Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 594 Happy New Year! ! !

The battle became fierce in an instant, and the undead cavalry who charged desperately almost dispersed the formation of the human army on the front line, and then the sky filled with undead creatures rushed over like a tide, and soldiers kept falling in the siege. Desperation began to spread in the melee, as if morale was low, more NPC fighters fell at the feet of the undead army that was several times larger than him.

At this moment, Marshal Baroque yelled loudly and went back into the air, followed by more than a dozen senior combat priests in white robes. Marshal Baroque kept waving his long sword, and the fierce sword energy continued to pour out. In an instant, the densely packed monsters were torn apart, and the dozen or so senior battle priests began to chant unknown spells in the air, and the gray sky became a little brighter because of the presence of more than a dozen battle priests. a little.

Although Marshal Baroque and his two generals are extremely brave, this attack is still a drop in the bucket against the countless undead army. Some undead monsters were scattered, and more monsters continued to come up behind them. endless.

The pikemen on the front line were all killed and injured, and there were not many substitutes left. At this time, the Baroque marshal frowned, and shouted a command in the air, and the light cavalry who had been lying in ambush on the two wings joined the battle.

Seeing the two teams of light cavalry rushing to kill two groups of light cavalry on both sides of the melee crowd, I thought it would be useful at first, but it was only after the light cavalry and the undead creatures caught fire that I realized that I was simply too naive. The so-called light cavalry is the cavalry archer equipped only with light armor and short bow and saber. Although the equipment is relatively strong among all arms, they are obviously better at guerrilla warfare. Facing this kind of positional warfare like a torrent of steel, their role is extremely limited. The light cavalry charged in groups only pierced through the thin line of defense of the undead army and could no longer penetrate. The light cavalry who lost their speed advantage and had no protection ability were pulled off their horses one after another by groups of skeleton warriors, and were torn into flesh and blood in the melee Blurred fragments.

The melee is still going on, but it can be seen by visual inspection that Marshal Baroque's army has suffered a big loss. Even if a few strong men are still brave, they still can't stop the fearless undead warriors. There are already many at the edge of the front line The coward started to run away.

At this moment, the battle priests who had been chanting spells in the sky finally finished casting spells. A huge white hexagram array formed in the sky, and after a while it turned into a dazzling light cluster. The light cluster is very special, giving people the feeling of It was the gray sky with a hole pierced by the sun, and people dare not look directly at it.

Just after the formation of the light group, the undead on the ground began to be affected. The advanced death knights and other creatures began to smoke all over their bodies, and the blood bars on their foreheads dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye. Those cannon fodder undead were even worse. The minions in the area were even directly purified into nothingness.

After a while, a tiny black dot appeared in the dazzling light group, and the black dot became bigger and bigger. At this time, it was clear that it was an angel with white wings growing behind a silver-white armor.

The battle angel suddenly appeared above the battlefield, and everyone felt the entire space vibrate. When I realized it again, the huge battle angel had already met the huge war giant in the undead army with a cross sword in his hand. Beast, skeleton Bimon.

The behemoth Behemoth has always been the second only to the giant dragon on land, and the resurrected skeleton Behemoth did not lose much combat power. To put it bluntly, such a big guy is thrown on the battlefield. It is a land tank that is invincible wherever it goes.

But the next battle completely changed my outlook on life. The volleying battle angel swung the cross sword one after another, hitting the skeleton Behemoth one after another with cross slashes. After five consecutive cross attacks, the strong skeleton Behemoth skeleton The root broke, and it became a living fragment in front of us.

With the addition of battle angels and battle priests, the seemingly chaotic battle situation was stabilized, the battlefield fell into a stalemate, and the front line that was almost defeated also stabilized. We, who watched the battle, seemed to see a glimmer of hope for victory at this time.

Not long after the stalemate, a spatial rift was suddenly torn open on the battlefield, and a guy covered in a gray robe appeared in front of us in a completely unbelievable way. The mysterious man in the gray robe stood in the air, surrounded by a mass of black mist like ink, "Jie Jie!!!" The gray robe made a terrifying voice, the dry sound was like metal rubbing against glass, and the roots of the people who heard it were sore .

Whoosh! The gray robe flicked the sleeve in his hand, and the black mist around him suddenly rolled up a small storm towards the battle angel who was constantly wielding the cross sword to kill undead creatures.

The storm flew forward for dozens of yards, and suddenly turned into a large group of strange creatures in the shape of bats. The battle angel, bathed in the holy light, had a calm face at first, but when the large group of bats flew towards him, his face became pale. There was fear.

In the next moment, countless black bats enveloped the battle angel tightly, and white feathers stained with golden blood kept falling from the sky.

Not long after, the battle angel screamed unwillingly, fell from the sky, and hit the battlefield with a bang, without a sound.

At this time, Marshal Baroque and the battle priests beside him had already discovered the existence of the gray robe. In the next second, more than ten different skill light clusters flew towards the gray robe. Afterwards, the figure had already appeared in another place tens of yards away in mid-air, and as he waved his hand, another cloud of death thundercloud formed in the low sky.

Exploding thunder with terrifying power kept exploding in the low air, and the situation that had just improved became critical again. After the gray robe succeeded in a blow, he did not love to fight, and flew towards his camp like a meteor chasing the moon.

The battle angels summoned by more than a dozen people died, and the battle priests began to cast spells again. One after another, enhanced and enlarged versions of holy light purification appeared on the battlefield. A large group of holy white light fell on the undead army. It will turn into nothingness, and the refined high-level undead warrior will also lose a lot of life.

Marshal Baroque completely handed over the command to his general, and he chased the gray robe in the air to prevent it from continuing to cast spells. The whole battlefield fell into a delicate balance again. Both sides were constantly dying, but the line of fire was very strange. has not changed much.

This balance of power has lasted for a long time, and a large number of troops just fell into a stalemate.

If the battle continues like this, maybe Marshal Baroque can really win the final victory, but the reality is far more cruel than the ideal. After ten minutes, the combat priests who stopped in mid-air and kept casting spells fell down unwillingly. The magic is exhausted! ! !

The battle situation has been able to resist until now. The existence of these more than a dozen combat priests is indispensable. Without the influence of various purification techniques, the casualties of the undead warriors dropped instantly. Less than a minute later, the gap between the casualties began to appear. The Terran fighters began to suffer a large number of casualties.

The ensuing battle was like dominoes being toppled. The defeat at the front line caused the rout of the entire defense line. The rout at the front directly affected the supply and output of the long-range occupations at the rear of the army, and the human soldiers were defeated for thousands of miles.

After the Marshal Baroque killed more than a dozen deserters one after another and still could not prevent the team from routing, the overall situation of the battle was settled. The marshal's guards fled with the help of the combat priests who had exhausted their magic power and were completely unable to protect themselves. All the defeated soldiers fled back to the barracks where they were stationed.

Although there are no formal defenses in the barracks, there are many buildings of various kinds, which can effectively hinder the opponent's attack. Seeing that the flames of war will soon engulf us, Captain Parker, who has been silently watching the battle, spoke up.

"Brothers, get ready, we have to withdraw first! I hope that group of idiots can resist for a while longer!!" After leaving a sentence, Captain Parker brought the rest of the surviving NPCs down the water tower.

Captain Parker left, and there were only a few people in our studio left on the water tower. Everyone stared at me and I didn't move. Tudou asked, "Boss, what about us? Shall we withdraw now??"

I took a few glances at the front camp from the window. The defeated army retreated to the barracks and continued to resist. It won’t be long before the flames of war will come to our side. I thought about nothing missing in my head, gritted my teeth, and said, " Let's withdraw too!!!"

Everyone rushed down the water tower from the stone steps that only accommodate one person. Captain Parker did not break his promise and was waiting for us under the water tower.

"Quick! Time is running out, let's retreat!!!" Seeing us following up, Captain Parker waved his hand, and a group of more than a dozen people ran towards the wooden fence wall in the north of the camp.

There were broken soldiers everywhere, so no one paid attention to our team along the way. After arriving at the fence of the barracks, Captain Parker shouted angrily, and a grudge flashed at the edge of the two-handed sword, blasting a small hole out of the simple fence.

Everyone filed out along this hole, and just after I got out of the fence hole, there was a ding, and a system prompt sounded.

Ding! You have become a deserter from the Baroque Grand Marshal! All the benefits and ranks of the lower ranks were lost, and the identity became a rioter again!

Looking back at them, the military rank medals on everyone's chests have all disappeared. Whether it is in the game or in reality, being a deserter is not a glorious thing, and losing the military rank is not a big deal. Enlisting in the army is the lowest rank. Soldiers, the big deal is to find a chance to join another army.

Not far from the barracks is the mountain line of the Dragon Bone Mountains. Everyone ran desperately, and stopped when they could no longer hear the sound of hacking and killing behind them.

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