took the gem in my hand reflexively, and after looking at it, his face was full of joy, but the joyful expression only flashed, and then turned into a scrupulous look.

"This gem is too precious, I..." Yang Dan was very entangled, he wanted to but also had scruples, hesitated again and again, and finally pushed the gem back in front of me.

"You can take it if I give it to you, this thing is suitable for you!! I am the captain, I have the final say!" After speaking, I forcefully stuffed the gem back.

"Feng, thank you..." Yang Dan lowered his head holding the gem fragments in both hands.

I used the public chat to say, "You are too weak now. Go out and throw the people in our studio directly. What the team assigns to you is what you deserve. Don't have any ideological burden! Since the first one can be dropped here , Maybe there will be more in the future, everyone, work harder, and try to cultivate a perverted dark erosion mage!!!"


Although it was just a scene, but the wish came true. In the next battle, almost every necromancer will drop this kind of gem fragments after dropping a large number of phantom crystals. After more than an hour, Yang Dan The gem fragments in his hand reached an astonishing thirty pieces.

As the progress of the map progresses, the respawning of necromancers becomes more and more intensive. At the beginning, they can slowly attract monsters to besiege and kill them. Later, it becomes a situation where two or three small groups exist at the same time. We were able to slaughter these wizards in such a leisurely manner. The biggest reliance was the magic banning effect of the evil spirit king's burning soul skill. When the number of wizards increased to two, the entire team began to face a lot of pressure. Another wizard without the suppression of magic banning would be unscrupulous. Summoning skeleton warriors, unleashing curses and fanaticism, under the ebb and flow, the pressure on everyone in the team has increased a lot. These necromancers belong to the long-range attack profession, and the method of using the terrain to block monsters will not work. After casualties, everyone stopped moving forward.

"I can't go on like this, if there is no Niuhuang Huisheng Pill to support, Yang Dan almost died just now!!!" Sister An Ran said worriedly.

"We can't do it recklessly, we have to think of other ways!!" The white wedding dress also nodded.

Asuka said succinctly, "Right now, there are two or three piled up together. It's impossible to fight at all. It's too close to attract monsters. It's a headache~!"

"Boss, we have it!!! There is a way to attract monsters!!!" Everyone was frowning and trying to find a way, but Xiao Ke suddenly slapped his head and shouted.

"Tell me what??"

Xiao Ke cleared his throat, "Basically, the monsters we meet now are usually two or three together, rarely more than four. Occasionally, there is a certain distance between them. Since they are not easy to lure, let Just destroy them one by one. Asuka and I touch one to temporarily faint, and then you lead away and kill the last one. Although it will be slower, there will be no great loss and danger! Dungeon land reclamation, I think it is still the second most efficient ,Safety first!!"

"Just do as you said!!!" I really can't think of a better strategy, Xiao Ke's method derived from reverse thinking has indeed become the most reliable suggestion.


With the theoretical basis, we immediately started to act. First, two thieves sneaked behind the monster and knocked them out with a sap, and then I went out to lure the remaining one out. He said that after the strategy change, the danger was greatly reduced.

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