Although Tudou is relatively stupid, he is not a fool. On the contrary, his game IQ is much higher than that of ordinary people. After exhausting his ultimate moves, naturally there is no need to stay in the crowd. Although he has the sub-artifact armor Self-defense, but after all, you are still alone. You can basically ignore physical attacks, but if you are surrounded by a large number of mages, even if you have a high probability of avoiding magic, you will still die miserably.

"Hey, boss, I'm back, big sister head, what's up, my performance just now was awesome!!!" Tudou backed the big ax and returned to the front of the friendly queue.

"Cut, let's be so-so, anyway, he is also my little brother, can't be too shabby, too shabby to handle." Seeing that the tail of the potato was about to rise to the sky, Cang Qiong poured her a basin of cold water.

Xiyang is still dispatching troops and generals, but unfortunately there are not enough people online at night. Looking at his frowning, I know that there are not enough people who can come to participate in the defense of the city. Guy, but he urged Xiao Hei to step forward and take a few steps forward, which happened to be slightly ahead of Potato.

When I greeted just now, the other party was already frightened. Seeing me stepping on the halo of a hero and coming up again, the person who had just made up stepped back subconsciously, and didn't stop until the barbarian emperor behind him yelled to stop.

"Wild Emperor, I'll give you one more chance. Go back wherever you came from. I'll pretend I didn't see anything. Otherwise, if you're just like you, don't blame me for being ruthless if you really do it!!!" Right time, right place, I said the right words.

The wild emperor's face was ashen. I waited for a long time and he didn't respond. The game we played just now really stimulated him. He was originally a hero player. He wanted to come here, but seven or eight of us suddenly appeared. Hero player, not only that, Tudou also turned the opponent's vanguard elite team upside down by himself. A series of battles has shaken his determination to win.

Seeing the scene, I was secretly delighted, and deliberately added another fire, "Although our city suffered a little loss in resisting the Titans, it was not fatal. Although blocking you will definitely cause a lot of losses, we are absolutely sure that we can win." , if you insist on attacking, it will only hurt both sides! I will give you a minute to think about it, if you are still obsessed with it, then don’t blame me for risking my life with you!!”

The Manhuang Emperor still didn't respond, his brows were also frowned tightly as if he was seriously thinking about my question, and I, riding Xiao Hei, stood there quietly, the time in the timer passed by second by second, a moment of effort, One minute is up.

The Manhuang Emperor still didn't speak. At this time, I had no confidence in my strategy of defeating others without fighting. I gritted my teeth and waved my hand, and the phalanx of a thousand archers behind me followed my steps and moved forward. stand up.

Although the thousands-level archer group is not as powerful as the cavalry group, after adding my hero skills, the entire team is covered with a faint halo, and the halo is continuous, giving people a lot of visual pressure.

"Wait!!!" At this moment, the Manhuang Emperor finally spoke.

Seeing that my last move worked, the tension in my heart was finally loosened.

"What, figured it out??" I waved again, and everyone behind me stopped in unison.

"You are lucky this time! When our strength recovers, we will definitely come to flatten your city for revenge!!!" Although the Emperor Manhuang was already scared in his heart, he was still uttering cruel words, I smiled, no say.

Putting down the harsh words, the team on the barbarian emperor's side began to retreat slowly, and the rear team became the front team. In less than ten minutes, the originally dark crowd withdrew from my sight.

"Close the team, go back to the city!!!" Seeing that the other party really left, I yelled, and everyone who had set up a battle retreated back into the city in an orderly manner.

The last player entered the city, and the gate made of refined steel slammed shut with a bang. Only then did everyone's tense hearts settle down.

"Yeah!!!" Somebody blew a hooligan whistle, and the orderly crowd began to shout loudly.

"Moonlight, what's going on? The Wild Emperor has withdrawn??" Xi Yang, who had been busy contacting people, finally realized it at this moment, and looked at me with disbelief.

I stroked my non-existent beard in embarrassment, and said pretendingly, "We also used the old ancestor's "Soldiers without Fighting!"

"Hehe, well done!!!" Xi Yang's brows that had been frowning all this time finally relaxed.


After such a toss, even beating and scaring, this siege crisis was finally bluffed by me. Xi Yang is worried. Before the team disbanded, he specially told everyone to turn on the offline reminder function. Any changes will be reminded to the mobile terminal. , Leaving a group of thousands of night owls to practice outside the city, everyone went offline to rest one after another.

Although there was no war, it took two or three hours to mess around in the game. It’s already past two o’clock in the morning, and everyone who was still hungry went offline. Small hot pot, although the ingredients in the refrigerator are limited, but the cabbage, chrysanthemum, tofu and fish balls are still steaming hot for everyone to enjoy.

In the next few days, players in the game began to reach the rank of quasi-commander and became hero players. The light camp has a total of fifty hero places, and every activation will be one less. After seeing how powerful hero players are, the major forces have almost all The trifles were all stopped, and they tried their best to train the main players of their guild to snatch the remaining hero places. More and more players flocked to the border to look for scattered military missions that could be refreshed at any time. In just a few days, there were frequent frictions between the two camps. The battles are frequent, and the small battles have become the most true portrayal every day. We, who have already become hero players, kill people and set fires on the border every day, living a comfortable and happy life.

The time will soon be the twelfth lunar month. The date of this year is very interesting. Valentine’s Day happens to be the first day of the Lunar New Year. There are no major changes in the game. We are basically in a leisure state. It’s the end of the year, so I said hello to Uncle Lin , counted the income of the city in advance, and then gathered all the studio members together, with only one purpose, year-end dividends!

The game has been in service for more than half a year. Except for the monthly salaries of the grassroots leaders, none of the key members of the guild has received any income from the guild. They are all elite players, and they usually rely on virtual transactions in the game to earn their daily necessities. The money, now it's the end of the year, everyone is working hard, and it's time to share it.

Every month, a special financial statement is generated. Except for a part of the money used to build the city, that part of the income is accumulated and managed by a special financial account and financial personnel. I don’t know if I don’t read it. Open the account and read it. Next, the group of us were stunned.

In our guild fund special account, 111446892, a full nine-figure income, that is to say, in less than half a year, our remaining profit after deducting investor dividends, personnel costs and city construction has exceeded 100 million yuan , although the current currency is a bit inflationary, but 100 million rb is an exaggerated income, and a steamed bun in the breakfast shop is only 80 cents. And this is only part of the income of the city, and the income of the stores in Lingyun City is not included in it.

Looking at the long string of numbers on the account balance on the laptop screen, the whole studio was silent, and suddenly Qiaoer slapped the table and stood up abruptly, "I'm rich! Haha, I'm a millionaire!!!"

Crazy emotions can be contagious. With the first one, there will be the second and the third. A group of guys in the studio are tossing like lunatics, whistling, screaming, one after another. The group of guys even lifted me up.

After the nine-figure income was divided up, everyone became a millionaire with tens of millions of dollars. The backbone of the guild, such as the sunset wedding dress, also received dividends ranging from hundreds of thousands to several million. After getting the news, everyone was very happy. muzzle.

When your pockets are bulging, you will naturally think about other things. As the old saying goes, when you are full, you think about lust. Uh, ahem, it’s not this sentence. If you are wealthy, you will be rich. At the suggestion of the sky, we decided to collectively buy a car. Always give yourself a new year gift.

The major 4s stores went around until the evening, and then they made a decision. I, Xiaoke, each imported an imported BMW x12, Xiaoyou, Cangqiong, and Anran. I didn’t buy a car. As for Yang Dan, because he entered the studio late, he got relatively less dividends, only four million. This girl didn’t know what to think. She didn’t buy a car, but bought a car in the city center A big three-bedroom house.

The crazy shopping day is over, and there is only one last question left, the Chinese New Year, to be precise, is to go home for the Chinese New Year.

Since college, I haven’t been home for the Chinese New Year for several years. I just graduated from a bad job, and I don’t have the face to go back. Later, I got a little better, and I did a job with a very flexible time. After I mortgaged the house, The financial pressure increased greatly, so I had to do some odd jobs in my spare time to make up for it, and the idea of ​​going home became even weaker.

Now that I have money, it is considered a return to my hometown when I go back. Although I usually call back, the elderly parents report the good news but not the bad. Every time we are okay, and if we take care of our health outside, I think it has been several years. Without going home, going home for the New Year has become an urgent matter that needs to be put on the agenda.

At noon the next day, after lunch and clearing away the dishes, I cleared my throat and said, "Ahem, well, everyone is here, I want to talk about something private!"

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