Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 434: Heaven-Defying Map

After finding the best strategy, our team started endless battles, attracting monsters, besieging, cleaning the battlefield to recover, and then cycled and repeated. The blue dots representing teammates moved forward little by little on the dungeon map, along the way All mage monsters are not let go, experience and gold coins are increasing at a terrifying speed.

It seems that the designer of the dungeon also knows the abnormality of the necromancer. Basically, meeting four at a time is the limit. It is a bit dangerous to faint two and carry two at the same time, but with the support of Niuhuang Huisheng Pill, everyone is shocked. no danger.

As the rectangular dungeon map continued to deepen, the entire environment began to change. The originally dense tree leaves gradually turned into a sickly gray color, getting deeper and deeper, and finally even turned into an ink-like black. After passing through the most dense section of monsters, the woodland suddenly became clear. After walking for a few hundred yards, except for the pitch-black trees, there were no monsters in sight, and the quiet people panicked.

"Uncle, why do I feel something is wrong, it's like a scene in a horror movie, it's too quiet!!!!" Cang Qiong tugged at the corner of my clothes and said nervously.

I pretended to be calm and said, "Don't worry, it's okay, there are so many people!!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I suddenly felt an extremely dangerous feeling in the lower back. The conditioned reflex cultivated for a long time made me directly activate the touch of wind skill without thinking through my brain.


Although I reacted, it was still too late. When the golden light of Gale Touch Invincible flashed for half a second, the attacker's weapon had already stabbed my waist and eyes. I hurriedly read the battle prompt, bd, it turned out to be the notorious skill of thieves , Kidney Shot! !

I was lucky, I successfully resisted the paralysis effect, but the damage still appeared. I only had less than 4,000 blood points in the walking state, and a kidney shot knocked out nearly 3,500 points, and I was almost killed in seconds.

Without even thinking about it, I rolled like a lazy donkey in an instant to avoid the next up knife. Almost at the same time, I instantly took a bottle of level 9 life recovery potion, and the qi and blood lost by the sneak attack were fully restored.

"Enemy attack!!!" After I was temporarily safe, I warned loudly.

"My aunt is here, and I want to leave even though I'm here!! Ice ring technique!" Kung Qiong reacted at this time, and released an ice ring technique while rubbing against my side. Frost of flowers.

But the expected target was not frozen by the ice ring, I only saw a faint black shadow flashing in front of my eyes, and after I resisted the control effect of the kidney shot and my reaction was not slow, it disappeared immediately. Not wary at all.

At this time, the dust of Xiaoke's development and the ice of the dress slowly covered it, but the result was naturally the same, and nothing was found.

"Boss, was it a sneak attack by a monster? You have such a high IQ, it escaped you!!" Full of confidence, Cang Qiong was a little depressed.

"Wait a minute, let me see the combat prompt..."

I searched for several battle prompts that jumped up one after another, and I found the first prompt from the record.

You are attacked by the plane wanderer Ron, the battle has started, enter the battle state!

"Huh?? It's not a monster. The one who sneaked up on me is called the Plane Wanderer Ron!!" I said in a little surprise.

"All staff are on alert at the highest level, the search formation is shrinking, and the defense formation is moving forward slowly!!" This thief hiding in the dark is not a kind person, but he can't enter the dungeon without being killed by a monster, and let an NC kill him in a sneak attack.

At the same time, the elemental perception skill has also been activated, and faint elemental energy flows in the entire space. When the flowing energy encounters trees or other obstacles, it will arouse several layers of small and regular micro-energy ripples. After a long time, I have a deeper understanding of the skills. I can feel even the subtle abnormalities on the ripples. No one speaks. I quietly feel the surrounding environment and the ripples of these elements.

Suddenly, at my right rear position, a slight dissonance was noticed by me.

This is the location of the trunk of an uncle tree. Under normal circumstances, after the element flow hits the trunk, the ripples should be relatively regular and circular. The information fed back to me here is a bit different. More than half of the elemental ripples and waves returned, and there was a position about as wide as a person's sideways. After the energy ripple hit the tree trunk, it was not reflected back to the ripple, but was absorbed vigorously. Although there was no red dot indicating that the hidden target was found, I still caught the abnormality. I don't know what method this guy used.

I didn't look back, but calmly said in the team channel, "It's seven yards away from the direction of 4:30 to the right behind me, the position of this tree trunk is weird!!! Others don't act rashly, Tudou Sky is ready to cooperate with me Come on, try to catch the little thief.!!"

"3, 2, 1! Let's do it!!" After silently chanting, I opened the bow on the spot, then turned around and swung the bow suddenly, and the master-level scattering skills shrouded it.

"Damn it!!" I only heard a curse in the darkness, and a faint figure appeared at the position I locked just now. This guy jumped away from the tree trunk where he was perched, and relied on the tree card to attack the angle of view, all miss my scattered attack.

crash! !

Tudou saw it clearly, and rushed forward with an advance. The speed was astonishing under the charge acceleration state, and the big shield was raised high, ready to give the thief a shield blow.

Seeing that it was about to be photographed, the faint black figure stretched out his hand and stepped on the shield nimbly, and then his body jumped into the air like a butterfly without gravity, and just caught on a branch, the branch was shaking All of a sudden, after several ups and downs, the black figure disappeared again.

"Damn it! What kind of evil skill is stepping on my shield, and I didn't get hurt at all!! Depressed!" Potato said, recalling the thief's amazing operation just now.

Cang Qiong pouted and said, "I'm even more depressed!!! The speed is so fast, the freezing skill can't lock the position at all..."

"Don't let your guard down, this guy probably hasn't gone far. Since you can meet NC in the dungeon, it must be useful! There may be a key person related to the dungeon process!!" I comforted.

Everyone resumed their breath-holding and alert state again, and I continued to close my eyes and began to feel the beating of every trace of elemental ripples around me.

After chasing more than a dozen yards away, the trees and leaves here are denser, and the complex environment makes it difficult for me to feel the surroundings, but I did not give up.

I suddenly felt that the ripples caused by the energy flow became much more intense in an instant, but the environment was too messy to determine the location in time, so I had to remind everyone, "Attention everyone!!"


Before everyone could react, there was another sound of a dagger piercing into the flesh. The back spine of the relatively lonely dress walking on the outermost edge of the team was poked by the dagger, causing blood loss of 3000+, and fell into a short-term paralysis. This thief is very skillful at playing with daggers, and the tiny dagger was poked in through the link gap of the knight's full body armor.

The knight's full body armor is a heavy-duty plate armor. It is thick, strong, and has the best protection ability. It moves so that you can't even poke it. Only a super expert can accurately poke the tiny armor gap with a dagger.

Evil Backstab! !

The black shadow turned over in an unusually smooth posture, and then the dagger in his hand pierced the gap just now, the blood of the dress dropped by 8000+, and it was a critical strike.

In the blink of an eye, the two skills dealt close damage. Fortunately, the dress is a blood bull knight, and the blood is still close to half.

Deadly explosion! ! !

The attacks of the rest of us have already covered it, but the thief didn't seem to have the intention of dodging immediately, the tip of the dagger in his hand flashed, and he stabbed into the position of the dress just now for the third time.

+657013440 A milky white light fell on the head of the dress, and then a green healing number jumped out, at this time the attack of the thieves also fell.

The gleaming blade of the dagger pierced into the wound on the back of the dress, and the berserk energy exploded in the armor. After being impacted by the energy from the back, the dress staggered and almost fell. The qi and blood on the top of the head suddenly bottomed out, leaving only less than 1,000 to 13,000 five-figure critical damage! ! Seeing this huge blood-red number, everyone was dumbfounded. The thief actually used the finishing move on the heavy armored knight to deal more than 13,000 damage. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it. Just now it all depended on Miss An Ran's timely one-second treatment, or else he would have kneeled just after putting on the dress just now.

"Damn it!!!" The black figure cursed again, turned around and wanted to run away, we had already figured it out, and if we didn't run away, we would have no chance.

Cage of flames!

This time the thief didn't have such good luck. He ran to the old trick to escape, but met the ice-snow-smart sky, and the sky instantly cast a flame cage, which just shrouded the thief in it. The flame cage is a relatively special skill. , after the target is imprisoned, it will restrict its movement, but at the same time it will also give it an invincible effect. It has advantages and disadvantages when used on this thieves, but no matter what, it is finally left behind.

The whole process sounds cumbersome, but in fact it only took a few seconds. After the thief was caught, the suit was paralyzed and he regained his freedom of movement. Seeing that he had less than a thousand blood left, he broke down in a cold sweat. For the first time, he had doubts about the thick iron armor on his body with the ultra-high armor, which was completely head-to-head in the knight suit.

The thieves were immobilized, and a group of people rushed up and immediately surrounded them. Cang Qiong asked, "Who are you? Why did you sneak attack on our team??"

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