The heavy armored cavalry took the lead, followed by our mixed group. Captain Parker has now become the head of the centurion, so we naturally have to follow him.

Mixed in the mighty NC team, we started the boring journey again. Fortunately, we are a mixed team. There are priests and mages accompanying the army in the team. Everyone has to take care of their movement speed, so the overall marching speed is not too much. .

Along the way, we kept encountering sporadic routs or undead creatures of the squad. Those who still had combat effectiveness were collected and rejoined the battle. The original 40,000 horses had become more than 70,000 by the time they arrived at the original station. In terms of numbers, the number of troops has nearly doubled.

Revisiting the old place, it has changed beyond recognition. The water source and food have already been destroyed by the undead army, and there are mutilated human corpses everywhere.

"Report!!! Five thousand yards to the southeast of the camp, there is a medium-scale melee!" At this moment, a team of scouts came back from outside.

"Heavy Armored Cavalry Regiment, prepare to fight!!!" Marshal Effilock waved his hand and led people out of the territory first.

Our mixed troops followed behind as the second echelon, and by the time we arrived at the battlefield, the battle was over.

Here, I saw the Baroque Marshal again. The current Baroque Marshal has lost his previous elegance, his body is covered with marks of swords and slashes, his hair is scorched black, and his blood-red cloak even has a big hole. The general didn't know where he was going, and there were no more than two thousand friendly troops surviving on the battlefield.

"Old friend, are you okay!!!" Marshal Effilock walked up to Marshal Baroque, with a consistent gentle attitude.

"Fortunately you are here, otherwise my old bones can be regarded as confession here!!! Oh! It's all my fault for being too conceited, thinking that my army is invincible, I didn't expect those damned undead to be so ruthless! It's a pity I have killed my soldiers!!" The baroque marshal with a tough personality was surprisingly kind this time, and it seems that he has a good personal relationship with Effilock.

Marshal Effilock comforted, "The camp has been taken back. Although it has been severely damaged, it can still be repaired and repaired. As for the army, I have recruited about 40,000 defeated troops along the way, and I will bring some supplies back. And the power to protect yourself!!"

"This kind of people is not enough for the undead's teeth! This camp has no fortifications, and it can't resist the attack of the undead at all. Let's transfer the rout troops to the Red Flame Fortress first!" Baroque's clear eyes flashed Unbelievably lonely.

"No, the army was given to me, what about you??? Don't you take revenge for such a big revenge??" Effilock raised an objection without even thinking about it.

"Me??? I will apologize to the Alliance Emperor!!" Marshal Baroque hesitated for a moment, then suddenly made up his mind and said in a low voice. After saying this, he seemed to have aged ten years , the current marshal is more like an old man in his dying years.

"Being able to defeat elite warriors like the Lionheart Knights head-on in a short period of time shows that the undead army has reached a certain level of strength. I have already sent someone to write to the Emperor of the Alliance. It will not take long for the iron cavalry of the Empire to arrive. Here, those damned undead will definitely be exterminated at that time!! Victory will always belong to us, don't be discouraged, we still have a chance to flop!!!" Effilock continued to comfort.

"Old man, let me be quiet!!" Marshal Baroque scratched, lightly urged the reins of his mount, and walked towards the empty grove.

The work after the war was very intensive, burying the corpses, cleaning up the battlefield, and selecting various materials that can be used continuously. I haven’t seen the Baroque Marshal since he left my sight. I don’t know if it’s true what he said. Yes, I went to the emperor of the alliance to apologize.

Not long after returning to Chiyan Fortress, a new siege was ushered in. After the previous battle, the undead army suffered a certain loss, but because of the existence of massive cannon fodder skeletons, the siege was still very intense .

At this time, Marshal Effilock's unparalleled ability to defend the city was highlighted. All the troops shrank to the inside of the fortress and could not hold on. The siege battle was fought from dark to dawn, and it seemed that it would never end.

On the second day after Chiyan Fortress retreated and defended, there were many familiar figures in the undead army, and I even discovered the shadows of players from the dark camp.

I have tasted the sweetness of beheading the players from the enemy faction before, and I must not give up now. I moved three cities one after another, and finally beheaded the players who were mixed in the undead army.

On the afternoon of the second day, a temporary teleportation array was set up in the Chiyan Fortress, and a group of thousand elite mages teleported here. ! !

It is the team led by the flower protector and Jasmine Huakai!

I finally saw my relatives on the trial map. This feeling is like being exiled on a deserted island for twenty years and then suddenly returning home. I ignored the battle on the wall and jumped directly from the wall of the fortress. Go down and go straight to the teleportation array.

"Fuck!! Brother Gu, Jasmine! You are here too!!! I miss you all!!!" I ran over with all my strength.

"Eh?? Moonlight? Why are you dressed like this?" Jasmine gave me a surprised look.

"Yeah, where is your original equipment?" Brother Gu also asked.

It’s okay not to mention this, when Jasmine asked, I immediately became depressed, and muttered, “Our paralyzed team is not doing the same mission as you, we were the first to activate the mission, so we successfully broke into the NC, as a price, All equipment, skills, and supplies have been sealed and cannot be used temporarily!!"

"Oh, so, can the equipment obtained from other channels be used?" Brother Gu continued to ask.

"That's fine! But now in the dungeon, who has extra equipment!"

"Dragon Soul, what about the equipment we seized? Give it to Moonlight, it's not something against the sky, just make do with it!!" The flower protector shouted at Proud Dragon Soul behind him. Walked to me in two steps and clicked on the transaction.

There are more than 20 pieces of equipment in the trading column, all of which are legendary and epic equipment of about 100 levels. There are various occupations, and the armor and weapons are in a mess.

These things are the things we lack the most at this stage, and I can't be polite anymore, so I took it with the cheek. With these equipment, at least Tudou Xiaoke and Cang Qiong can arm the main forces.

"I'll accept the equipment first, and it's time to send charcoal! By the way, where did you teleport it from??" I checked the attributes of the equipment in the bag one by one, and asked, "Maybe our mission process is different from yours. Similarly, after we entered the map, we continued to pick up the mission line and participate in various levels of battles to kill more and more dark camp ncs. I received the mission to participate in the defense of the Red Flame Fortress, so I teleported here!!" The flower protector replied.

"By the way, have you seen other players in the dungeon?" I suddenly thought of a question and continued to ask.

Flower Guardian "Of course!! Otherwise, where do you think our equipment comes from? During our mission, we met at least a dozen teams from the dark camp along the way. Fortunately, none of them were perverted teams, so some There is no danger!!"

After talking here, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in my head, and many things suddenly came to my mind.

The trial mission we are doing now is equivalent to breaking up all the high-level players and throwing them into the extremely vast camp map. Everyone is following the guidance of the main mission. Slowly, the scale of the battle is getting bigger and bigger. The probability of meeting is getting higher and higher, maybe when the completion of the mission is on the verge of ending, we can also see large-scale player melees! ! !

While we were chatting and exchanging information, the battle outside started again. A dozen huge incendiary bombs were thrown into the city one after another, smashing down several houses. The opponent dispatched giant siege weapons, and the battle was about to escalate! ! !

Tudou and the others quickly gathered together, and then distributed the equipment in their hands according to the priority. Tudou and Cang Qiong got the most, and their bodies have basically reached the level of ordinary first-line players. Archers can use less equipment. I took a piece of legendary leather leggings with penetrating damage.

Then the catapult launched several large throwing attacks one after another. The city wall was smashed into big holes one after another. Marshal Effilock, who had been demanding to stick to it, couldn't hold it anymore. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the city gate opened, and the heavily armored cavalry regiment armed to the teeth rushed out.

The siege battle turned into a big scuffle at the gate of the city. We huddled together with the members of the Flower Guardian Team in an inconspicuous corner, picking up the bloody heads from the NC's hands.

Both sides of the battle can be regarded as having spent their blood. The heavy armored cavalry and the undead cavalry fought together, and the mixed team also rushed out of the city gate.

The battle continued until late at night, and I don't know how many undead monsters died in my hands. After I harvested the heads of several blood-residual monsters with a scattering skill, a clear system prompt sounded.

Ding! Congratulations, your number of kills has reached 1,000, and all special skills have been unlocked! The equipment seal begins to be unsealed! The unblocking rate is 15!

After the system prompts, the original longbow in my hand automatically returned to the backpack, and my main weapon reappeared in my hand!

The weapons are back, and the skills are all unlocked! Facing the tide-like monsters in the distance, I have a new passion.

After all the passive and active skills were unlocked, my output ability more than doubled again. The longbow in my hand was pouring arrows all the time, and the number of kills continued to skyrocket.

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