Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 469 Real Cavalry Charge

After finishing my work on things outside the game, another week has passed. After not participating in group activities in the game for a long time, I finally have time to continue fooling around in the game.

In the past ten or so days, the game has been harmonious. Online game guilds of any size in Lingyun City have basically applied for approval from the club, regardless of whether they have territory or income from the city. All eyes turned to this side, but the battle near the Blackstone Mountains on the border was much less.

Through the direct teleportation array of Lingyun City, he was sent to the territory that originally belonged to the wild emperor. After more than ten days, the territory has completely changed. The territory run by NC with the backing of the entire kingdom's treasury is completely different from the territory run by players who rely on the hard work of a few people. No longer at the same level, a large amount of various materials were sent from the royal city through the teleportation array. The original fifth-level territory has now become a military fortress like a steel fortress. After the change of owner, it was officially renamed the Blackstone Fortress.

Since this territory was donated by the sunset of our trade union, Moonlight Castle has the privilege to directly establish a free teleportation array from the castle to the fortress. In order to reduce the risk, I deliberately selected the location of the teleportation array in the depths of the mine in the production area , and the other end is inside the town hall of Moonlight Castle. There are usually few people here, and it basically belongs to the existence of the secret way.

An independent teleportation array means a super high trust limit. In other words, if the public teleportation array here is destroyed, we can still teleport through the teleportation array in our own city. With the support of Wangcheng, the original citizens of the territory are extremely idle in their work. A large amount of supplies have been transferred, and they don’t need to work non-stop. I came here and walked around, and the sporadic leaders are all doing nothing in the corner of the farm. Rest here, if the living environment of our city residents is hell, then Blackstone Fortress is the real paradise.

The half-month system protection time is coming to an end, and in less than forty-eight hours, the protection time will end. I learned from Tudou and the others that the fighting around the Blackstone Fortress has decreased a lot recently, and there are many good people in the dark camp. The fighters seem to have changed their nature all of a sudden, no matter how provocative they are, they will not come out to fight, the huge area is deserted and scary.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. I don’t need to investigate in detail. I can tell with my heels that this must be the calm before the storm. The game has now fully entered the middle stage, and treasure upgrades have become no longer mainstream. We have a star lineup , not afraid of any war of equal combat power, there are hundreds of thousands of high-level NC fighters guarding the fortress, even if there is an emergency, the players will have enough time to react.

I spent two days on the frontier quest in boredom. After the formation of the fortress, the demand for materials is extremely strong. Many low-level materials dropped by ordinary monsters can be exchanged for experience and even military merit. In one morning, there were two players with military merit. The value reaches the requirement to be successfully promoted to a hero player. If this continues, it will not take long for the upper limit of 50 hero players to be enough.

As everyone expected, one hour after the protection time of the fortress system ended, players from the dark camp began to attack the city collectively.

As long as the middle and high-end players in the light camp have a bit of brains, they basically adjusted their work and rest time deliberately to prepare for this siege. The siege had just begun, and the game world channel sounded a shrill siren, and the border war broke out. ! The number of participants in the battle soared rapidly, and after the number reached a certain number, the faction battle mode was quickly activated!

Almost at the same time, different faction war military merit missions were refreshed in all NC games. Now military merit value is still an extremely strong reward, and it is also a trump card used by game companies to stimulate players' passion. The increase was several times, and a large number of Lingyun City players joined the battle either individually or in an organized manner.

This is the largest siege battle since the game was launched. It took less than half an hour to start the battle. The number of people participating in the battle exceeded 300. Various war mobilizations were launched. The Lionheart Knights stationed in the Dragon Bone Mountain Range quickly received reinforcements. The battle quickly turned into a white-hot direction.

Although I had some psychological preparations in advance, the scale of the battle far exceeded my expectations. The city defenders led by General Gordon still acted as the main force of the city defense at the beginning. It didn't take long for the number of players to exceed NC Quantity, when it comes to the battles between camps, all the big and small forces in Lingyun City have basically mobilized their main force to help out. To put it mildly, it is for the honor of the alliance. To put it bluntly, the rewards for missions of this faction are really not low.

The defense level of the Blackstone Fortress is stronger than our current second-level castles. People deserve to die compared to people, and goods should be thrown away. It must be big, but now the benefits are revealed. At this stage, there are basically no players who can hit such a strong city wall. Among the large-scale attacks, only a few can deal 1 damage. Others, whether it is magic or Cautious attacks, one after another are all blockbusters ineffective. As the battle started, the city defense weapons in the city also began to roar. The ultra-high lethal goblin artillery and reinforced arrow towers wiped out all the enemies within the killing range of the city defense buildings in just a short time.

By the time the players got the news and arrived, there were no living people under the city walls. Every time the arrow towers and turrets roared, they would harvest the entire crowd like rice. It was transferred out of the city by the system!

The square in the city is already overcrowded!

Although in this special case, the player can superimpose regardless of the collision volume, but the player and the NC defenders cannot be superimposed. The position of the south gate, which was most severely impacted, is almost densely occupied by the NC defenders. There is very little space left, and this kind of superposition between players is not unlimited. At the same coordinate point, up to 20 people can be superimposed. No matter how many people there are, it still cannot be accommodated, so after the excess players come The system automatically made changes, sending the players who came to defend the city directly outside the city.

The first wave of impact was repulsed by the fierce city defense weapons, which also exceeded the psychological expectations of the guys in the dark camp. After some efforts still failed, they could only retreat strategically, which happened to be reinforcements for our players Freed up a foothold.

At this point in the battle, there is no such thing as commanding at all, and all the teleported players have been disrupted. Now every inch of land is expensive, and there is no suitable space to re-arrange, so a large-scale melee began.

Compared with other territory guild leaders, Xiyang is undoubtedly a smart person. Before the battle started, he had already formed the main force of the guild. All the members were offline in the city, waiting for the battle to start. As expected, he guessed bingo.

The battle of defending the city directly turned into a big melee outside the city. The area within a stone's throw outside the city almost became a slaughterhouse. A large number of mage archers on the city wall launched attacks. The magic and arrows almost covered the sun, causing chaos The crowd can't talk about strategy and tactics at all, they are completely competing for personal combat power and luck. The battle outside the city wall is like a meat grinder, and the number of participants and the number of players killed in battle jumps like a roller coaster. Almost all players who have not participated in the battle are watching blood boiling.

An hour later, the first wave of battles ended, and the players of the dark camp chose to retreat under the leadership of a black armored knight.

War is a monster that burns money. At the same time, it is also a holy place to make a fortune. After the battle, the ground is in a mess. The orange and purple equipment that used to be extremely rare can be seen almost everywhere on the ground, and many unlucky high-end players have died. Sporadic Epic and legendary equipment can also be found in the debris on the ground. I believe that after this battle, there will be many lucky people who will make a fortune.

From the beginning to the end, we didn't participate in the battle. There were too many people participating in the battle. Our few people couldn't get close to the busy line. Besides, it's not the critical time. The people in the sunset organization are basically elites, and they are not cannon fodder thrown on the battlefield at will. .

Before they could catch their breath, the tide of enemies came again. The enemies who had suffered a lot learned a lot. This time they chose to pull the front line outwards and completely avoid the killing range of the city defense weapons in the city. Not only that , in the rear of the team, there are more heavy siege weapons such as meat grinders and trebuchets, which is going to be tricky.

Sure enough, after the opponent adjusted his strategy, the battle became a stalemate. Because the opponent had an advantage in formation, the battle loss ratio was even slightly cheaper.

Since the beginning of the war, Xiyang has been pacing back and forth in the grocery store in the fortress. This guy is used to commanding battles, but he suddenly turned into a flat-headed infantry. It is fuel to the fire.

"Moonlight, what's going on outside?" Xiyang asked incoherently on the guild command channel.

It's rare to see Xiyang lose his composure. I sat on Xiao Hei's back and suspended in the air while watching the battle outside the city, and laughed, "What can I do? It's a scuffle. This battle doesn't take two days and two nights. I guess it can't be finished." !!"

"Bd, make trouble, I can't get my hands on anything!!!" A very well-mannered sunset finally couldn't help but swear, it felt like seeing a group of naked girls in front of you, just not letting you take off Like pants, with a hundred claws scratching his heart.

"You kill Gordon, maybe you can get the command right!!" I covered my mouth and joked.

"Really??" Xiyang changed his tone, didn't he, this guy actually took it seriously.

"Um, don't be impulsive, I'm joking, Gordon is at least a demigod-level NC, we can't kill him!!" I hurriedly changed my words.


Just when I was bragging and farting with Xiyang, suddenly the wind hit my ears, and before I could react, Xiao Hei had automatically waved his wings and changed directions to hide in the air.

A burning boulder flew past where I was hovering just now, and fell straight into the city.

I roughly estimated the landing point in my heart, and my heart sank, I wipe it!

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