"Boss, when did you become an idiot in the game?" Xiao Ke stopped laughing and asked casually, I almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"The trial map is so big, and there is no world map. The small map is a piece of Lin Hai without any markers. Anyone who changes it will be dumbfounded!!!" I said depressedly.

"Then what should we do? How about we go find you??" Yang Dan asked tentatively.

"Come on, it's up to you to find me. There are basically no detailed maps and markers. It's the same as someone else. The forest is huge. Don't trap yourself in it just in case you can't find me!!" I said angrily.

"By the way, boss, where are your coordinates now? Look at the coordinates to tell the direction!" At this moment, Sister An Ran suddenly reminded me, and I suddenly felt my vision open when I was at a loss, yes, the coordinates, I There are also coordinates available! ! !

"You're full, Xiao Ke, hurry up and go online to check your coordinates, and then go offline and tell me, I'll be waiting for you here!" He entered the room and went online.

Less than a minute later, Xiao Ke returned to the living room, "Boss, our current coordinates are (2411, 3475)!"

"Okay! I've written it down. I'm advanced to the game. You guys clear the tables. I'll try to join you as soon as possible!" After leaving a sentence, I entered the room like a breeze and went online.

With a flash of vision, I appeared at the location where I was offline just now, and my eyes swept over the world map. Sure enough, the coordinates are still on the map!

Lock my own coordinates, and then query the coordinates given to me by Xiao Ke. Two points are connected by a line, and a red virtual track is marked on the big map. Seeing the super long road map, I was depressed for a while. Damn it, it's too far away, I've been running around in the opposite direction, and I'm already far away from Xiao Ke's position, now Xiao Hei can't summon, if I walk at full speed for two hours, it's probably useless ! !

It doesn't matter, as long as there is a way, even if it is a stupid way, I am already very content, and run desperately according to the direction and path on the map.

After more than two hours, I finally walked out of the forest. Fortunately, there are no valleys and streams in the forest, otherwise it would be a waste of time.

When I came to the location Xiao Ke told me, there was no NC in sight. In two hours, Xiao Ke and the others should have climbed to the ridge. There were no trees to block the view. I gritted my teeth and followed up.

After climbing the mountain road for more than an hour, I finally found the light from the magic torch on the distant ridge, which should be them.

Half an hour later, I managed to catch up with Tudou's team.

"Praise Almighty God!!! I'm glad to see you're alright!!!" Captain Parker came up to me and gave me a solid bear hug.

"Hehe, it's a small problem, it's not a problem!!!" I responded with a smile on my face.

"By the way, captain, my boss has already caught up with us, so we don't need to go to the top of the mountain, where shall we go next?" Tudou glanced at the top of the mountain in the distance, climbing in the dark environment is really nothing Good work.

Captain Parker stared at the mountain road below and pondered for a moment, then said, "No, we have to continue climbing, Mosa County has been captured, and the entire foot of the Black Rock Mountain Range should have become the territory of the undead, we want to survive , the only way is to continue climbing. After turning over the mountain at the foot, turn to the Dragon Bone Mountain Range in the northeast, where there is an army led by the golden lion Baroque! The death magic of the undead is too terrifying. If this continues, it will not be used How long will it take for all human settlements to be wiped out!!"

Originally, they were full of hope, but after being told by Captain Parker, everyone immediately lost their enthusiasm. They checked the progress of the game and found that there was no notification from the system, but the progress had increased to 21%. It took more than half a month to complete the trial. One-fifth of the refining task, now everyone's patience has been honed almost.

After downsizing in previous battles, we now have 17 men left. Except for our eight players, there are only nine players left in NC. None of the guys with names in NC were hanged, but those who didn't even have names were almost hung up. After a short rest, our group continued on our way. At around 11 o'clock in the evening, we successfully climbed over the ridge and walked down for a while. When it was exactly twelve o'clock, Captain Parker announced that he would stop the journey and set up a tent to rest.

Exited from the game, took a shower, and fell asleep after setting the alarm clock.

After entering the game the next morning, it was a boring rush to march again. Fortunately, there were no monsters in the normal map except for undead monsters in the trial ground. Our team almost turned half a circle along the foot of the Dragon Bone Mountains. At 2:30 in the afternoon Finally, after bypassing a small hill, the camp of the human army came out of the edge of the field of vision.

Everyone yelled and rushed over, both the player and the NC were in a mess of excitement, even if the player didn't feel tired in the game, driving with their heads bored for a long time would still cause psychological pressure, After reaching the goal, the pressure in my heart dropped sharply, and the feeling of exhilaration was indescribable.

The hospitality was different from what we had expected. Everyone rushed over excitedly, and as a result, the eight guards at the gate of the camp pulled out their weapons almost at the same time.

"Who are you?" A leader-like NPC looked at us vigilantly. The long journey made everyone travel and dusty, and the appearance was indeed a little unsightly.

Captain Parker walked out of the crowd, and then held a bronze waist card and said, "We are the defenders of the Blackstone Camp under the jurisdiction of Mosa County. I am the captain of the garrison. Mosa County was destroyed. It was razed to the ground, and the Blackstone camp was also besieged by undead creatures, and we came here after a long journey to break out of the siege!!"

After the other party took the badge of the representative's identity and verified it, the attitude towards us was better after the verification. The guards all put away their weapons, and then the guard leader led us into the gate of the barracks.

This barracks is huge in scale, with hundreds of thousands of NPC troops stationed there. All kinds of barracks and tents are neatly arranged in rows and rows. In terms of the size of the land occupied, it is no less than a medium-sized town.

Everyone wandered around the camp for half a circle, and after many twists and turns, they came to the tall tent where the Golden Lion Baroque Generalissimo worked.

Different from the NC generals I have come into contact with before, this golden lion baroque marshal's office tent is extremely luxurious. All the furniture is made of golden nanmu, and the furs of various large monsters are hung on the curtain walls. The tall camp is full of people. A feeling of resplendent luxury.

When we came in, Marshal Baroque was studying the sand table deduction. There were rivers, mountains, and forests on a sand table with a diameter of more than three yards. Small flags representing the deployment of troops were densely inserted. I took a closer look. , the terrain of this sand table should be the area around the Keel Mountain Range where we are now.

"I have seen His Excellency the Generalissimo!" Captain Parker saluted very respectfully.

Seeing us coming in, Marshal Baroque put down what he was doing, turned around and sat back in the large and luxurious chair, and said majesticly, "Are you the defeated army who escaped from Mosa County??"

"No, we are not stationed in Mosa County, but the camp we guard is under the jurisdiction of Mosa County! After Mosa County was breached, the undead swept our camp. Without any supplies or reinforcements, We fought for a day and after reducing our numbers by half, we chose to break out, climbed over Hutou Mountain, and made a more than half a circle at the foot of Dragon Bone Mountain, and then managed to escape here!!!" I have to say that Captain Parker's answer was perfect, not to beautify the failure, Don't deny the effort either.

"Okay, you guys go to the armaments department to register and join the cooking team below!!!" Marshal Baroque impatiently waved his hand, indicating that we can leave.

"Undead creatures have already begun to spread in Mosa County, and the flames of war will be transferred here in a short time. Marshal, are you not going to send troops to rescue them? Maybe it's too late to go now!" Captain Parker did not leave immediately, but did not leave. Willingly continued.

"Damn deserters, this is not something you should consider! I know what to do, I don't need you to remind me! Either you take your cowards to the cooking class to cook now, or get out of Lao Tzu's camp!! !” The Baroque Marshal’s eyebrows and beard trembled, and the crystal cup on the table was smashed to pieces.

"But, but..." Captain Parker still wanted to continue fighting. I gently pulled down the hem of his half-length armor behind him, and then he closed his mouth unwillingly, turned around and walked out with us.

"Why don't you let me fight for it again? This proud marshal doesn't know the horror after giving the undead time to develop. Those villages, towns, and all the aborigines will become an army of undead after they are killed. What a waste of time In a few days, the army of the undead will become even more fierce, and it will be too late when I really sit here and wait for the undead to attack here!!!" Captain Parker was very depressed, not to mention anything else, only Baroque just now The word "deserter" from the marshal's mouth has already stung the hearts of everyone, including Captain Parker.

I shrugged at Tudou and them, and then comforted me, "Don't be angry, the distance is so far, even if you send troops to save them, it may be too late when you get there, let's settle down here first, and wait until we get a firm foothold." Let’s think about other things later, there are at least hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers in this camp, I think even if the undead army arrives here, they may not be able to defeat us.”

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