"What skills do you have? Hurry up and use it. After beating me, I have to go offline for supper!!" I said disdainfully with curled lips.

"Husband, let him see how powerful the hero skills are!!!" Seeing that I didn't take them seriously at all, Hong Yan turned her head and said unwillingly.

yo! hero player? ? Hearing this, I sort of understood, no wonder this bastard is so confident, it turned out that he has also become a hero player. In the past, I might have paid a little more attention to it, but now, it is no longer easy to use. Now with me, hero players have to discuss their plans.

Seeing that he had achieved the result he wanted, the Manhuang Emperor took a step forward arrogantly, only to see a halo special effect shining with blood red light appearing under his feet with a swipe. Not to mention, this special effect is really beautiful .

As soon as the halo skill was activated, all the people around him entered the state of attribute enhancement, and there was a small blood-colored radiance under their feet.

"Only relying on this, you dare to push Lao Tzu's castle???" Having already touched the opponent's hole card, I became more calm.

"The moonlight under the eaves of the dog's day caused me to drop five ranks! It made me lose my brother!! If I don't push you down today, I will never withdraw my troops!!" The Manhuang Emperor thought that he had deterred me, so he spoke Even more arrogant.

In just a few seconds of nonsense, the first wave of scouts sent out has already fed back the news. The intelligence shows that the players from the dark faction who are present now alone have more than ten forces, and the total number of people exceeds 500,000. Don't look at the wild emperor This guy looks a bit reckless on the surface, but in fact this guy is not a fool. This seemingly impromptu action for revenge was carefully arranged, and not only that, this guy doesn't know what other means he can use to drive the number Expensive NC monsters fight together.

"Boss, what should I do?? Why don't I try it first, I just learned the skills and changed the equipment, I'll kill seven in and seven out first!!" Tudou said eagerly, carrying the huge axe.

"Yeah, although we have few people, we are the defenders of the city. There are so many city defense facilities here, some people are left to defend the city, and the rest join the Thousand Heroes Group. Let's beat the blind man hard. Stop it, guy!!!" Xiao Ke was eager to try with his dagger in his hands.

I didn't rush to make a decision, but asked for Xia Xiyang's opinion. Xiyang was contacting the members and allies of the guild online. The answer Xiyang gave me was just one word, hit!

"Bring a group of thousands of people and go out to meet the enemy!!!" After I left a sentence, I started to organize my own group of thousands of archers. Take out part of it and add it in.

A few minutes later, all members of the studio were in formation.

"Open the city gate! Meet the enemy!!!" I shouted loudly, and the NC soldiers in charge of the city gate opened the solid front gate.

It didn't take much effort for the thousand-man regiment to pass through the gate that was tens of yards wide. The thousand-man cavalry regiment led by Tudou walked out of the city gate after a short while. The unique light and shadow effect of stepping on the hero looks equally astonishing, not to mention that the armored cavalry with a scale of 1,000 people is still a strong force even without the support of the halo.

The Manhuang Emperor saw that we went out of the city to meet the enemy, and he was a little stunned. Facing the menacing crowd, in his opinion, we should stick to the city and rely on the city defense to resist the siege. ill-advised decision. We lined up outside, and he was not in a hurry to order people to attack. When seven or eight phalanxes were lined up in front of the city wall, everyone activated the hero halo together, and everyone who was aggressive just now was dumbfounded.

In order to create a visual effect, even Sister An Ran stood in front of the queue, and the eight square formations were lined up, and the players at the head of each square formation were studio members who stepped on the halo of heroes, Tudou, Each of Xiaoyou has a melee thousand-man group at the center, and other cloth armor and leather armor professions are at the flanks. The entire line formation is like an obtuse arrow shape, and Tudou, riding a bull boss, stands first. at the top of the arrow.

"The wild emperor, you son of a bitch, I just taught you a lesson, how long has it been, and you don't have a long memory, right?? Aren't you crazy? Come! Eat your grandpa Tudou with an ax!!!" Tudou deliberately held The reins control the Bull Boss to rush forward a few steps, and everyone on the opposite side can't help but retreat a few steps collectively. Before the fight started, everyone who was so aggressive just now was scared out of their wits.

The barbarian emperor did not dare to fight this time. Now that Tudou is stepping on the halo of a hero, and the only swordsman on his body is wearing a dazzling battlefield suit. In addition, we are all behind us, and the morale is not even the slightest bit worse. I am watching the scene quietly. The situation is changing, and suddenly a private message rang, and I glanced at it casually. It was Tudou's "Boss, let me use your invincible skills. They are so densely packed, I give him a guy, it's just right!!"

When Tudou said this, I was moved. Anyway, with Xiao Hei around, even if there is danger, he can hide in the city behind him. It is not a waste to use this invincible skill for Tudou.

"Okay, give me the signal depending on the timing!!!" I responded.

After getting my affirmative answer, Tudou became even more unscrupulous, and continued to control the bull boss to move forward. The sound of pattering hooves seemed to knock on everyone's heart. The people on the opposite side took a few steps back at first, but when they saw that Tudou didn't mean to stop at all, they all stopped immediately, riding alone and wanting to plunge into the crowd. Anyone with common sense in games knows that this is purely a toilet Playing lanterns in the house, looking for death.

At this moment, the barbarian's pace became faster and faster. The slow walk turned into a sprint, then into a trot, and finally turned into a full-out run. The distance between the confrontation between the two sides was only one There are more places for arrows, and it is about a hundred yards away. In the blink of an eye, Tudou has rushed to the front of the opponent's formation, and is less than twenty yards away from the soldiers in the front row.

"Boss!" Tudou yelled in the channel, and when I received the reminder, a gleam of light flashed in the artifact ring in my hand, and the ice shield effect fell on Tudou.

Tudou reined in the reins, and the bull boss suddenly stopped the charge. Tudou let out a loud shout, and the halo of the hero under his feet instantly became dazzling.

He was chanting words, and a lot of light and shadow effects were concentrated on the giant axe in his hand. In the blink of an eye, the phantom of the giant axe had covered countless violent energies, and it was about to pour out.

"Quick, stop him!!!" After a daze, anyone with a bit of game knowledge knew what Tudou was doing. There was a stern roar from the crowd, and the No. 100 knight in the front row charged towards Tudou.

But it was too late.

It only takes five seconds for the skill to gather momentum. When the opponent first started to gather momentum, the opponent didn't react at all. By the time he reacted, three or four seconds had passed. The giant ax swung forward violently, and the light and shadow attached to the weapon turned into berserk energy all over the sky, rushing towards the opposite position like a hurricane.

puff! ! !

The energy contained in the hero skills is terrifying, and the unlucky Guiwu within the range of the skills will be torn apart by the berserk energy, as long as there is no invincibility effect on his body, no matter whether he is in a defensive posture or activating his defensive skills.

The earth-shattering blow directly wiped out all the enemy troops within 300 yards in front of them. The square formation, which was originally densely packed, turned into a dead zone after the earth-shattering blow. Lying on the ground, the earth cracked a few yards deep gullies, as if it had experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake.

"Haha, it's so cool, who won't accept it!!!" Tudou still maintained the posture of releasing the skill just now, and all the people within 300 yards were killed or injured. This blow killed at least a few thousand people, among other things , just this military merit value, honor kills and so on made him happy.

After people reacted, the archers in the back row had already started to shoot, and the potato was still standing there pretending.

"Silly x, retreat quickly!!!" I yelled in the command channel, and then threw arrows all over the sky to cover the potatoes.

Seeing this situation, my heart sank, it's over! ! ! Among the awesome people, they can't stand the concentrated fire of a large number of archers!

But the bad news didn't happen. Tudou just used his left hand to pull down the visor to block the key points of the eyes, and then a large number of arrows rattled down. Except for a few skill attacks that deal less than three-digit damage, most of the attacks all It is invalid and iss, even the symbolic damage of 1 is very little.

After the first wave of arrows was fired, Tudou raised his head again. After being equipped with the only level of quasi-handsome swordsman battlefield suit, the attributes of Tudou's product have been improved. Facing ordinary players, the attributes have been completely crushed, even to the point where it is impossible to break the defense at all.

"Here's another pot for you!!" Tudou yelled angrily again, and continued to enter the death zone blasted out by his hero skills.

Thousands of miles apart! !

With a bang, the giant ax fell with a whistling sound, and an impenetrable stream of white air shot out, and it didn't end until the edge of the skill range.


The entire earth split open again, and the people affected by the skill were either directly torn into two pieces or fell into a huge crack, and a long and narrow death zone penetrated into the opponent's camp.

"Haha, I won't play with you anymore! I'm leaving!" Tudou succeeded in one blow, quickly turned around, and used two charge skills in succession, and escaped from the encirclement like an arrow from the string. The skill blasted by the opponent's magician only hit a string of afterimages that he left in place.

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