Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 587 Fighting Like An Npc

In the next four or five days, similar battles happened almost every day. At first, we were quite embarrassed, and we were in a hurry because we were not used to it. With the continuous acquisition of loot and the continuous unblocking of commonly used skills, our situation began to improve. a little.

It can be said that many settings of this trial map have completely subverted everyone's understanding of the game dungeon, especially our team that successfully broke into the NC, almost really experienced the feeling of NC. With the improvement of our combat power, the strength of the dark creatures that come every time will also increase slightly. On the whole, under the strict control of the system, we have almost grown at the same rate as the NC fighters.

Since Miss An Ran's Praise of Life skill was unblocked, finally, the death problem of NC soldiers in the camp has been completely solved. As the saying goes, the big healing technique can treat all serious injuries except those who are near death. Now is not the time to fight alone. For a few days, almost every battle would bring casualties to NC soldiers. The few named soldiers are better, their basic combat power should be stronger, and self-protection is no problem. It’s hard to say that it’s hard to follow the unlucky ghosts who are playing soy sauce. Looking at the camp There are fewer and fewer defenders, and I always feel a little insecure.

For a week in a row, we have been in a relatively comfortable state. None of us have encountered such a situation. If we strictly distinguish it, we are now in a dungeon. One dungeon has been brushed for a week, and the progress has not passed 10%. Five, this kind of speed makes me a little impatient. I took advantage of the break time to go to the forum to see the progress of other people. The progress of the trial dungeon updated by others in real time is about the same as ours. Kill the monsters specified in the mission, and then redeem the rewards... The progress of the mission is not as fast as ours.

After getting the bottom line, everyone in our studio felt at ease. Everyone got up early, ate, played the game, played the game, ate, and went to sleep. In the ten days since entering the game, the rules of life were in a mess. Because the rest time is relatively sufficient, I don't need to call one by one when the group of slackers get up in the morning, and they gather directly in the living room at that point.

After ten days of development, the camp we are in has completely changed its appearance. The original simple fence has been widened and thickened, which is more than enough to resist the attacks of ordinary undead creatures. A large amount of dried meat and drinking water of monsters are stored in the camp. Bandages, weapons, and a lot of inventory. Compared with the regular camp, our camp is now more like a shrunken version of the fortress.

The accident started on the thirteenth day of entering the dungeon. On this day, we went online early in the morning as usual. We just appeared in the offline tent when suddenly there was the sound of all the members gathering outside. Hearing that this represented the battle, everyone's spirits were shaken by coincidence, and they rushed out of the tent like a gust of wind.

After we rushed out, the No. 20 surviving people in the entire camp had already started to assemble, and everyone quickly stood up according to the usual fighting habits. Only then did I see that next to the camp captain lay a strange soldier soaked in blood. This guy looked terrible, with countless wounds all over his body. The armor on his body was like a piece of broken sack. The military priest in the camp was treating him, but several healing spells came down one after another, with little effect. The sky also lost a life to praise him, but this guy was already on the verge of death Yes, the skill effect does not take effect.

"Brothers, Mosa County has been breached, and a large number of dead creatures broke through the blockade of the mountains and rushed towards us! Pick up your weapons and meet the battle!!!" Captain Parker helped the seriously injured man beside him with his hand. He was defeated, but this guy was seriously injured. Instead of standing up, he spit out a mouthful of blood, twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

"Boss! Open the gate of the camp and fuck it! Rangers, strike the vanguard! I'll go first!" The only NC knight with a horse in the entire camp was a little excited when he saw the brother who came to report the death.

"Yes, boss, open the gate, and I'll go in first too!!!" Scarface Jack was also eager to try with the broken shield on his shoulder.

Captain Parker was not as impulsive as them, but stared at the gate of the camp not far away without saying a word, his dark blue eyes seemed to freeze the time of the entire camp.

"No! You can't do this! Let's do it together and seal the gate!!" Captain Parker suddenly raised his head and said.


"No but, obey orders!!!"


After the short mobilization ceremony was over, everyone in the camp moved, moved the sharpened horses outside the fence, and then sealed the gate of the entire fort with logs. Curry moved out, except for the cloth armor occupations that were not strong enough, everyone got a share. After our transformation, the fence of the camp has become a simple wooden city wall, and now everyone climbs to the top of the wall.

Including the eight of us, there are only 28 people in total, stuck in such a small fortress-like camp, although the monster hasn't come yet, all the NCs are very nervous, and the faint smell of blood in the air of the camp keeps stimulating everyone Even us players have become more cautious than usual.

This rout brother risked his life to buy us a short period of precious time. When we were almost ready, sporadic undead creatures had begun to appear at the edge of our field of vision.

Looking at the appearance of crawling creatures with four limbs lying on the ground in the distance, my heart sank, it was a ghoul.

Ghouls are a very cost-effective undead unit. Like skeleton warriors, they are summoned from corpses by necromancers. The difference is that a summoning spell will summon a low-level skeleton warrior. If magic summons a ghoul, there is only one.

The price is different, and the natural benefits are also significantly different. Ghouls are more flexible and aggressive than skeletons and skeletons. In the previous battle, eight ghouls appeared in the most intense one. The number of barely a team has already made us I'm a bit overwhelmed, but now it's good, just at the edge of the field of vision, there are at least twenty of them.

Our only advantage now is the favorable location. Only now do I really start to admire Captain Parker's foresight. Only with the current level of city defense can we withstand the first few waves of monster charges.

The ghouls were getting closer and closer to us. A few minutes later, the first ghoul entered my range. Before Captain Parker gave an order, the wooden arrow in his hand had already shot out.

Flame Arrow!

With a whoosh, the wooden arrow dragged a flame-shaped flight path and accurately bit into the eye socket of the ghoul, shooting the pathfinder turned over, and the blood on the forehead also lost a lot cut.

Jie Jie! !

The ghoul that was hit rolled around several times crying on the ground, the strange voice like metal rubbing sounded extremely harsh.

My arrow severely injured one ghoul, but it also managed to attract the attention of the rest of the ghouls. Within a few seconds, all the ghouls that were aimless started to move towards the wounded ghoul. Assemble, I took a quick glance, Nima, there are at least forty or fifty.

Seeing that most of the ghouls were attracted to the east wall where I was, Captain Parker decisively ordered to adjust the focus of defense. Only one person was left on the other three wooden walls to report information at any time, and the rest were all concentrated on the wall where I was. superior.

The next step is very simple, whether it is a professional archer or not, everyone who can draw the bow has raised the horn bow in his hand, and before the ghouls have assembled, a small wave of crooked arrows flew out. There are only a few people in the entire camp, and there are only two professional archers besides me. It is not bad to be able to draw the bow and shoot the arrow.

To our surprise, the effect of this small wave of arrow rain is not bad. Ghouls have no armor defense type, and there will be a certain extra bonus when facing the piercing damage type attacks of bows and arrows. In addition, the number of arrows is relatively large After a round of arrow rain, one was successfully shot down, and several ghouls with wooden arrows stuck in their bodies were already bleeding.

This unexpected result gave our studio team members a lot of encouragement. NC is really different from players. You must know that under normal circumstances, as long as the profession has enough strength, it can be equipped with bows and arrows, but because other than They don't have any bow skills other than archers, so the long-range attack effect is very poor, there is no precision, the attack frequency is slow, and the damage has no skill bonus, but NC archery is not the case. The horn bow is a relatively long bow, and its power is relatively It is relatively large, a single arrow may not land accurately, and the effect will not be good, but it is another matter after the arrow rain is assembled. As long as the approximate position is correct, there will always be more than a dozen arrows. The arrows can hit the target, and if they are lucky enough to land more concentratedly, they can shoot some unlucky ghouls into a sieve.

After several rounds of arrow rain, several ghouls fell one after another. Finally, groups of ghouls broke through to the wooden wall.

Dozens of ghouls gnawed on the wooden pile at the same time. Even if you didn't hear the crackling sound, it would be extremely scary if you just imagined it. Everyone's face was tense and they didn't say a word, all their attention was on the attack. Because we are archers, we hit every shot with almost every shot, and almost every arrow flies towards the residual blood. After shooting and killing more than a dozen bloody ghouls one after another, the other two NC archers not far from me also followed suit. I learned it.

The horses blocking the wooden wall were gnawed by the ghouls, and then dismantled, and then began to attack the logs outside the wooden wall, and we continued to attack with bows and arrows condescendingly, time was passing by, and the logs A large number of small gaps on the wall are connected into pieces, and then become large gaps. The large gaps deepen and widen, and finally crack and break. Fortunately, the ghouls have lost a lot, and the loss of the wooden wall is still in our hands within the acceptable range.

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