After a long period of time, Captain Parker did not speak. From what Luo Jiefu said before he died, everyone knew that this alcoholic and Captain Parker were playmates since they were young. It is conceivable that Luo Jiefu's death had a great impact on Captain Parker. How big is the impact.

Everyone was on their way, depressed all the way. A few guys in our studio didn’t dare to chat in the venue, so they secretly built a temporary channel to yell in it. Everyone is similar to me, even though they all know that they are dead. It's an nc, but the infection still affected my emotions.

In the evening, we arrived at the Red Flame Fortress that Captain Parker was talking about, but when we approached the fortress, we found that we had arrived a bit late.

We came along the path in the mountains. When we got to the range of the Red Flame Fortress, we found that the battle here had already been over halfway. The ground was full of enemy or friendly NPC corpses. The gate is open, and within my field of vision, I can still see that a large number of NPC fighters in the city are constantly rushing out of it, hacking and killing the fighters of the dark faction who are on the verge of fleeing.

"It's man's, let's fight with me! Avenge Luo Jiefu!!!" Captain Parker remained silent, but when he saw the situation in front of him, the suppressed sadness in his heart was released immediately. Leng Leng rushed towards the undead creature.

Scar Jack and several other NCs saw that the captain was desperate, so they naturally followed up quickly. Everyone in the studio glanced at me, I hesitated a little, but nodded, and everyone rushed up together.

On the battlefield of tens of thousands of people, more than a dozen or twenty of us would not have a decisive influence at all. Just a few minutes after we joined the battle, another wave of fully armed cavalry rushed out of the city. After reversing the situation on the battlefield, the high-level mages and witches in the undead army chose to retreat to preserve their strength, leaving only a large number of summoned skeletons that were used as cannon fodder.

"Drink!" Captain Parker's two-handed sword suddenly flashed a fighting spirit, and a skeleton creature was chopped into two pieces. Now Captain Parker has completely lost his mind. Facing the opponent's attack, normal people should choose grid Block or dodge, but Parker doesn't dodge at all now, allowing those low-level undead creatures to tear one after another scratches on his body. Fortunately, they are only some low-level skeletons, and their attack ability is very average. Otherwise, follow his style of play , It won't be long before I go to see God.

"Sister An Ran, look at Captain Parker, this guy is playing his life!! Our task is not finished yet, don't let him die!!" I said to Sister An Ran while releasing the scattering skills.

"Enn, I got it, I will pay attention, with me here, no problem!!" Sister An Ran kept dropping skills one after another, not only healing Parker, but also taking care of Tudou and the others. .

More than half an hour later, the battle came to an end, and all the main forces of the undead withdrew, leaving countless dead bones and corpses on the battlefield in front of the fortress wall.

The few of us are fishing for oil and water everywhere, and the melee gods are the most beloved. Although it is impossible to drop any high-level goods, everyone is still in a state of extreme shortage of equipment. After walking around, we have harvested several high-level items. Colored equipment, compared to an empty equipment bar, even a white suit is better than wearing nothing at all. We are like a group of local leopards from the village, and we will not let go of the slightest chance to enhance our strength.

The battle was over, the defenders began to clean up the battlefield, the survivors lined up, counted the number of people, and the wounded were healed by the chaplain with the army. Everyone was busy, only our small team was standing alone, neither standing nor sitting no.

"Hey! Which battle order are you in? Why don't you go back to the fortress??" Finally, a few minutes later, a leader-like NC noticed us.

After killing for so long, Captain Parker's mood stabilized a little bit. Hearing the other party's question, he responded with a slightly blunt face, "We are the broken soldiers who escaped from the barracks at the foot of the Dragon Bone Mountain Range. Over there, they were attacked by the undead army. Dozens The Wan Da army has been dispersed!!"

"What? Aren't you from the Red Flame Fortress??" The leader froze for a moment after hearing Captain Parker's words, and his tone seemed unbelievable.

"No! Before we came here, we were cooks in the Lionheart Knights barracks!!" Captain Parker said without hesitation.

"This is very useful information, come with me!!!" The little boss looked solemn, motioned to us, turned and left, and everyone hurriedly followed.

Everyone followed this little captain called Harlem Perot and came to the school field after turning a few turns in the fortress. The Marshal of the Golden Maple Leaf Knights was counting the battle damage and saw Perot leading us away After coming over, he put down the work in his hand and walked towards us. "Pero! Who are they?? Do you have anything to do with me?" The blond man named Effilock asked with an easy-going expression.

"Boss, they are logistics soldiers who escaped from the barracks of the Lionheart Knights. There is a more important situation that I think I need to let you know!!!" Perot said.

"Oh?? Baroque's stubborn old guy's soldiers?? Deserters?" Marshal Effilock looked at us with great interest. At first, he was a little disdainful, but when he glanced over Captain Parker and saw Captain Parker's armor After scratches all over his face, the disdain in his eyes disappeared and he became serious.

"What's the situation?? Let's hear it!!" Effilock touched his chin with his hand and asked with interest.

"Hey, tell our leader!" Perot said to Captain Parker.

"It's like this..." Captain Parker started from the time we fled from the camp and talked about the big rout ahead. Before we knew it, more than half an hour passed.

"Damn it! No wonder there will be an army of undead attacking the city today! It turned out to be a feint attack!! Perot, hurry up and assemble the cavalry regiment, and gather the second and third mixed regiments! Support the Lionheart Knights!!" Ai Philock slapped his head suddenly after listening to Captain Parker's words, as if he had figured out something in an instant.

"Hey! The scars on your body are very appetizing to me. Are you interested in joining our Golden Maple Leaf Knights?? I am now a centurion leader!" After Marshal Effilock issued the order, he turned to Captain Parker and said.

"What, what???" Captain Parker was taken aback, unable to believe it was true!

"Time is running out. Take this waist card and take your soldiers to the material officer to get a set of standard equipment. Look at the armor you are wearing. Is this a fishing net??? Set off in ten minutes, I hope you Don't let me down!" Marshal Effilock handed over a token engraved with a golden maple leaf, and after speaking, he turned and left without waiting for Captain Parker to refute.

Different from Marshal Baroque who refused to save at the beginning, after getting our news, Effie Locke quickly began to organize personnel to rescue. Said, now the marshal gives me a super good impression, wise, decisive, thoughtful, and a rare handsome talent.

"Hey brothers, we have a formal organization again!! Come with me and get the equipment!" Captain Park raised the token in his hand and strode towards the material officer's warehouse not far away.

Everyone who has equipment will naturally not let it go. After a few minutes of ink staining, we received a complete set of professional armor equipment and weapons. Although the attributes are not comparable to the original ones, they have also improved a lot compared to before. Especially the heavy armor professions in our team even received a war horse.

Sure enough, as the marshal said, ten minutes later, the call for assembly sounded on the school grounds, and after changing our costumes, we also rushed up with the large troops.

"Beasts, that group of dirty bugs attacked the Lionheart Knights' garrison. According to reliable information, that unlucky Baroque has already been defeated. In order to minimize the loss, we need to fight a reinforcement battle! Do you have any? Confidence wins???" Marshal Effilock stood on the high observation deck of the school grounds, his voice resounding like a bell.

"Yes!!! Definitely win!!! Definitely win! Definitely win!!" All the NC soldiers under the school field shouted loudly.

"Since you are confident, follow me! Go tear them apart!!!" Marshal Effilock raised his knight's gun high, and the entire team on the school field began to slowly move towards the gate of the city.

The heavy armored cavalry took the lead, followed by our mixed regiment. Captain Parker has now become the head of the centurion, so we naturally have to follow him.

Mixed in the mighty NC team, we started our boring journey again. Fortunately, we are a mixed team. There are priests and mages accompanying the army in the team. These cloth armor professions are not fast, and everyone has to take care of their moving speed. So the overall marching speed is not too much.

Along the way, I kept encountering sporadic routs or undead creatures in the squad. Those who still had combat effectiveness were collected and rejoined the battle. The original 40,000 horses had become more than 70,000 by the time they arrived at the original station. In terms of numbers, the number of troops has nearly doubled.

Revisiting the old place, it has changed beyond recognition. The water source, food, these supplies have already been destroyed by the undead army, and there are mutilated human corpses everywhere.

"Report!!! Five thousand yards to the southeast of the camp, there is a medium-scale melee!" At this moment, a team of scouts came back from outside.

"Heavy Armored Cavalry Regiment, prepare to fight!!!" Marshal Effilock waved his hand and led people out of the territory first.

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