Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 470: Bone Dragon

"Dangerous! Everyone in the grocery store, come out!!!" Time was running out, I couldn't care about anything, I yelled in the channel, hoping that those unlucky kids could escape .

As soon as the words were finished on the channel, the huge boulder crashed onto the roof of the grocery store with a bang.

The city defense buildings are extremely strong, but the civilian facilities in the city are relatively crude. The burning boulders hit the roof, and half of the house was directly smashed down. After the boulder hit the ground, there was an explosion. The shop became a sea of ​​flames in the blink of an eye.

Watching the tragedy happen, I have a feeling that I can't use my strength. For the battle involving tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people, I seem so insignificant in it.


At this moment, a corner of the collapsed grocery store was slammed open, and a guy holding a giant tower shield came out from the ruins of the sea of ​​flames. It was a dress! !

The black dress kicked away the sundries in front of him, and came out cursing. Behind him, the setting sun, the wedding dress, and a few familiar faces from the head of the thousand-member regiment climbed out in disgrace. This is where the stone in my heart is finally let go, Nima, I finally saved my life, it’s so dangerous.

"Bd, who the hell threw the stone, almost killed me!!" The tuxedo spit out thick phlegm and started looking around, thinking that someone summoned the flaming boulder with a skill.

"Don't look for it, it wasn't anyone's attack, it was the shells thrown by the flame catapult outside the city! Are you all right?" I walked over in three steps at a time.

"It shouldn't be a problem. We are standing in the northeast corner of the room. This is a counter. As soon as your channel gave an alarm, we all went behind the big counter. Finally, I used a tower shield to block the top. There is no danger!!" The dress said lightly, but the slight tremor of the right hand holding the giant shield showed that the truth was far from being as easy as it said.

"Come on! I'm going crazy, no, Moonlight, I can't help it! If I don't find something to do, I'm going crazy!!" Xi Yang's face was smoky, and his red eyes were like an enraged bull. This guy is used to commanding battles, and now he is very uncomfortable when he is suddenly free. He was hit by a shell just now, and now he is completely restless.

"Looking for something to do? It's a small thing, you arrange some people to go offline to understand the situation on the side of the dark camp. Although they suffered a lot of losses, they have a basis for advancing and retreating. Someone should be in the unified command. Although this The battle has nothing to do with us, but so far we have no information at all!!" I rolled my eyes and found something for Xi Yang to do. In fact, what I said had a subtext. Why hasn't that guy, the Wild Emperor, shown up for so long? Could it be that something else happened in the dark camp, or else there's no way to explain their unity and decisiveness in attacking and retreating.

"That's right, why did I forget about this! You guys are busy first, I'll go offline and make a few calls!!" After finding something to do, Xiyang greeted us and went offline in a hurry.


This wave of siege was quite methodical. Without the cover of the city defense weapons, the defenders who were teleported out of the city had to fight hard with each other. The battle like a meat grinder would cause a lot of casualties every moment. Even so, But in the face of huge mission rewards, the blood of both sides is still inseparable.

With the assistance of siege equipment, the durability of the solid city wall began to decrease slowly. When the huge incendiary bomb hit the city wall, it exploded into a huge sea of ​​flames in an instant. These flames seemed to have a certain degree of stickiness, and they could burn when touched For a long time, certain places on the city wall that had been bombarded intensively were even slightly reddened by the flames.

The city wall is a little bit better. Those arrow towers and turrets are not as strong as the city wall. After a few shells, the front row of arrow towers began to become crumbling. General Gordon had to send the citizens of the city to use them. Tool repair, but the effect is very general.

Finally, another round of incendiary bombs was thrown into the city, and the reinforced arrow tower that the leaders were busy repairing still failed to resist, and was smashed to pieces with a bang.

A whole row of six reinforced arrow towers was reimbursed in this way, and by the way, many leaders and people without reason were killed. General Gordon, who saw everything, frowned, as if he had made a decision.

"The first to sixth cavalry regiments are ready! Come on, open the city gate for me! Launch a charge!!!" Sure enough, as I expected, General Gordon greeted the messenger and shouted loudly.

I wipe? There is a sea of ​​people outside, and it is difficult to even open the gate. There are people fighting everywhere, and the roads are completely impassable. Isn't it a joke to let the formed NC cavalry go out of the city to charge now? I took a closer look at Ge Dun, there is no hole in this guy's head, why does he seem to have suddenly become stupid.

Just as I was wondering, two teams of strong NC soldiers walked towards the gate. Due to the extremely thick walls of the fortress, the gate is like a small tunnel through the mountain. Noose, the door slowly opened, and with a bang, the drawbridge fell down, splashing a large cloud of dust.

Then an unimaginable scene appeared, General Gordon rode a giant war horse that was a circle bigger than usual and took the lead, and rushed out first.

I didn't pay attention to the melee outside at all, all my attention was on Gordon's side. With a wave of his hand, all the players around him became translucent, whether they were war horses or NC cavalry, It just passed through the player queue as if passing through the air. Fortunately, it is broad daylight, and I was dumbfounded by such a strange scene.

The collision volume problem that I was worried about was solved by General Gordon with just a wave of his hand. The huge city gate with a length of more than thirty yards opened, and a large number of NC cavalry rushed out from the gate in a snake formation.

The thunderous sound of the charge of the mount drilled into the eardrums, and I knew that the real battle had begun.

He hurriedly controlled Xiao Hei to climb higher, then crossed the height of the city wall, and hovered behind the half of the base of the arrow tower. Everyone on the battlefield shouted that Masi was full of smoke, and no one would notice me hiding here.

The cavalry regiment led by General Gordon personally attacked quickly. The NC soldiers of the heavy armored cavalry regiment were wearing heavy armor and holding spears, and even the horses were wearing thick horse armor. The height of the NC cavalry is basically the same, and the horses seem to be carved out of the same mold. Just from the momentum of the charge, you can know that this is definitely a powerful force.

Sure enough, the snake-shaped target quickly changed after leaving the city gate, and within a few changes of direction, it became a sagittal charge formation. It has been brought up.

It is about the same position as the city gate, and the friendly troops who are still in the melee can't hinder the nc cavalry regiment at all, but the players of the hostile camps are out of luck. After the heavy armored cavalry speed up, they are completely a group Humanoid tanks don’t need to take the initiative to attack sporadic players at all. Just the collision of the mount and the trampling of the iron cavalry will trample the opponent in front of him into a pulp. Real blood splatter and other effects, in normal battles, at most, the player's corpse would be knocked into the air and squashed, but it was far less disgusting than it is now. I felt my throat was blocked for a while, and I was extremely uncomfortable.

When I adjusted my state and raised my head again, the first round of charge led by General Gordon was over. The triangular charge formation was like a sharp knife cutting through butter, piercing through the dark camp without any hindrance. The defense line formed by the soldiers, the thick human wall faced the cavalry rushing at high speed, and could not even stop it a little bit. The siege catapult and the giant meat grinder at the end of the reserve queue were all dismantled by the armored cavalry into pieces.

From the beginning to the end, the long sword in General Gordon's hand did not come out of its sheath. As the vanguard of the charge formation, he had no intention of attacking at all. Trampling, successfully opened the opponent's line of defense.

After destroying all the large-scale siege equipment, General Gordon was the first to turn his horse's head, and then the army slowly accelerated again. Six thousand regiments, 6,000 people, next to the line of defense that had been pierced just now, once again filled the improvised The new line of defense continued to penetrate.

charge! Rout! turn around! Continue to charge... The 6,000 heavy armored cavalry killed the players from the dark faction outside the south of the city as if they were in no man's land. They had no power to fight back. From the sky, they could only see an extra line of soldiers on the huge phalanx of soldiers. A huge death zone, like a gaping wound on the ground, at least a hundred thousand people's phalanx was rushed by the NC soldiers, and finally the impact was shattered.

In the face of absolute power, the siege party's last ounce of confidence was completely destroyed. After the surviving guys saw what a real cavalry charge was, they only hated their parents for missing two legs, and the shit started a big rout.

Players outside the city began to beat the dogs in the water, while the elite heavy cavalry led by General Gordon gave up on continuing to expand the battle. After adjusting their formation slightly, the cavalry team returned to the city to rest, leaving a large piece of bloody corpse fragments on the ground Fall with messy debris.

When Gordon led the team to start the second charge, I turned on the video recording tool. The temporary battle was over, but my heart could not be calm for a long time. Watching the precious video just recorded over and over again, these exciting scenes even made me feel annoyed, bd, why didn’t I choose the strength profession at the beginning? handsome! ! !

The heavy armored cavalry who returned to the city to rest were re-divided into their original targets. After the high-intensity charge, all the horses sprayed sticky white hot air from their mouths and noses. It seems that it is not easy for this mount to go out and charge around.

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