Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 597: A Different Marshal

"Don't worry, let me think about it, let me think about it..." I stopped his meaningless shouting in a low voice, and my head was spinning at high speed. I muttered a few words to myself, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in my head, yes! ! !

"Could it be this possibility? We successfully challenged five unsealed third-rank players with the strength after the seal, and then the skills they mastered were unsealed. It just so happens that Tudou and Xiaoyou are both swordsman players, so the skills All of them can be used now. And some of our unblocked skills were unblocked through normal channels because of participating in the battle!!" I said the guess in my heart.

I uttered my conjecture, and the others were silent. If the previous incident was not a coincidence, then my conjecture was already close to the truth of the matter.

"Uncle, what shall we do next? Continue running for our lives?" A small flame of excitement had already flashed in the eyes of this guy, Cang Qiong.

I thought about it for a while, made a decision, and said to Captain Parker, "Dear Captain Parker, if possible, I would like to kill the few pursuers before continuing on my way. You have seen the harvest just now." , Their equipment is excellent!!"

Because of my position, I couldn't directly explain the core issues to Captain Parker, so I had no choice but to save the country with a curve.

"Indeed! The level of their preparation is far beyond my imagination!!" Captain Parker rubbed the captured weapon in his hand, agreeing.

Under normal circumstances, a full squad consists of ten people. If the opponent loses five melee members, there are only five people left. Perhaps it was because of the speed of movement that they couldn't keep up with the pace of the vanguard.

Our strategy is very simple, just wait and see if their team members die, and the battle information will definitely be passed on. The five people in the group have arrogance and arrogance, so they will definitely come to us for revenge.

Sure enough, as I expected, five minutes later, a team of five adventurers appeared at the edge of the field of vision.

This is a somewhat crappy team professional match, an archer, two mages, a priest, and a rookie assassin. We have wiped out the first five melee players, so they are seriously lacking in meat shield occupations. After seeing their occupation matching, my confidence in the bottom of my heart has increased from 70% to 90%.

"Boss, the place where the piggy accident just happened is near here, should you be careful?" the rookie assassin asked in a low voice.

A mage player on the other side curled his lips in disdain, and said, "Little Pig has already told me about the situation at that time. The Moonlight under the eaves seems to have neither equipment nor skills. After killing Little Pig, they must have escaped." It's gone. Let's hurry up and catch up!"

"Xiaotian, if you catch them later, remember to turn on the recording function. If we can kill the famous Moonlight under the Eaves in the trial mission map, then our Vulcan Mercenary Corps will become famous!!!" The sorcerer fantasized while talking, as if everything had happened. It made me sick to my stomach.

"Hey! Guaranteed to complete the task! Boss, don't you still have an evil curse scroll in your hand? Turn back and use it for the moonlight under the eaves, and our chances of success will be a little bit higher!" The Xiaotian responded with a smile.

Fuck me, no wonder Luo Jie has a powerful curse on his forehead, so it turns out that the other party has a special item in his hand, a skill scroll! ! Be careful later! ! !

We set the action location near a path with low bushes growing on the side of the road. A dozen or so people were hiding behind the bushes. If they didn't investigate carefully, they would basically not be able to see us.

From the performance of the rookie assassin who has been exposed to our sight, I can tell that the opponent's combat quality is very average. The real assassin hides in the dark all the time, and the guy in their team stands in the team with a big swagger. Here, he even blocked part of his teammate's line of sight while moving.

Do it! !

When the time was right, Captain Parker let out a snort, and everyone who was lying in ambush let out a snort, and they all broke away from their disguise and rushed forward.

"Don't snatch it, look at me!!!" Tudou rushed forward with the shield on his shoulders, yelling as he rushed, as if he was afraid that someone would snatch his head.

In the following time, it became a performance show for several main combatants. Even though the equipment was still lacking, after possessing the standard skills of the third rank, Tudou could already exert a large part of his operational abilities.



Even cut!

Diagonal cut!

All kinds of basic skills in the hands of Tudou have completely become deadly moves. The moment the battle started, the priest locked by Tudou was killed without any parry.

The priest died without playing any role, and the other four were thrown into disarray after being approached by the NC fighters, and they were besieged in close quarters again. Under the chaotic knife.

"Hahaha! The boss's guess is true!! Unblocked, my skills are also unblocked!!!" Xiao Ke shouted excitedly.

Hearing what Xiaoke said, I also hurriedly looked at my skill bar. As expected, after killing five of them, my standard skill was also unlocked, guiding arrows. Lianzhu arrows. Scatter, Volley, Frost Trap. Thorn trap...hahaha, all skills are back! !

I don't know if there is a drop rate bonus for killing opponents in missions. After killing these five guys, we got five more drops. Sky and I were lucky to get the legendary main-hand weapon, and Xiao Ke got a small orange hand crossbow from the rookie assassin.

"Hoho! My mother's skills are all unblocked!! Let's see who dares to provoke us!" Cang Qiong played with the stave staff he just got, casually throwing away a few fire and ice skills. This is a legendary main wand with a little flame attack added, which can be regarded as a mid-level small best.

"Moonlight, can you explain to me what happened??? It seems that your strength has increased a lot in an instant!!" Captain Parker stared at the sky, which was filled with ice balls and fireballs. After a moment of silence, he finally asked. come out.

Since he asked, I naturally couldn't lie, so I had to bite the bullet and explain, "We are actually adventurers who came from another time and space. For unknown reasons, our skills and equipment were sealed by a strange force. After successive battles, the power of the seal gradually dissipated. The people we killed in a sneak attack came from the same era as us. After killing them, we unintentionally lifted part of the seal on us. As you can see, our strength has indeed improved! !"

Captain Parker's light blue eyes stared at us calmly as if he was thinking about what I said. After a while, his eyebrows frowned, and he regained his spirit, "Hey, guys, since you have recovered some of your strength, you can now Do you have any other plans? If not, then let’s proceed according to the original plan!!”

"Of course!! We are all road idiots, we will get lost without you leading the way!!" I raised my lips and smiled slightly, and agreed without even thinking about it. What an international joke, unity is strength now, although nc fighters Except for a few guys with names who are capable enough to pay, everything else is average, but there are so many people is the last word, I don't want to hang around in Lin Hai for a long time.

"Luo Jiefu! Luo Jiefu! What's the matter with you??" Just as I was communicating with Captain Parker, Scar Jack suddenly heard a concerned cry from behind. He was beaten back to his original shape, and the blood strips came out, but there was still only a layer of blood skin, and his face was pale without a trace of blood.

"Sister An Ran, hurry up! Praise for life!!" I didn't care too much, and turned my head and said.

Another ray of holy light fell, but it didn't work at all. The blood streak on Luo Jiefu's forehead didn't change at all, the whole blood vessel was empty, and the only blood streak might disappear at any time.

"Team...Captain, I...I can't...fight with everyone...with everyone!! This soldier card. I hope that when the war is over, it to...when we were young In the pine forest behind the small town where we played together! May...the omnipotent god bless you all!!" Luo Jie took a string of pig iron soldier tags from his neck with great difficulty, and handed them to Captain Parker with trembling hands hand.

"Hey! Drunkard! Hey! Luo Jiefu!!! Wake up!! Wake up!! It will be alright! Everything will be alright!! Don't sleep, don't! I beg you!!" Captain Parker was at a loss After receiving the iron plate, such a big person just knelt and sat there like a child, his nose burst into tears and he was extremely embarrassed.

"I'm so sleepy! Let me sleep, just for a short while!!!" Luo Jie muttered a few words in a low voice with a smile on his face, tilting his head to one side.

"Damn! Damn war! Damn intruders! Damn!!! One day, I will send you to hell!!" The out-of-control Captain Parker waved the weapon in his hand and slashed at the player corpses that had not been refreshed. After ten cuts, the original shape of the corpse could no longer be seen.


There is not much time now, so the funeral is very simple. Everyone dug a shallow pit and put Luo Jiefu's body in it. Out of respect, all the equipment, weapons and personal belongings he carried with him were left unmoved. After tidying up, they were all buried in it, and a simple blue-striped stone became his tombstone, with the name of his comrade-in-arms, Luo Jiefu, engraved on it.

Although reason tells me that this is just a part of the plot now, it is an NC, a piece of data, but I am still extremely uncomfortable in my heart. something comes out.

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