Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 506 Morale Value

"That's what I thought too. Let's pay 30,000, let Jasmine bloom later, and Brother Gu will pay 10,000. This will ensure that we can get the maximum profit. If something goes wrong, it won't be too uncomfortable!!" I agreed.

"Let's do it like this. You are more familiar with them, so you should talk about it!!" Xiyang agreed with my proposal.

I glanced at my friend column, it was past two o'clock in the afternoon, Jasmine and the flower protector were both online, and with a thought, I submitted an invitation to join the team.

After a short while, the invitation was accepted, and Xiyang and I flashed twice in the temporary team, and the heads of Jasmine Blossom and the Flower Guardian entered the team one after the other.

"What's wrong with Moonlight?? Tell me something, my sisters and I are busy!!" Jasmine still had that carefree character, and the background voice of voice chat was mixed with the sound of various weapons slashing and magic release. It's in a fighting state.

"Yeah, Moonlight, my side is also a little tricky. A lot of monsters suddenly spawned on the border, and there are many powerful ones among them. The positions where several thousand-member groups are located are surrounded by strange seas..." Brother Gu's side It's not much better than Jasmine's. I even heard the screams of teammates when they died from his chat.

"To make a long story short, there is now a large-scale main story mission, which can be shared with up to 50,000 people. This mission requires relatively high quality players. I have recruited 30,000 elite players, and there are still 20,000 vacancies. I don’t know Big Brother Gu. And Jasmine, do you have any ideas??" I said straight to the point.

"Ah...a large-scale main plot mission with 50,000 people participating???" The girl Jasmine was still not calm, and even exclaimed.

"This large-scale main mission is related to the n monsters that were suddenly refreshed yesterday? What about the rewards? Is the punishment for mission failure very severe?" Brother Gu is older after all, and he really looks at the problem more far-reaching. It is admirable that I can guess the outline of this mission just from my few words.

"Brother Gu is right. A large number of dark creatures were suddenly refreshed in the system yesterday to create momentum for this mainline mission. The super-large mainline plot and mission rewards are so generous, but the punishment for mission failure is very high, so high that our own guild can hardly I can’t bear it, that’s why I asked my elder brother and Jasmine to help me!” Since the other party’s guess was almost inseparable, I simply didn’t hide it, and just poured beans out of the bamboo tube, and said everything exactly.

"What about the task situation? Make a copy for me to see!!" After listening to my words, the flower protector pondered for a while, and then said.

"I want one too!!!" Jasmine Flower followed closely behind and also made the same request.

I copied all the information such as the main content of the mission and the punishment for failure into the channel, and the temporary channel fell into a strange silence. For a while, a needle could be heard.

"This titan, do you have more detailed information?" About three minutes later, Brother Gu spoke again.

I thought for a while, and said, "I don't have any detailed information, but I was there when this guy was resurrected. This guy was resurrected by a divinely favored NC from the dark camp, but I messed up a little when he was resurrected. Before the resurrection ceremony was fully completed, I slaughtered the very weak NC gods in the ceremony!! This titan is very powerful, in order to repair his own defects, he almost sucked up my pet evil spirit king!! Later, he sent me back to the city with a wave of his hand!!"

"That's it... I'll take this job!!" The flower protector thought for a while, and finally said.

"Since Big Brother Gu is participating, we Blood Rose will also participate!!" The girl Jasmine Blossom looked forward to Big Brother Gu, and when she saw Big Brother Gu express her position, she followed suit.

Seeing that the fire is almost ready, Xiyang said, "Wealth and wealth are sought in danger. The greater the danger, the greater the natural benefits. We are all old friends. As a firm ally, I would like to make a small request." !!"

"What request??" Jasmine asked openly.

"For the success rate of the mission, all of us must ensure the excellence of our personnel. The 10,000 people on each side of you must be the absolute elite of the guild!! Also, in order to ensure the greatest success rate. Before the mission is completed, All participants in the battle must be under my unified command and arrangement, and the members selected by you must obey unconditionally!!" Xi Yang said slightly seriously.

"Hehe, this is a trivial matter! With Brother Xiyang's commanding ability, he is definitely the best candidate for this mission!!" The flower protector responded with a hearty smile.

"Since this is the case, let's organize the personnel to be in place as soon as possible. The mission has been activated, and it must be resolved before the titan fully awakens its ability in life!! As for the personnel occupation ratio, I will send it to you in private chat!!! "Xiyang has always done things neatly, and this time is no exception.

"After 30 minutes, all the members will gather in Moonlight City! I'm going to select personnel first!!" The flower protector responded and left the temporary channel.

"Time is running out, so I will make arrangements first!" Jasmine followed closely behind. In the blink of an eye, there were only two of us left in the channel.

"By the way, Moonlight, is the sharing type of this mission, mission sharing or mission assistance?" Xi Yang's abrupt words stunned me.

"What do you mean, is there a difference?" I was confused by Xiyang's question.

"At the end of the task details, there should be a sign that the task is shared, that is, 50,000 people will share the task reward equally. If it is a task assistance, then the only ones who will actually receive the task are the few of you who first activated the task. The assistance party put it bluntly It's just your helper, and the rewards you get will be much less!!" Xiyang explained.

"I really don't care about this, wait a minute, let me take a look..." I responded and opened the task management bar, found the activated task and read it word by word.

Sure enough, at the inconspicuous position behind the task tail, there is a line of notes indicating that the sharing type of this task belongs to task assistance, which means that except for the few of us who received the task at the beginning, all participants are working for us Helpful.

"I found it, it's mission assistance!!!" I replied.

"Fortunately..." Xiyang's endless words made me confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, it's nothing..." Xiyang smiled perfunctorily without explaining.

Based on what I have known about Xiyang for a long time, the sentence just now must have some meaning in it, but I didn't expect it.

"Don't blot, what do you mean? Explain to me clearly, I don't like being kept in the dark!!" I said seriously.

Xi Yang paused, and then said, "Did you feel that Jasmine Blossom and Gu Cheng walked too close this time?"

"I know him from the beginning, so it's normal to get closer. What's the fuss about!" I still don't understand why.

"It's not the same thing. Do you feel that Jasmine is taking care of the Flower Messenger now? Or to put it bluntly, I'm wondering if the two of them have something to do in private. Shameful tricks or something? If their two strengths are combined, it will already exceed the current scale of our guild! You must not have the heart to harm others, but you must have the heart to guard against others!" Xiyang still didn't turn around when he saw me Turning around, he simply stopped being sloppy, and expressed all his worries in one go.

"This is also possible..." Thinking of the fact that Xiyang told me that the person who once had Blood Rose had privately contacted him to poach the wall, God knows what kind of decision the family meeting will make in reality. Now, it is no longer just a game for leisure and entertainment for many casual players. With interests, there will also be disputes, and those guilds that are supported by mature consortiums in reality, guided by a mature operating model, the guild president can no longer go his own way , especially for an inexperienced girl like Jasmine, there must be other arrangements in the family.

"Don't worry about it, let's take a step forward! Allies are allies after all, just pay attention when making decisions!" I ended the call with a haha.


After finishing the communication with Xiyang, I returned to the team.

"Uncle, what did you do? What girl are you going to fool again? You have no morals!!" Cang Qiong didn't care about anything, and didn't ask any questions, and despised me first.

There was darkness in front of my eyes and I almost fell down. I'll fuck it up. Let's go to work, okay? I couldn’t swallow it, so I found two helpers!!”

"Two?? Who? Our guild is full of talents, and there are still a lot of top fighters. Dress wedding dress Yun Qingshan Bing Zhiyan, you can pick any two, why do you want to find outsiders!!" Did not understand what I meant.

"It's too risky to invest 50,000 people at one time, so I gave the 20,000 quota to Jasmine Blossom and the Flower Guardian!!" I rolled my eyes, it was really hard to communicate with these two people.

"You said it wasn't about hooking up with girls. That's fine, Uncle. Bloody Rose only accepts female players. You've easily poached ten thousand people. What a big deal!!" Xiao Ke also took the opportunity to join in the fun and bury me.

"Don't be inked, are you ready? Let's go!!" As soon as I gritted my teeth, I couldn't be poor with these guys, it was too entangled.

Since this task mode belongs to the assistance mode, our team will make more money. After telling everyone, everyone is very excited. If such an advanced task is really successful, it is possible to reward artifacts.

After the preparations were finished, I greeted Xiyang and led the team to set off first. The messy environment at the border was just to prepare for the difficulty of our mission. There was no good way, so we had to bite the bullet and go a little bit Move forward.

After looking at the mission area designated by the mission, it happened that it was not far from our Moonlight City. Everyone just got lazy and used the authority of the core management members of the city to teleport into the city, then turned south and went straight to the border.

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