I was planning to pick up the mission, but when I came to the blacksmith shop, I got an extra Tier 3 structure by accident. I hummed a little tune and left the blacksmith shop. The next stop was the Adventurer's Guild.

Since I have been here with Teacher Yulia before, I am familiar with the road this time. I don’t know if the teacher has explained to the NC waiter here. After I explained my purpose, I was not blocked or made things difficult. It was the waiter who led me last time. Came before the president of the adventurer's guild.

Richard Tuwen is dressed normally today, wearing a well-fitting evening dress, and his plump belly looks a little funny.

"Dear President, here I come again!!" I said with a standard shooter salute.

"Eh?? Quite handsome?? So fast..." Richard Tuwen glanced at me arrogantly, then he frowned and became serious, his eyes wandered around me one after another, and he said with a little surprise.

"Thanks to you..." I smiled and flattered me.

"Since you have the ability to be handsome, then this task belongs to you!!!" This wretched fat man is straightforward. I have n more stomachs in my stomach to prepare for his troubles. I didn't expect this guy to be so neat. Without ink marks at all, he directly handed me the original task card that he filled out in front of me a few days ago.

Ding! Congratulations, you have obtained the right to open large-scale main story missions, do you want to activate them now? ?

When the task card is in hand, the system's notification sound automatically sounds.

Since I didn't know what would happen after the large-scale mission was started, I was not in a hurry to activate it. I walked out of the Adventurer's Union after a few greetings with Richard Tuwen, and called the guys from the studio back first.

Since it was explained in advance, this group of people did not go far. After a phone call, a moment later, a group of them walked towards me from the direction of the inn.

"Boss, how is it?" Xiao Ke asked.

I shook the card slightly and said, "It's done!!"

"Then, what shall we do next???" Cang Qiong also interjected.

I thought about it for a while, without any clue, and said, "I haven't activated this giant task yet, so I don't know what will happen next. Let's do it in the most common way. Hurry up and go for supplies. When you are fully prepared, let's Let's activate the mission together."

Without activating the mission, naturally they couldn't respond. Everyone nodded and began to prepare various supplies. When all the staff gathered again in the alley behind the Adventurer's Union, it was already ten minutes later.

"Are you ready?" I asked, pulling everyone into the team.


After getting an affirmative answer, I took out the high-level leather card that recorded the mission again, moved my mind, and chose to activate the mission.

Ding! Congratulations to your team for successfully activating the large-scale main task of Titan's Wrath. In the next 24 hours, the game pattern will undergo major changes! ! The detailed task content will be announced in twelve hours! !

Everyone is in the team, so the system prompts everyone to hear it immediately. Nima, this is the first time I have encountered this kind of task. After activating the task, I have to wait another twelve hours to know the content of the task. It is so long in the middle What are we people who are waiting to do the task doing? ? ?

"Fuck me, why wait twelve hours? What kind of trouble is this?" Xiao Ke said gloomily, playing with the dagger with both hands.

"Yeah, this is too unreliable. If we had known, we would not have come back. After such a long time, we could earn hundreds of thousands of military merit points!!" Sky also frowned.

The whining lasted only a few minutes, and it didn't take long for the entire world channel to boil.

A single player on the battlefield said, "Fuck, what's going on on the border? Why are there so many monsters suddenly spawned!!"

The leader of a guild's centurion "Which team is near the border 3411 and 4244? S, s!!! Help!! Our centurion is surrounded by a sea of ​​monsters that suddenly refreshed!!"

A player who will supply the fort "bd, the outside of the abyss fortress is surrounded by dark monsters, monsters are attacking the city!!"


All of a sudden, the whole game was full of chaos, there were news of large-scale refresh of dark monsters everywhere, and the whole world channel was filled with all kinds of messy battle reports. Directly closed the information of the world channel.

At this time, everyone was also dumbfounded. Now they finally understand why the system prompts that the details of the mission will not be announced until twelve hours later. We triggered this large-scale plot mission, and the system naturally began to respond to the entire mission. The background form of the regional campaign to achieve the plot mission is considered common sense in the game, as long as the veterans will understand the truth. The only thing that surprised us is that we did not expect the scale of the mission background campaign to be so large.

Ding! Your friend is requesting a call! ! A crisp system notification sound pulled me back from my thoughts. It's already two o'clock in the morning, and Xiyang is still awake! !


"You know what happened in the game just now, right? Did you guys do it???" Without beating around the bush, Xiyang pushed the situation onto us.

"Um, what, this..." I didn't do anything wrong in the first place, but I still felt a little guilty when I was asked so nakedly by Xiyang.

"Okay, stop the ink, tell me, what's going on? I knew that this matter is probably related to you!!!" Xi Yang's tone was full of confidence, Nima, this is what leads the game. I am used to the trend, and Sunset immediately suspected that something happened to us, and I was depressed for a while.

"It's indeed us. We activated a large-scale main mission just now. As a result, the entire border and border forts were spawned in large numbers, and there were exclamations on the world channel." I replied.

"Large main task?? Is there any good luck? If you need more people, I can transfer some of them from the guild's main alliance!!" Hearing me talk about the large main task, Sunset suddenly became energetic.

I thought for a while, and said, "The mission hasn't officially started yet, and we need to wait 24 hours after activation, so we don't know what will happen then, but when accepting the mission, the system prompts that this large-scale main plot mission, Up to 50,000 players are allowed to share and assist in completion!!"

"I'll wipe it!!" After listening to my words, Xiyang subconsciously swears.

"Real or fake??? 50,000 people??" The main plot mission shared by 50,000 people, even a rookie in the game knows what it means, let alone the extremely smart Xi Yang.

"It's true, the specific requirements of the mission have not been updated, but I know the general situation. On the side of the dark camp, a god of the underworld god used the massive power of the underworld in the river Styx to resurrect the corpse of an ancient titan and joined the frontier battle. , and our mission goal is very likely to gather everyone to destroy the undead army headed by this titan!!"

"I'm going to arrange someone now!!!" After hearing my words, Xiyang immediately sensed the seriousness of the matter, and made a gesture to hang up the call.

"Wait!!!" I gestured hastily.

"What's wrong?? What else is there?? Time is running out, I need to make arrangements!!" Xi Yang said after a pause.

I did some calculations and said, "The hero skill I got is called Arrow Soul, which is a halo skill that greatly increases archer players. Please help me pick 999 archers from the guild in advance, and I will lead the team myself when the time comes! !"

Xi Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then responded, "Understood, I will continue to arrange!!"


Since the serious mission will take a full twelve hours to start, it doesn't make sense for us to stay in the game in the middle of the night. We simply said hello and went offline to rest. We have enough rest, and we will talk about it tomorrow.

If there is a word, it will be long. If there is no word, it will be short. We will go online on time the next day, do nothing and wait quietly for the specific content to be refreshed after twelve hours.

Finally, the long time was over, and a system prompt sounded!

Ding! Twelve hours are over, and the main plot mission of Wrath of the Titans is officially open!

Mission content Go to the border, within 48 hours, find the main force of the dark force led by the Titan and kill it before the Titan's power is fully awakened!

The task prompts that the giant titan has preserved almost all of its previous abilities for the resurrected puppet creature. In the continuous battle, these abilities will gradually awaken. The sooner it is found and eliminated, the less difficult it will be. When its awakening degree reaches 100 After that, the mission fails!

The penalty level for mission failure is reduced by 5 levels, the reputation value is halved, and the military merit value is reset to zero!

Tasks can be shared, with a share of 850,000, you can seek help from more allies! The details of the mission have been refreshed, but everyone is not happy at all. Nima, the penalty for failure is really heavy. If a single team does this mission, it will fail if it fails. After all, the mission type and difficulty are here, but Now this is a super-large plot mission that can share up to 50,000 people. If our main alliance recruits 50,000 elites to participate and fails later, it will directly affect the foundation of the entire guild. The level of 50,000 elites will drop by five levels. Basically, the combat power of the guild's main force will drop completely, and I can't bear the consequences of mission failure.

After hesitating again and again, I connected to Xiyang's call again.

"Has the task content been refreshed? How is it??" Xi Yang was a little depressed, and I even suspected that this lunatic hadn't slept since last night.

"See for yourself, the situation is tricky, a bit beyond our expectations!!" I directly copied the mission content.

"This penalty for failure... Let me think about it, let me think about what to do is the most reasonable!!" Xi Yang said a few words to himself, and then fell into silence.

"Otherwise, let's find some allies!! We can't bear such a risk!!" After a while, Xiyang gritted his teeth and expressed his thoughts, which coincided with mine.

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