General York gently stroked the stubble that stood up like steel needles, and then said, "Yesterday, a new oracle came from the Temple of Light, and the trial ground has been opened. Let me find suitable adventurers to accept the trial of the Lord God." Trial! There is no distinction between good and evil in the place of trials. There are also people from the dark side who will join in. Everyone in the kingdom is paying attention to this trial! I think you and your team are fully capable of such a difficult task !"

General York’s remarks contain a huge amount of information, and the positions of NC and players are different. For players, there may be no reasonable or unreasonable background plots for certain version updates, and players will not overdo it. Get to the bottom of these things, but NCs live in the background of the game, so any incident that intersects with them must have an official explanation in the game, and the copy of the military rank given when the version is updated is officially explained in the game Background explanation is the test.

"Thank you General for your trust, Moonlight will do his best!"

Ding! The system prompts that the main plot trial mission Rise of the Empire has been activated, do you accept it?

The rise of the empire. Light and darkness have fallen into war again, because the God of Chaos set up this trial. Both the light side and the dark side can send brave adventurers to the trial. In this virtual environment, adventurers will You can witness the entire process of the empire from scratch, and hope that adventurers on both sides can cherish the hard-won peace and stop the war as soon as possible!

Damn it, it's still a main story mission? Today's horse brush is too worthwhile! I glanced at the content of the plot mission, which made me very tempted. The introduction of this thing is quite subtle. According to my understanding, to put it bluntly, neither of the gods on both sides can completely eliminate the other, and it is impossible to abandon everything and fight with their lives, so You can only send your followers to fight. Players in the game are completely the role of pawns crossing the river. As long as this pawn crosses the end of the trial first, it means that this side is stronger than the other side and wins. One side of the gods will have more face, as for the words of rare peace and cessation of war, it is completely burning newspapers on Qingming graves, fooling ghosts.


Ding! Congratulations on successfully accepting the trial mission Rise of the Empire, the large-scale trial story mission is officially activated!

Ding! World Announcement!

The moonlight under the player's eaves successfully activated the large-scale camp plot trial mission The Rise of the Empire. All players who meet certain requirements can start to attack the trial land. The player team that successfully completes the trial first will receive generous rewards!

Ding! system hint! Since your squad is the first to activate the story mission, it gets an additional perk bonus.

In the scenario environment of the Rise of the Empire Trial, the upper limit of the number of commanding troops in the later stage is increased by 20.

A system prompt made me a little confused. I turned my head and looked at everyone. I was confused. They are not much better. I want to ask in detail, but after the progress has reached the current situation, General York has completely become After leaving the wooden man, it is obvious that he will not give us any hints. In desperation, our group had no choice but to walk out of the handsome tent with all the doubts in our minds.

After walking out of the handsome tent, it was discovered that a huge magic circle had already appeared on the square in front of the handsome tent. The high-ranking mages accompanying the army had already put the essence of magic power, large and small, into the eyes of the formation. , floating a huge divine symbol, faint holy light emanates from the divine symbol, and the entire magic circle can be activated at any time.

"Respected Marshal! Is there anything else that needs to be prepared?" The NC mage who was arranging the magic circle saluted, then pointed to the magic circle that was waiting to be activated and asked.

We were quite well prepared when we came, everyone nodded and there were no other questions, so I said, "Ready!"

Then, the old mage led us to the center of the magic circle. With a flick of the finger, a trace of magic power gushed out from the fingertips, activating a corner of the giant magic circle, and then the magic spar of the entire magic circle melted quickly, and a large amount of energy filled the entire magic circle. , and then the divine symbol above the head suddenly lit up, and we standing below lost consciousness instantly.

After a while, eight of us in a small group woke up. Our standing position has not changed. We are still in the border area of ​​the Black Rock Mountain Range. However, the camp that we were in just now has completely disappeared. The surrounding area is empty and quiet, and there is no sound at all. .

Xiao Ke took out the magic torch that he had prepared in advance, and then his surrounding vision became a little brighter. This thing is still useful to others, but it is completely useless to me who has night vision ability.

"Uncle, what's going on here? It's so quiet around here, it's so scary!!" Cang Qiong grabbed the hem of my leather armor nervously.

"It's so quiet here!" Xiaoyou also moved closer to us.

Girls are relatively timid, but I, Tudou and Xiaoke are not so scared. With a thought, I opened the progress notification of the task. Sure enough, it was almost as expected, and there was a reminder! !

Trial Tip 1 Find the nearest camp and gain the trust of the camp garrison captain!

With the system prompt, this is easy to handle. Open the mission map and take a look, and walk towards the border line Lingyun City. In my memory, there is a relatively large NC camp here. Poor ghosts of teleportation fees like to use that camp as a supply point. Although it takes a few more steps, it can save teleportation fees and the like.

Now we should be equivalent to going back to the past, hoping that the big camp will exist now.

Everyone hurried on their way, and after half an hour, they finally arrived at the target location. A long distance away, they saw a small human camp there, and the swaying light of the bonfire shone down. It looked very strange in the dark night. weird.

"Who!!" Just as we were approaching, two human NC soldiers suddenly emerged from behind the simple fence. The two were holding one-handed swords and shields in their hands. A striking wound, just beginning to heal, the stitches still showing.

I hurried forward: "Hello, we are adventurers from afar!"

"Hey! Alcoholic Luo Jiefu, they are humans! You can come out now!!" The scarred male soldier shouted towards the shadow not far away, and after hearing the shout, he slowly appeared from here A leather armored NPC warrior with a hand crossbow, with my eyesight I couldn't spot him just now, he should be a thief who is proficient in concealment.

"Oh, damn it, I thought it was the skeleton soldier summoned by the damned Lich again!!" Luo Jiefu muttered and walked towards the door.

"This is already the edge of the dark land, how did you come here?" Scarface asked.

"We planned to join the army, but the conscription team in Newx Town has already left, so we came here together, hoping to do something!" I thought about it, and casually said the name of the NC town, Newx The people of Kers Town are tough, and it is a small town that favors martial arts. It has been mentioned several times in the history of Lingyun City. It is said that several famous generals in history have appeared here.

"Hey! We're lucky, they don't look like rookies!!" Another swordsman with a shield muttered, and then their guard relaxed.

After a few seconds of delay, people in the camp had already started to gather. The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a bronze armor. He had golden hair, a high nose, a broad chin, deep eyes, and a face like a star. He looks very handsome, and on his forehead, there is a name, Newland Parker.

"Boss, they are the townspeople of Newx Town, and they want to join the army!" Scarface said to the blond captain.

"Come in first!!" Parker motioned to us, and then returned to the camp.

The camp is very small, with only four or five tents. In the middle of the tents, there is a large campfire. Although the flames are not very strong, you can still feel a little warmth from a long distance.

"We are the garrison of this camp. The battle is getting more and more fierce, but the backup team has not come. We don't know how long we can hold on here. There is fire and blood here, and it may be fatal at any time! Are you willing to join us? ?” Captain Parker looked at us calmly.

"We are willing!!" I agreed.

"In this case, then you should stay. According to the regulations on the management of soldiers in front of the battle, Newland Parker, the captain of the garrison of my camp, officially recruited you to become soldiers under his command!!" Parker waved his hand, we were empty On the chest position, there is a small private medal.

Ding! Trial progress 1 completed!

"You go to my tent to rest tonight! There are still eight hours before dawn, and I will set up tents for you after dawn!!" Parker said.

Ding! In the initial stage of the trial, players are allowed to go offline and rest in the tent after entering the night!

The system prompts sounded in time, I wipe, what kind of international joke, we slept all afternoon to prepare, but now after entering the instance, it is allowed to go offline to sleep? ? ? The few of us looked at each other helplessly, and then chose to log off.

Anyway, staying in the tent is a waste of time. We almost all went offline and switched to the forum. After the version update, the forum has started to update various information one after another. Some are collected by enthusiastic players, and some are officially released. A large proportion The information is all about this camp plot trial. In the forum, many people have reported their experience of entering the trial land. The difference from us is that after they entered the trial land, they all joined immediately. After the battle, the storyline is that after the player enters, they will encounter a battle between NCs and dark creatures, and assist their allies to win in the melee. The progress of the first quarter is completed. The player will become a popular person in the camp and get the Rewards for supplies and missions.

I carefully compared the plot gap between our team and everyone else, and found a surprising problem. Ordinary players only cooperate with NC, but we actually broke into the NC army! ! Could it be that in the future, we will become key figures in deciding the outcome of the battle? This kind of absurd idea was rejected by us just after it was formed. What kind of international joke is it? Although the game is relatively open, there are certain restrictions no matter what. There will be no Lingyun City later.

Falling asleep with all kinds of questions, everyone woke up very early in the morning, and after a simple breakfast, they boarded the game collectively.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, or it was set up long ago. After we walked out of the tent, it was just dawn in the game. A big sun rose from the east, and four NC soldiers at the gate of the camp were changing their guards.

We had a very boring day. We followed the NC soldiers to the forest and cut down a lot of trees to build new tents and reinforce the camp fence. Let alone a decent battle, we didn't even see the lowest level of the little skeleton. At noon, we have a one-hour break, using this time, we can go offline to eat.

This boring time lasted for three consecutive days. Three days of contact also allowed us to get to know most of the soldiers in the camp. The one with the scarred face was Jack, the thief who was good at hiding and attacking, the alcoholic Luo Jiefu, and the only one. The army mage, called Marison, and the NC with a name, basically have more or less intimacy with us. The camp of more than 20 people also became a little more lively because of the joining of our team.

In three days, the fence of the camp has been raised and thickened. I don't know what the use of this thing is, but seeing the seriousness of the captain, I don't want to ask anything.

Finally, on the morning of the fourth day, we won the first battle, and it was this battle that gave us a new understanding of this trial.

A low-level Lich commanded dozens of zombies and two ghouls to attack our camp. Only then did we realize that the original elite equipment on us was no longer usable. , only the same armor, weapons, and even skills as nc soldiers, there are only a limited number of skills left, and many skills have been temporarily sealed. Monsters of this level, with the strength of my heyday, can kill them instantly with a single swing of the hand, but the reality now is that they mess up the entire camp.

Fortunately, although the equipment and skills are gone, the combat quality is still there. With the tacit cooperation and the operation of professional players, we successfully cleaned up the monsters that attacked the camp.

"Fuck! Boss, are we being tricked by someone? How did we create a dungeon and become a state of nothing with all skills and equipment sealed? Fortunately, I snatched Jack's broken shield just now, otherwise I would have been killed." The ghoul has been torn in half!!" Tudou is depressed, he is usually used to relying on high-end equipment, basically he relies on attribute hard caps when not dealing with bosses, but now it is good, the minions let him He was in a hurry, and he couldn't accept the huge gap.

"Don't talk nonsense, who would plot against us? Game company? They don't have the guts!" Cang Qiong rolled his eyes at him and said.

"Then why are we doing this? If you have equipment, you can't use it, and if you have skills, you can't throw it away!" Tudou said.

Just as I was about to speak, Miss An Ran beside me spoke first, "Don't be depressed, haven't you noticed that we are different from ordinary trial players? We have now successfully entered the NC. With our actual combat power, if we If you join in hastily, it must be a one-sided advantage, so that the difficulty of certain tasks cannot be evaluated. If I guess correctly, the strength we can use should gradually lift the seal, and wait until the end of the trial. At that time, it should reach its peak state!"

I also opened my mouth and said, "Sister An Ran is right, it is indeed such a problem! If you lose, you will gain. If you pay a lot, I think you will gain more by then!!!"

At this moment, Xiao Ke, who has always been quiet, suddenly said in surprise, "Boss, look at your skills! My backstab skill is unlocked!!!"

After Xiao Ke yelled, we all checked our skill bar. As expected, after a battle, my Flaming Arrow was also unblocked! Xiao Ke, Potato, Sky. bird. Everyone has an additional primary skill that can be used.

Since the seal was temporary, everyone felt at ease and followed the NC captain to clean up the battlefield, and then got two low-level spoils from the pile of corpses.

Everyone, who is used to jewels, felt helpless and depressed when they saw these two trophies. A ring of blue quality, and a one-handed dagger of green quality. They didn't have any jewelry at first, and the attribute of the one-handed dagger was higher than that of a whiteboard NC soldier. Weapons should be high. In the past, this kind of thing would take up space even if you threw a backpack, but now in order to enhance your strength, you have to carefully weigh who you should equip to achieve the greatest effect.

After some weighing, both pieces of equipment were given to Tudou, who was in charge of the team's t. At any time, it would not be wrong to arm the t who resisted monsters first.

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