Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 588: Empress Dowager

Everyone shot indiscriminately at the ghoul at the root of the city wall under their feet, and twenty minutes later. There were not many ghouls left under the wooden wall. After another ghoul was killed by me, a skill in the skill bar lit up. I glanced over and was very happy. After killing so many ghouls, the touch of the wind is finally unsealed.

Standing condescendingly on the wooden wall. There were already many corpses of ghouls piled up underneath, and the ghouls were killed along with them. There are also many drops of various qualities on the ground, and there are still a few bloody ghouls that are still alive. I couldn't bear it anymore, and unconsciously, I approached the edge of the wooden wall.

"Hey! Marksman! Be careful! Don't fall!!" Captain Parker saw me walking to the side and reminded me deliberately.

"Captain, I'll go down and collect the loot. Beware of monsters coming later, and then come up!!" I asked for instructions, and jumped down in the air without waiting for NC Parker's instructions.

Although the city wall made of logs was only less than ten yards high, it would still fall to death at this height under normal circumstances. But with the touch of the wind, I also have a safety rope to land safely.

"Damn! What are you doing!!!" Captain Parker cursed. He stretched out the spear in his hand suddenly, hoping that I would grab it. But I just glanced at it and didn't even stretch out my hand.

The height of the fall was less than ten yards, and the falling time was very short. At the moment when I was on the verge of landing, a golden light flashed on my body. There are two more golden wings under the feet.

The half-second invincibility time added by the touch of the wind perfectly offset the damage caused by my fall. After landing, I waved my hand and threw out the dead body one by one. The messy ghoul corpses on the ground all disappeared, and all kinds of loot fell and lay there scattered. Roughly counting, there are at least one hundred and eighty pieces.

"My God! This desperate kid didn't fall to his death! Quick! Jack! Prepare the rope! Pull him up later!" Parker shouted excitedly after seeing that I was safe and sound, and the NC soldiers beside him were all busy stand up.

The almost unlimited materials in the space ring are not unblocked, the system is like sending a special person to watch, as long as I am on the verge of running out of potions, I will unblock a few groups of potions, those small top-quality items that were too late to equip before But the equipment is not unlocked life and death.

I lowered my head and desperately picked up the supplies on the ground. Whether it's scattered medicines or equipment of various qualities, they are all useful to us now, as long as they are loot, I plan to not let them go.

I was picking it up with my head down, when suddenly everyone shouted from the top of the wall.

"Come up! Quickly, grab the rope and come up! It's dangerous!!" Captain Parker shouted loudly.

I looked up and glanced outside, but I didn't see the danger in their mouths. There are still less than half of the trophies on the ground that have not been picked up yet! Even if you stand on the top of the city, you can see the danger in the distance with a wide view. I am more conceited about my operation, I believe that I should be able to cope with my own reaction ability. So he looked up and continued to look down to pick up the drop.

"Uncle, hurry up, come up! Come up!! Cloud, black cloud!!!" At this time, the guys in the studio couldn't hold back anymore, and there was panic in the shout of the little girl like Cang Qiong.

I quickly swept the two pieces of blue armor into my backpack. After hearing the shouts of Cang Qiong and others, he looked up again. Just then. A strange ultra-small black cloud quickly flew towards our fortress.

There was a quick reaction in his head, and both hands just grabbed the end of the rope. A black cloud had already enveloped the top of his head. With a click, a piercing sound of thunder and lightning sounded on my forehead, shaking my head aching.

almost at the same time. My body was covered with a cage made of flame elements. The blue-purple lightning that fell around my body was absorbed by the element wall, and I did not suffer any harm.

It was the rope of the flame cage that began to rise rapidly, and all the comrades worked together to pull me up. During this ten yard or so ascent. The black cloud chopped down at least five lightning bolts in succession, all of which were blocked by the continuous fire elemental barrier. By the time I was dragged up to the wall, the small black cloud had lost its power and dissipated.

"Damn it, it's dangerous! Boss, are you okay!!!" Tudou and the girls gathered around in a panic, looking up and down, for fear that I might be missing some parts.

"Hey! Brat, are you okay!!" Captain Parker, Jack, Marison and the others also surrounded him.

I wiped the cold sweat off my brow with lingering fear, "No problem, what was that stuff just now?? Luckily, Cang Qiong is smart and calm, otherwise he would have been chopped into coke!"

Captain Parker said a little nervously, "This is the death thundercloud released by the Necromancer, flying over from the edge of the forest over there. Fortunately, we have killed all those damned ghouls. The Necromancer who is hiding should be the only one." Elementary strength. It can be seen from Leiyun's flying speed and the number of attacks!"

After listening to the words of the NC captain. I glanced in the direction he was pointing. Nothing was gained.

"Come on, while there is still some time. Share all the loot! There are a lot of good things!" I found a relatively wide position, and controlled my mind to throw all the loot out.

The types of drop are more complicated. Armor, leather armor and robes are a mess of street stalls. The garbage that everyone looked down upon in the game has now become the only way to improve everyone's strength as soon as possible. People in their twenties. The score is close to a hundred loot. There is still a lot of room for choice, plus because of my relationship. Potatoes They prioritized loot that could be equipped. After this round of dressing. Everyone's attributes have improved a lot.

The sad thing is that I only picked a blue-quality enchanted longbow, which is slightly stronger than the one in my hand. As for other suitable ones, there are no more.

Enchanted equipment is beyond the existence of standard NC equipment. Now the NC equipment in our camp is basically below the poverty line, and things like wooden arrows, whiteboards, weapons and armor are still used. After having a choice. Several named NC fighters and unnamed NC minions have more or less changed their outfits. After changing their costumes, everyone chatted happily. There is a tendency to forget that we have just finished a round of battle.

"Enemy attacks from outside the east gate!!!" At this moment, the NC soldier who was staying on the east wall to observe suddenly shouted, and everyone's nerves that had just been relaxed tensed up again.

"Assembly! Transfer!" Captain Parker yelled, and everyone rushed towards the east gate.

The NC soldiers in charge of the sentry did not lie. At the edge of the sparse woodland in the distance outside the camp, there were many pale and pale bone creatures looming. The rattling sound of clenching teeth.

"Damn it, it's a horde of skeletons!! Wood! Get ready for the kerosene bombs!!" The NC captain, who has much more experience in combat, cursed, and the earth-made kerosene bombs stored in the camp warehouse were also moved onto the city wall one after another. Head, this kind of weapon is made of NC soil. It is said that after being ignited, it can burn for a relatively long time within a certain range. It is similar to the effect of a simple mage's flame wall. It is very suitable for dealing with a large number of low-level skeletons with fragile skin. .

A full half an hour passed, and there was still no skeleton rushing over. The whole forest was eerily quiet. Time consumed our patience little by little. Only Captain Parker squinted his eyes and said nothing, looking extremely calm.

After a while, the whole forest started to move, as if the sound of countless joints colliding and rubbing came from far and near, and a large number of low-level bone skeletons walked towards the camp position clumsily.

"Ready for ignition!!!" Captain Parker gave an order when the skeletons moved within the attack range. A large number of ignited petrol bombs were thrown far from the wooden wall.

The arm strength of adult soldiers is astonishing. The range of throwing a fuel bomb is almost the same as that of a mage throwing a fireball. After the ignited kerosene bomb falls, a small-scale explosion and kerosene splash will occur, almost instantly. The sea of ​​flames became a piece, and the skeletons that charged up first were all covered by the sea of ​​flames.

Although the power of burning oil is limited, it is still enough to deal with low-level skeletons, half a minute later. The skeletons that moved in the flames were completely damaged. Apart from most of them being burned to death, a small half of the skeletons were still tenaciously approaching with their bloody skin on their faces.

"The wood is ready!!!" Captain Parker gave another order, and when the skeleton was close to the wooden wall, the giant log was lifted up by several soldiers, and then pushed down the wooden wall.

After falling vertically, the wood killed many unlucky ghosts. Some of them rolled up obliquely after landing because of the angle of the throwing, and the skeletons with residual blood were directly crushed into powder.

Several groups of skeleton warriors rushed up one after another, and were wiped out by kerosene bombs and wood. Every time they killed all the monsters, everyone would shout excitedly, but Captain Parker had a serious face, as if he had something on his mind.

More than an hour later, the sixth wave of skeleton warriors was dispersed, and now the ordinary NC soldiers couldn't laugh anymore, the kerosene bombs in the camp had run out, and there was not much stock left in Yumu, but no one knew, When will the next wave of undead creatures come.

"Marison, share all the bandages and healing medicines in the camp equally! Everyone is ready for close combat!" Captain Parker spat viciously, his expression seemed to have made some important decision.

After a few minutes. All the medical supplies of Curry in the simple camp camp were distributed to everyone under the arrangement of Captain Parker. The remaining wooden arrows were left to the two NPC archers, and the melee NPCs all went down the city wall.

After a dozen strong men worked hard, they cleared the originally sealed wooden door of the camp. The NPC fighters with the most combat experience are at the front, and all members of the entire camp team are ready to burn their boats.

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