Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 471 The Showdown Between Npcs

Almost as soon as the battle ended, an eye-catching battle report was posted on the forum. Six thousand cavalry defeated hundreds of thousands of besieged players. The system launched a faction war to encourage players to participate in the war? ? While everyone exclaimed that they were enjoying themselves, a large number of people began to question how players could live in this level of battle. Six thousand versus hundreds of thousands, the difference in strength was too great.

I went to the forum for a few glances and then quickly switched back to the game. After General Gordon’s cavalry closed in, the guys who attacked the other three walls of the fortress also retreated in one go. After losing money, you should have a little more brains, bite the bullet and rush forward, which is similar to giving for nothing, and has no impact on others at all.

At the beginning, I discussed with Xiyang and the others to save the elite and wait for the final decisive battle. This time, almost none of the soldiers moved, and the siege of the city was lifted. If this momentum continues, there will be no more battles below. , In vain lived up to our expectations. After preparing for so long, we didn't even get some soup.

"Moonlight, the news is back! This battle was chosen by the Jialan Guild, and they seem to have something to do with the Great Emperor!" Xiyang said excitedly as soon as he came online again.

I rolled my eyes, and said angrily, "This battle is over, and your information is only a long time coming. This is unscientific!!"

"What?" There was a slight hesitation in Xi Yang's tone, and then there was a moment of silence, probably checking the situation outside.

"Fuck! Who's so awesome? Is this the end of the fight???" Xi Yang swears again, regardless of the image he has carefully maintained.

"No one, just the one you were planning to single out just now, General Gordon, led 6,000 heavy cavalry, charged back and forth a dozen times, and the battle is over!!!" I responded.

"Get out, don't bullshit me, you think I'm an idiot??" Xi Yang thought I was joking him, and cursed again.

I directly selected the sharing mode of the video file I just shot, and then posted it directly on the channel.


For the next three hours or so, no player from the dark faction could be seen. The faction battle was not over yet, so no one was in a hurry to withdraw. The bored guild players even started to line up in the open space outside the city gate. Large areas of players are neatly arranged in square formations, which is even better now. With the advantage of formation, the opponent will really attack and suffer even more.

"Xiyang, give me a hero skill, I'll go out and hang around, Nima, if you don't plan to continue beating, let's go offline and sleep!!" Since I shared the video with Xiyang, this guy hasn't spoken anymore , I don’t know if it’s like me watching it over and over again.

Ding! Players use their hero skills to strategize and designate you as a scout. Congratulations, you have obtained temporary attributes, double the movement speed, double the field of vision, and halve the cooling time of stealth skills, which lasts for one hour.

I just felt that as soon as I warmed up, a golden light enveloped me, and I tried to move, and suddenly felt like flying, walking with wind, brushing, thinking, and then suddenly stopped, already After going out for more than ten yards, I'll give it a shot, it's really powerful, if it is faster, it can catch up with the teleportation.

After saying hello to everyone, I quickly rode Xiao Hei out of the city, towards the direction of Dark Moon City, the main city of the dark faction, and moved like lightning.

The speed has doubled, and the efficiency of the journey has naturally doubled. Riding on Xiao Hei's back, I can only feel the surrounding scenery receding rapidly. Move quickly.

Ten minutes later, I controlled Xiao Hei to stop. The doubled field of vision allowed me to discover a large number of dark camp players in the distance in advance.

Opened the map and took a look. This place belongs to the Wailing Plateau in the southeast of Darkmoon City. The map shows that there is an inconspicuous junction between the Wailing Plateau and the Blackstone Mountains. The edge of the field of vision is just at the col of the junction. BD, fortunately, brother Let's investigate, these guys haven't given up yet.

There was no shelter in mid-air, it was too conspicuous, I jumped off Xiao Hei's back, with a thought, activated the concealment skill and moved towards the mountain where they stationed troops.

Usually, I have to worry about the concealment skills will show up after the time. Now with the bonus of sunset's abnormal skills, the duration of the concealment skills is longer than the cooldown time, which gives me the ability to hide infinitely like a thief .

Under normal circumstances, my movement speed is much faster than ordinary people, but now it is even sharper after the bonus, even in the hidden state, my speed is much faster than ordinary people. Relying on the advantage of speed, I bravely went to the mountain depression.

I didn't go to the low-lying part of the col, where there was a sea of ​​people and there was no vision. I looked around the surrounding terrain, and my eyes turned to get my heart.

Regardless of the steepness of the branch of the Black Rock Mountain Range, I climbed up the mountain bit by bit, gritting my teeth. There are sporadic low shrubs and thorns among the rocks. It is really difficult to walk.

Bite the bullet and climbed for a while, and finally arrived at a not-so-high half-slope position, and there are higher peaks beside me. Specifically, it should be a bulge on the mountainside. I turned my head and looked down. Well, the field of view is not bad, so I chose this!

After activating the battlefield statistics function several times in succession, the approximate number of players below appeared in the statistics column. My mother-in-law, my fourth uncle, I don’t know if I don’t see it. There are more than two million hoarded in this mountain col. Players from the dark camp took a closer look. Now, many of the names in the players start with the same letter. What kind of friendship, eternity, messy, according to the analysis, it should be a few families. Union of guilds.

The densely packed crowd hid quietly in the mountain depression, not knowing what they were going to do, the distance was too far, even if they spoke, we couldn't hear them.

I changed to a more comfortable position and sat among the rocks. Anyway, no one can find out here, and I have nothing to do, so I will spend time here with you. If I die, I will wait until the faction battle is over!

When I came up with stubbornness, I really got up here, and there was no action below. I was bragging with a group of them on the command channel, and I didn't find it boring.

I was bragging vigorously when I suddenly felt the rock under my butt start to vibrate slightly. I raised my head hastily, and a large piece of gray dust appeared at the edge of my field of vision. The dust obscured my vision, so I couldn’t see what it was. However, this I understand this kind of situation better. Nine out of ten cavalry are established cavalry, and only when a large number of cavalry charge, can there be such a terrifying force, which can be felt from such a long distance.

Sure enough, when I got closer, I finally saw clearly that it was cavalry, to be precise, it was the skeleton dragon undead cavalry! !

An undead warrior covered in black armor is riding on a huge earth dragon skeleton. Although the earth dragon is only a descendant of a low-level dragon and cannot be considered a real dragon, the power of the meager dragon blood is far beyond that of an ordinary mount. Think with your heels Everyone knows that these fierce-looking guys are definitely not easy to mess with.

a team! Two teams! Three teams! ...I patiently counted the cavalry in formation slowly, there are more than one hundred teams, one team of one hundred cavalry, and the number of guys assembled below is more than 10,000! The combat effectiveness of so many guys here should not be inferior to General Gordon's Heavy Cavalry Regiment. Seeing this, my heart relaxed and tightened again.

Before the cavalry formation could move out, what was even more astonishing came again. Two huge bone dragons flew over from the direction of Dark Moon City in mid-air, and their bodies tens of yards long were extremely eye-catching in the air.

Seeing this, I dare not raise my head anymore, Nima, there is no shelter near this small hillside, the only plants are still full of barbed thorns, but don't let the bone dragon find me, it will be really desperate up.

He regained the hidden state, and then shrank his whole body behind the rocks, saying silently that you can't see me, you can't see me, and he has worshiped all the gods and Buddhas in his heart.

The rumbling sound continued to sound below, and the army of undead from the dark camp set out. Luck will not always favor me. This time my luck was not good. I was afraid of what would happen. I quietly raised my head and glanced at it. As soon as I saw the situation below, I suddenly felt as if I had fallen into an ice cave, and my back was covered with white hair. sweat.

Nima! ! The bone dragon did not move with the team, but took a shortcut and flew in a straight line, and the position I am in now is just on the way it must pass. If I have been lying on my stomach, maybe this big guy won’t be able to see it I am confused, but when I raised my head, I happened to look at the eye sockets of the huge skeleton in the distance. There was a mass of scarlet in the eye sockets of the bone dragon, which combined with its huge body made people feel fearful unconsciously.

Damn! ! Being discovered, I yelled out of composure, summoned Xiao Hei and ran away.

The bone dragon in front spotted me first, and a slightly dull dragon roar rang out, it was over and I was recognized.

Xiao Hei quickly climbed up, then turned a small turn around the ridge, and then started to run back desperately. Just when he crossed the ridge, a large group of black dragon flames flew over behind him, and instead of hitting me, he roasted a large piece of rock became cheese.

While running desperately in a straight line, I yelled in the channel, "Everyone pay attention, the dark camp has begun to regroup, and the skeleton ground dragoons of Dark Moon City have arrived with more than 10,000 riders, and there are two high-level skeletons." The dragon is after me!"

"Ouch!" While speaking, another group of sticky dragon flames flew by, and Xiao Hei swooped down quickly to avoid it. The dragon flames hit the starlight emitted by Xiao Hei's flight. The planner did it on purpose, a small amount of sparks splashed and landed on my neck, and it hurt my heart! !

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