Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 593 Became A Deserter

"Uncle, what shall we do now?? Let's join the battle to help Marshal Baroque?" Cang Qiong asked with his head tilted.

Hearing that the usual ice-snow-smart sky started to make mistakes, I was depressed for a while, and said, "What are you thinking about, why did your IQ suddenly drop to the level of Tudou, and hundreds of thousands of NC troops are fighting, let alone we are still If we haven’t unblocked all our strength, even if we restore our peak strength now, we won’t be able to play a decisive role. Are you still participating in the war? I want you to go, I won’t go!!”

As soon as I said it, Cang Qiong reacted, and at this time, Miss An Ran suddenly said, "We are playing soy sauce now, let me see, the victory or defeat in the plot must have already been set, we The current strength will definitely not change the result. Maybe it is really like what was said in the previous mission prompt. This giant trial mission just allows players to go back in time to witness the rise of the empire hundreds of thousands of years ago, so that everyone can cherish the peace of God. !"

After being interrupted by Sister An Ran, a floating thought suddenly flashed through my mind. Let alone, the trial mission has been going on for so long, and the things we have experienced basically have no major changes. Not only that, but I also Rediscovered a detail that I didn't care about before. The trial task we are doing now has no specific task requirements. The standard for completing the task is the plot progress. As long as the progress reaches 100%, the trial task can be completed. Let alone, It is really possible that the final result was set by the system. There is such a possibility that we are just a group of players who have revisited their old places and came here to receive education on war and peace.

"By the way, uncle, haven't you studied the history of the Oath Continent in the game? Is there any historical record of the construction of Lingyun City?" Cang Qiong asked again.

Not to mention, there is really a history of the construction of Lingyun City in the history of the game. I pondered for a while, and recalled the content I had read.

In the 747th year of the oath, karmic fire fell from the sky, and the entire continental plate became three pieces. Among them, the smallest piece in the south was the most severely damaged, and was directly burned into a barren land by the boundless flames.

In 1801 of the oath calendar, large-scale plagues broke out on the other two land plates one after another, and the mature imperial civilization was severely damaged. The Aris Empire fell apart due to internal strife among the nobles, and several grand dukes declared independence one after another.

After the plague, the population dropped sharply by two-thirds, and there were constant battles between the several princes, and they were in a state of melee for quite a long time.

In 1848, Grand Duke Miroquez received divine revelation in a dream, and sent an ocean liner of more than 20,000 people to the scorched continent to search for miracles. A year and a half later, the fleet returned. Harvest unknown.

In the spring of 1851, Grand Duke Miroquez suddenly announced that he would become the spokesperson of the god of the underworld. The original clan ancestor worship system was abandoned, and temples dedicated to the god of the underworld began to be built in the Principality.

In the autumn of the same year, Grand Duke Miroques personally led the army to launch a massive Eastern Expedition. In the battle with the other two duchies, undead creatures appeared on the stage of war for the first time.

They don't know where they came from, and they don't know how long they have existed. When Man Tian's fallen corpses turned into bones and stood up again, the army of the Eastern Expedition's opponent, the Crimson Principality, collapsed thousands of miles away. In less than half a month, the entire deep More than 60% of the territory of the Red Principality was captured, and the Crimson Grand Duke Solo led the remaining hundreds of thousands of troops to flee to the neighboring Principality of Mensen to seek war and ally the undead creatures to join the battle. There was a plague, and the plague broke out in the occupied area, and the people who had just recuperated and regained some vitality suffered heavy casualties again. During that most terrifying time, no matter day or night, the stoves burning with bones everywhere in the plague area gave off a black atmosphere. The black mist that almost obscured the sun had a famous name later, it was called the sky of death.

The sun was obscured by the dense death sky, and the undead army was fighting more and more courageously in the battle. In the deep winter of the same year, more than 85% of the territory of the Crimson Principality was captured. .

Things are erratic. Under the terror of the undead army, Grand Duke Crimson, who escaped from the Principality, chose to ally with the Principality of Monsen. The Principality no longer has any power to resist the menacing undead army. Three days before Christmas, the entire territory of the Crimson Principality was captured.

On the last day of the new year, the holy light descended from the sky, dispelling the thick curtain of death, Grand Duke Mensen received divine revelation, and six seraphs of the God of Light came to the Principality of Mensen.

Grand Duke Mensen also gave up the worship of ancestors and changed his beliefs. In just half a month, three temples of light were added to the territory of the Principality. .

With the support of the gods, the originally invincible undead army finally met a strong enemy. A large number of combat priests who were proficient in light spells joined the battle as if they appeared out of nowhere, and the boundless undead creatures were dispersed by large-scale dispelling magic. After six battle angels joined the battle, the army of Grand Duke Miroques finally began to rout, and the land that had not been digested after the conquest was recovered.

Several large-scale battles broke out one after another. Both sides suffered damage to each other, but the undead army lost more. The original undead army was forced to reach the Black Rock Mountains to stabilize its position. The next battle was a battle with mutual casualties. In the battle, no one has the ability to completely wipe out the other side, and gradually the Blackstone Mountains have become the standard for dividing the border. After losing his military power, the Crimson Grand Duke was imprisoned for a long time and unable to resist, and was finally hanged on the gallows.

In 1852, Grand Duke Mensen announced the merger of the remaining territory of the Crimson Principality with the Principality of Mensen, which was later known as Emperor Mensen I. The imperial capital is now Lingyun City.

I was still silent in the history of Lingyun City, when suddenly there was the sound of chaotic footsteps behind me, I glanced back, just in time to see Captain Parker climbing up the rough stone steps with a few NPCs.

"Hey! Moonlight, what can you do with me??" Captain Parker has become very close to me through a lot of contact some time ago, which can be felt from the way he speaks.

"Captain, you are here, I need you to discuss something!" I nodded as a greeting.

"Baroque, that stupid pig, told him long ago that he was going to send troops for reinforcements, but he didn't listen. It's a good thing now, it's too late!!" Captain Parker cursed.

"You are right, those undead cavalry outside the camp should be cannon fodder temporarily made by human cavalry!! I would like to ask you, what should we do if the battle fails next???" I said a few words Kung Fu shifted the topic to the aspects he cared about.

In fact, it is meaningful to discuss this issue with Captain Parker. We came here with the NC Captain Parker. From the perspective of outsiders, Captain Parker’s reaction also determines our subsequent reactions. Asking this question is equivalent to I inquired about the development of the next incident.

"What else can I do? Of course, life-saving is the most important thing. Do you still expect me to work for that arrogant and stubborn guy???" Parker responded without thinking.

Hearing what Parker said, I knew in my heart that if nothing unexpected happened, then Marshal Baroque's troops should be doomed this time.

"We came together, remember to take us with you when we withdraw!" I said with a blink of my eyes.

"No problem!!" Captain Parker agreed without hesitation.


While we were talking, new waves appeared in the battle outside the camp. A large black thundercloud suddenly floated over the crumbling defense line attacked by the necromancer cavalry. I have seen this thundercloud before. It's the death thundercloud in front, but the one I met earlier was a shrunken version, and this one is a super enhanced version.

There was no reaction at all, the terrifying energy mixed in the thundercloud poured out, and countless purple lightning strikes, whether it was undead cavalry or human warriors, were chopped into coke without distinction, and the surviving spearmen also suffered heavy losses Not many left.

The thunder cloud came and went quickly, and within ten seconds the thunder cloud poured out its energy and disappeared. The striker, which was originally considered solid, had a huge gap after the lightning strike.

At this moment, Marshal Baroque suddenly lifted off from the central army. Originally, only the pale gold armor exuded a dazzling golden light, while the cloak behind him was still as bright red as blood.

The super sword energy over a hundred yards suddenly swept down from the sky, splitting all the undead cavalry rushing forward in half, and then two more sword auras fell, tearing the undead cavalry attacking from behind.

Seeing this, even Captain Parker was stunned. Relying on the power of one person to resist thousands of troops, the strength of this baroque marshal is too domineering.

After such a easing, the support group of the human NPC army rushed forward and re-stabilized the front line, and Marshal Baroque landed back to the rear of the team.

But the good times didn't last long. Just a moment later, another large group of thunderclouds floated over. This time it was different. Before the thunderclouds approached, Marshal Baroque and the two generals beside him aroused their fighting spirit together, and three powerful The fighting spirit blasted away the thunder cloud that had just floated over.

The commander of the undead army seems to have lost interest in continuing to play. After the thundercloud failed, a very sharp sound suddenly sounded in the distance. This is a very piercing sound. I even have an illusion that it can pierce the soul .

After the harsh sound, the undead cavalry charged faster, and then a large number of new undead creatures began to appear at the edge of the field of vision.

Numerous skeletons, ghouls, death knights, necromancers, and mixed undead troops rushed over like a tide. There were also a few giant creatures like hills that couldn't be seen clearly.

At this time, everyone's face changed, Nima, this is going to be real! !

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