Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 592: History And Reality

With a stomach full of depression, we became the glorious cooks of the Baroque Marshal with Captain Parker. The regular army can receive a complete set of equipment and enjoy certain support benefits, but our cooks have nothing. After cooking and finishing the limited work, everyone gathered together to brag and chat. The only thing that made everyone gratified was that although they were dawdling in the military camp, the progress of the trial mission was still increasing. After three days of cooking, the progress of the mission had already passed up to twenty-nine percent.

On the fourth day, we went online as usual. After finishing the work at hand, we gathered together to chat. Suddenly, the big bell in the middle of the camp ground rang.

After the bell rang, the entire camp moved quickly. Although the Baroque marshal was not very reliable, the NC soldiers under him were indeed capable. In less than five minutes, all the soldiers rushed to the school grounds.

"Fuck, boss, they are fighting, what are we doing!! How about we go help too!!!" Seeing the busy and nervous look of the NC soldiers, the warmonger Tudou's eyes shined a bit hold Can't stop.

"Tch, with your current virtue, you need skills but no skills, equipment and no equipment, and you still go to help? Maybe even the NC soldiers on the field can beat you one-on-one!!" Cang Qiong curled his lips, mercilessly Said.

"Then what should we do? Just nest in the cafeteria??" Tudou felt guilty, and his confidence was a little bit less when he spoke.

I stared at the situation on the school field outside from the window, thought for a while, and said, "You still haven't turned the corner, we are here to do the trial mission, and completing the mission is the ultimate goal, since the progress of the mission is still in progress. Keep going up, it means that we have not deviated from the main line of the mission, we are cooks now, so just do our job well!!"

Maybe my words played a role. Tudou, who was still very excited just now, lowered his head and muttered in a low voice, "Okay, if there is a fight, let's watch an American blockbuster!!"

Tudou just said it casually, but what happened next was more refreshing than watching an American blockbuster.

Teams of scouts were dispatched to the camp, and the NCs assembled on the school grounds began to form formations according to certain rules. The baroque marshal was wearing pale gold armor and a blood-red cloak, and was constantly making arrangements with the lieutenants. Lieutenants continued to leave after receiving orders.

The whole camp is like a precision instrument, except for a few of us, everyone is doing their own duties in a strict manner. As for Captain Parker and those NC soldiers who are divided into the second group of cafeterias, we have already Haven't seen him for several days.

After a while, the scout who left first came back, and then General Baroque stood on his horse and waved one hand, and the NC soldiers who had completed the entire team in the camp began to run out of the camp in an orderly manner.

Seeing at least 200,000 to 300,000 people in the entire camp and less than 10,000 people left at home, I was a little surprised in my heart. You must know that this is a large-scale military camp. sent out by soldiers. Now the whole camp has only so few people, basically it can be said that it is an empty camp. If the camp is attacked by the opponent, there will be problems with a large amount of supplies, food and grass, and the whole army will have no way out.

From the details of the last few days alone, I have figured out the Baroque Marshal's temper, irritable, conceited, and now coupled with militarism, such a character, I really doubt how he got the rank of Grand Marshal.

The school field was basically empty, so we didn't have much fun watching it. Now that our strength has been greatly reduced, we didn't dare to run around. In desperation, we searched separately and finally chose a special building.

Behind the cafeteria, there is a water tower nearly 30 yards high. The drinking water in the entire camp comes from here. After a lot of effort, we climbed up. Although the top is a bit crowded, the view is wide enough. Enough to watch above.

After reaching the top of the water tower, the army led by Marshal Baroque reappeared in the field of vision. The entire camp was almost mobilized, and all the troops were displayed at a position about 500 yards in front of the camp. This should have been considered when setting up the camp. Here A flat river, without any obstacles such as trees and rocks, is most suitable for use as a battlefield.

When the troops were forming the formation, there were several clouds of smoke and dust rising in the distance, and it was only after a while that it was clear that the second batch of scattered scouts had returned, and all the scouts coming from different directions gathered at the position of the generalissimo. The formation that had already been arranged was changed again. Two light cavalry of at least ten thousand regiments moved to the two wings of the formation. The original heavy armored infantry made certain adjustments. There are countless NPC fighters holding giant spears. This kind of giant spear is extremely exaggerated. It is nearly eight yards long and the arms of adults are so thick that it takes several soldiers to carry it safely. After countless spears were picked up together, the army formation turned into a hedgehog formation.

Just after the transformation ended, there was a rumbling sound in the distance, the earth was shaking, dust was flying, and even on the top of the water tower where we were hiding, the water in the water cup was slightly rippling.

The opponent is coming, it is cavalry, necromancer cavalry! ! !

The other party has just entered the field of vision, so it looks very blurry. It can only be roughly judged from the image and sound. Without the support of system statistics tools, it is impossible to know the exact number of people. I only see endlessness, which seems to be endless. when.

The battle started without any hesitation at all. The rushing cavalry brigade desperately attacked the hedgehog formation. Most of the cavalry in the first round of impact were wearing men and horses on giant spears, but these undead cavalry seemed to have no fear. Still desperately rushing forward.

It has to be said that the command of the Baroque Marshal is relatively reliable for the time being. Using the pikemen to deal with the necromancer cavalry can be restrained.

Although there is restraint in the types of arms, there is a limit to everything. When the spear is strewn with skeletons and corpses of mounts, its power will be weakened to zero. The undead cavalry behind them are still fearless. Countless undead cavalry were filled in.

This situation may not have been expected by anyone, another round of charge, the spear array was torn open, and the entire defense line was dented as if it had been hit with a blunt hammer. The undead cavalry formally rushed along this crack. Into my field of vision.

After I fully saw the appearance of the undead cavalry who rushed over, I couldn't calm down at all. The undead cavalry who rushed over were covered with heavy armor and even had visors on their faces. This is not the most important thing, the most important thing, There are many wounds on the armor or body that have been dug open by sharp blades. From the wounds, it can be seen that these undead cavalry should have just been made, and the bones of many heavy armored bannermen still have unrotten flesh. Same.

Seeing this, my heart sank, and a question that I was very unwilling to accept appeared in my mind. I'll fuck it up. Could it be that these undead cavalry, who are desperately attacking the front line, are made of heavy armored knights from human troops? ? Could it be that Captain Parker is really talking about it! ! !

As this idea came to my mind, I discovered more and more details, such as the pattern of the armor on the undead cavalry, the plate of the horse armor, and even the logo on the saddle! At the end of the day, I am completely sure that my guess is correct.

"It's come true, it's really come true!!" I felt emotional in my heart and whispered to myself.

"Boss, what are you talking about?" Everyone was attracted by the fierce battle, and I was suddenly confused by what I said to myself.

"Xiao Ke, go find Captain Parker and the others, and see what they are doing. Marshal Baroque is going to fail this time! We must first save the rear!!" I said something to Xiao Ke, and Xiao Ke nodded and turned around Down the water tower.

"What's going on, boss. How did you know that Marshal Baroque would fail? I've seen it so far, and I've even made a little profit by visual inspection!!" Cang Qiong tilted his head to look at me, his big eyes full of doubts.

At this time, I didn't care about pretending to be a joke, and said solemnly, "Have you paid attention to the details of the undead cavalry who are attacking the formation now?? Look at the style of their armor. There are many standard bearers with Mosa County on their chests." What about the logo!! If I guessed correctly, they should have been refined just now, and the raw material for refining the undead cavalry should be the defenders of the heavy armored cavalry regiment in Mosa County!!!”

I paused for a while, and then continued, "It is common sense that high-level undead can use various corpses, but there are also some details that many people may not be clear about, such as the origin of undead arms, most undead creatures without souls , are all refined through certain formations or rituals. Undead creatures produced by formal methods can exist for a long time, but the production cycle and difficulty are much greater. If you want to pursue production efficiency, you will sacrifice quality. For example, the undead cavalry now, I think it should be summoned by some relatively low-level consciousness, look at the corpse cut in half over there, and there are still pieces of meat on the bone frame! That is to say, now These guys participating in the war are not considered regular troops of the undead army at all, let me see that the probability of using cannon fodder at one time is higher! The cannon fodder has already begun to tear the line of defense, and the situation should be even more serious when the official troops arrive!"

After I said this, everyone finally understood that this group of guys were all very shrewd except for Tudou who was a little dick. After realizing the seriousness of the problem, everyone's eyes became cautious.

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