"Damn it, I think I, Ron, have never lost a hand in the secondary plane for nearly a hundred years, but this time I actually capsized in a small gutter! That fierce girl, you look so beautiful when you are angry!!!" The thief's annoyed expression flashed However, without knowing what was going on in his mind, he changed the subject and started to tease the big sister head like no one else.

"Looking for death!!" Cang Qiong yelled coquettishly, and the staff in his hand spun down like lightning. Although this guy is a mage, he is very familiar with the ability to hit the head with a staff. The main victim, Tudou, can testify.


Sure enough, the wand landed right on Ron's forehead. Ron didn't even have time to dodge.

1 "Oops..."

The attack power of the staff is low, but NC is not a player, the player can adjust the pain perception, NC should not have this function, a strong staff down, Ron grinned in pain.

"Dare to play hooligans with my old lady, it's like blinding your dog's eyes!!" Cang Qiong put his hands on his hips like a shrew, and everyone in the team was impressed by the appearance of the vegetable market queen almost at the same time.

"Okay, don't make trouble for Cang Qiong, I'll ask him." I said, restraining Cang Qiong's urge to go on a rampage.

"You're lucky, old boy!!" Cang Qiong said viciously.

I squeezed into the innermost part of the encirclement, almost shoulder-to-shoulder with Ron, and said, "Your Excellency Ron, may I ask why you attacked our team one after another???"

"For the sake of your politeness, old man, I'll talk to you!!!" Ron returned to his serious look.

"You haven't answered my question yet!!" I pressed.

"Well, it's very simple. After wandering around in the Emerald Dream for too long, I ran out of supplies, so I wanted to get some supplies to use. I didn't expect that your team's real strength is much higher than the superficial level. I'm careless. ..." Ron didn't shy away from the fact that he was a prisoner, his eyes were firm and clear when he spoke, and he didn't seem to be lying.

"Just for a few bottles of potions???" I was a little depressed. In the eyes of this thief, our lives are not as valuable as the potions in his eyes.

"Um, of course..." Ron said a little guilty.

I stared straight at him without speaking, his expression had already betrayed him, obviously, this guy was lying.

"Well, the thing is actually like this. When I was walking through the space gap, I encountered an out-of-control turbulent flow. As a result, I accidentally arrived at the legendary Emerald Dreamland. I was not prepared enough, and I didn't bring any supplies with me. These are not the most important, and then I accidentally offended the black dragon Kakarona who guards the World Tree, and was seriously injured, and I met you by accident, so I decided to kill people and steal money!!!" Ron gritted his teeth, very The bachelor showed his blood bar, which was 4/5 full as expected.

At this time, after careful observation, I found that the leather armor on Ron's body was rotten, and the dagger in his hand was even more exaggerated. The blade was full of gaps and small pits burned by flames. Just now Ron was wearing such a shabby outfit and using a nearly useless dagger, he almost killed me with one blow, and almost killed the dress with one attack? If you give this guy a brand new outfit, wouldn't it turn us into scum in seconds? I was afraid after a while.

"Isn't it just medicine? Here, I'll give you a set!!"

With a thought, I took out a set of ninth-level life potion and handed it to him, but Ron said without even lifting his eyelids, "These things used by children, I used them to no avail!!"

I thought about it in my heart, but it is true, nc blood can easily be hundreds of thousands to millions, and this potion can restore five thousand blood at a time, which is better than nothing.

"Then you want to kill our people just because of these useless things??? Are you a psychopath, old man!!!" Before I had time to speak, Cang Qiong said angrily.

"Don't fool me, your team members have higher-level items in their hands. I secretly saw them during the battle earlier!!! Otherwise, I wouldn't have attacked you in spite of morals!!!" Ron said nonchalantly, curling his lips.

Hearing this, I was extremely shocked in my heart. I was so scared. It turned out that the crux of the sneak attack was here. No wonder the older generation said that the money was not in vain. It turned out that the Niuhuang Huisheng Pill in our pockets brought us almost out. The indiscriminate disaster of human life.

Although special potions are precious, I still have a lot of them in my hand. Due to my personality, I really don't pay much attention to one or two. I just hesitated for a moment, then took out two pills from the interspatial ring and handed them to Ron.

"Hey, this is what you're talking about. Our team doesn't have many of them. They are used to save lives. I give you these two pills. I hope they can help you!!!"

"Uncle, don't give it to this stinky old man, he bullied me just now~!!!" Cang Qiong said childishly.

I smiled slightly and said, "Don't make trouble in the sky, we still have..."

"Hey, you're quite generous, much better than that fierce little pepper. Since you're kind, my old guy can't let you suffer. Here's a hand-drawn map that I drew when I was bored wandering around. I hope it will be helpful for your team's adventure! Little guy, I have to go!! Goodbye!!" Ron handed me a roll of dark yellow crumpled kraft paper hand-painted map, and before we could react, his fingers were on his side With a swipe in the front void, a neat hole was torn open in the space, and he quickly got in.

"Hey. Don't go!!!" Sky wanted to stop him angrily, but the freezing ability hadn't landed yet, Ron had already disappeared into the air, and the space crack closed quickly, as if he had never appeared before.

"Hmph!!" Cang Qiong stomped his feet depressed, his mouth so pouted that he could hang up the teapot.

"Don't be angry, he really wants to leave and we can't keep him! Let me see, what he gave is a goddamn thing!!" I comforted Cang Qiong, and then opened the parchment casually.

The parchment scroll was huge, with a strong ink scent. After I opened it, I began to look at the contents inside, but after a few cursory glances, I froze there.

This is an extremely detailed map. It is obvious that the person who drew it is very professional. The various areas are densely marked, the trees are sparse and dense, the terrain environment changes, the location of monsters refresh, the approximate number and strength evaluation, all the information needed in the dungeon is basically All of them are collected on this small map. The stitch monsters and necromancers we killed earlier are also marked on it. Looking at the evaluation on the map, the difficulty of these monsters is only three stars. The refresh point of a variety of monsters, the most advanced non-boss monsters appear in the necropolis a few thousand yards south from us, and they are death knights riding undead bone horses. As for the ultimate goal of our dungeon, the imprisoned elves are in the death cell deep in the necropolis. The death cell is divided into three places, and the detailed coordinates and locations can also be found on the map.

"Haha, God help me too, I got rich, I got rich!!!" I just felt the heart beating uncontrollably in my chest, as if it was going to jump out of my chest. This information is simply too important for dungeon reclamation. To put it bluntly, with this map, it is equivalent to playing a stand-alone game and using various cheat commands to cheat. The feeling of opening the map is simply too cool.

"What's the matter, boss, what is written on this map??" Seeing my crazy performance, the wedding dress closest to me gently pushed me and asked.

"Yeah, boss, what's in here!!" Everyone asked at the same time.

I chose to share the map information, and in a flash, all the content of the entire map was projected in front of everyone. Now that it’s done, everyone is silent. After a few seconds, everyone’s extremely excited hissing sounded in the entire dungeon call.

After a few minutes, my mood calmed down, and I said softly, "Stop making trouble, calm down, now that we have this unexpected harvest, everyone cheer up, let's strive for a one-time perfect land reclamation!!"

"Haha, sure!"



With the information on the map, the next battle will be much easier, and the time-consuming road scouting will be avoided. You only need to make reasonable arrangements according to the marked location coordinates and topography. Several monsters along the way Although the single body is powerful, it does not appear in groups. After patiently cleaning up slowly, within three hours, we successfully appeared on the outskirts of the Necropolis of the Undead.

The necropolis is a typical undead building. It is the foundation of the gathering of the power of death. Its status among the dead is equivalent to a temple in the human kingdom. The existence of a necropolis means that there are relatively advanced undead biomes here. gather.

The situation of the monsters in the large cemetery is clearly marked on the map. The death knights that haunt the large cemetery one by one are the biggest threat to the outside. In addition, there are n more violent ghouls inside the cemetery, which are worth mentioning Surprisingly, the map marked a creature I had never seen before, a shadow.

Shadow is a naturally invisible unit. It is said that it was transformed by the self-sacrifice of the monks serving the evil gods. They have no combat power, zero armor, and only a pitiful 100 points of blood, but they have a very terrible talent. , stealth detection, will find conventional invisible non-friendly creatures within 100 yards and immediately send out screams to warn other wandering units. Once they are discovered by them, all the defense forces of the entire necropolis will come out. If it hadn't been specially marked on the map, the players who entered here would accidentally fall into their path, and in the end they worked hard to get through the front, but fell short at the last moment, and the players who led the team would probably cry to death. I have to say that the planner who designed this map level is too perverted.

With a cheat-like map, we don’t need to spend our lives in exchange for lessons. According to the markings on the map, we came to the designated area outside the necropolis. The mark on the map indicates that this is the best assembly point. Every ten minutes, there will be a team of 12 death knights, and our first step in sneaking into the necropolis is to get rid of these mobile death knights first.

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