Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 606: Big Killer

After chatting, everyone washed up and went to sleep, woke up on time in the morning, and entered the game again after breakfast.

After we went online again, there was no one in the fortress where the soldiers were stationed. Through the small window, you could hear the sound of hacking and killing and the sound of weapons colliding everywhere. Everyone was surprised, and quickly added various buffs and squeezed out Landing.

The moment they climbed back to the top of the city, their field of vision suddenly widened many times. The battle outside the city was fierce, and the flames of war were already close to the bottom of the city. Countless defenders gave up occupying the fortifications in the city, but took the initiative to come out from the gate to fight, most of them were Nc fighters, among them there are sporadic hot-headed players mixed in.

"Boss, let's go down and collect the heads too. It's so exciting to see them!" Tudou, who watched the battle outside a few times, felt a little itchy, and kept scratching his head impatiently, with a look of impatience.

"Yeah, uncle, let's go too, if we don't go, we won't be able to grab it!" Cang Qiong is worthy of being a warmonger, and he is eager to see a battle.

In normal times, I would just go there, but when I thought about the system prompt yesterday when I was about to log off, I always felt a little uneasy, so I frowned, "No! No one is allowed to go out, I forgot the system prompt yesterday What? What if a wave of powerful monsters comes and you don’t have time to enter the city? We only have so few people, and we can’t save you even if we try to save you!”

As soon as I said it, the two warmongers calmed down a bit, Cang Qiong leaned aside with his lips pouted, and Tudou lowered his head and rubbed his hands.

Originally, I just casually said something to scare them, but less than half an hour later, my crow's mouth hit the mark, and a wave of much stronger monsters really appeared at the edge of the field of vision.

The ground is densely packed with corpse-eating Guiwu, and in mid-air, a large number of flying creatures with strange shapes are floating. They are like enlarged bats, with two fangs in their mouths, and behind them is a team of thin meat wing.

Several kinds of monsters are completely agile. It didn't take long from appearing on the edge of the field of vision to participating in the battle. Those guys who were still outside the city just now were dumbfounded. I really plan to retreat into the city, but the city gate is only so big in total, and there is no traffic efficiency at all, except for the front part of the people who squeeze in, and when the monster rushes into the range of the city defense weapons, responsible The NPC at the city gate saw that things were not good and immediately closed the gate, and the people who were forced to stay outside the city immediately cried for their fathers and mothers and suffered heavy losses.

Because of the addition of the air force, the damage of the siege monsters to the city has increased a lot. I took the opportunity to throw a wild detection skill in the past. The attributes and information are all question marks. I only know the names of these flying creatures, Corrosion Bloodthirsty.

Countless corroding bloodthirsty people superimpose together like a large black cloud covering people's sight, and the ghouls on the ground are completely blocked by the bloodthirsty people.

With the superposition of air and ground troops, the density of monsters per unit area has more than doubled. The bloodthirsty people like black clouds moved towards the location of the city defense weapons, and only paid less than 40% of the losses. The blood man approached the city defense building.

puff! puff! puff!

What followed was a desperate corrosion attack. Small balls of acid mist condensed and fell on the city defense arrow towers. I only saw the durability of the city defense arrow towers falling continuously like a rocket. In just over ten seconds, under the corrosive attack of countless bloodthirsty people, a city defense arrow tower that the city on which the sun never sets is proud was completely destroyed.

These bloodthirsty people are also not low in IQ. They carefully keep their distance from the city wall, and always keep their formation in such a way that they can attack the turrets of the city defense arrow towers in the city, but they are outside the attack range of the holy light ball above the city. Another three adjacent arrow towers were exploded one after another, and a small blind spot without city defense weapons appeared in the seemingly indestructible south gate.

Next, a large cloud of bloodthirsty people flew over. The collision volume of these guys was extremely small, and countless bloodthirsty people superimposed and came to the position that lost the defense of the city defense arrow tower and continuously sprayed corrosion balls.

Only after getting closer did I realize that these corrosion balls seemed to be particularly effective against various levels of city defense materials. The city wall materials that could not be smashed by a catapult began to soften slowly under their concentrated spray, hiding in the bloodthirsty black The ghouls below the cloud gave full play to their agility advantages, attacking the base of the city wall desperately with steel-like claws.

To be honest, these bloodthirsty people are not that strong physically. A violent mage like the sky can destroy a dozen of them by throwing a burst of flames, but because there are too many of them and their moving speed is too fast, this In the blink of an eye, he was able to kill several concentrated arrow towers with numerous attacks and opened up a relatively safe dead corner, while the monsters that kept coming from behind continued to expand their advantages with the help of this hard-won foothold, The city wall at the south gate has become precarious due to the attacks of these inconspicuous bloodthirsty people.

After the players defending the city came to their senses, they didn't even wait for the NC commander to issue an order and began to concentrate on the area where the undead creatures settled. If they want to resist this wave of attacks, everyone must concentrate their firepower.

But then the long-range players were completely desperate. After these cunning guys gained a foothold, a large group of bloodthirsty people on the top rushed towards the players standing on the city wall.

With a whoosh, I felt a black shadow flying towards me. I jumped back like a conditioned reflex, and I dodged the bloodthirsty man's powerful blow.

I am lucky to react quickly, but other people may not be as lucky as me. These bloodthirsty people the size of a millstone rushed towards the player's face, and then shrank their flesh-like wings, tightly He covered the attacking player's face tightly, and then he took a mouthful of sour smell toward the neck.

Corrosion bloodthirsty, as the name suggests, heavy armored warrior players are a little bit better, one is that there is a helmet and visor to protect the vital points, and the other is that the upper limit of blood is relatively high, and the rough skin and thick flesh will not be able to hang for a while, but Those leather armor and cloth armor professions are all unlucky. If they react slowly, they will be drained of life and blood immediately. There are screams one after another for a while, and the battle on the wall almost becomes one-sided.

Potato tore off the bloodthirsty man wrapped around his forehead, and then chopped it in half with an axe. Cang Qiong next to him was inattentive, and his head was covered by this disgusting guy. Tudou hurried forward and yanked it off with his bare hands.

"Fuck it with them!" Tudou spit out thick phlegm, put on a shield and one-handed sword, and was about to charge into the monster pile. "I pulled Tudou's sleeve and quickly issued the same order in the command team and in the temporary team.

With an order, the NC fighters under my command quickly retreated, Tudou and the others also led their men back, what are you kidding, the progress of our mission has not been completed yet, if you hang up because of heroic fighting and lead to a battle If you fail, who will you turn to for reasoning? !

Because of the bloodthirsty people, there were fleeing and defeated crowds everywhere. We were mixed in the crowd and were not too conspicuous. Ten minutes later, everyone retreated to the right side of the south gate. There are four city defense arrow towers and A city defense turret is also relatively close to the magic light cannon in the center of Nancheng.

Quickly counted the losses, and lost more than a dozen NC fighters in a short period of time. Nima, he ran away when he saw the situation was not good, and he lost so much. There are a total of one hundred and ten people. If he hesitated for a while just now, he would have changed Become a polished commander!

"Uncle, what shall we do next?" Cang Qiong and the others also put away their playful thoughts, and looked serious after seeing how powerful these guys are.

"What else can I do, of course I use the Arrow Tower to fight guerrillas!" I said without thinking.

"But, but over there..." Tudou is good at everything, but sometimes he is a bit stubborn, and now is not the time to talk about responsibility. Does he still live and die with the city wall?

"Don't worry about that, as long as you keep your life, even if the city that never sets falls, it has nothing to do with us. I repeat, we are just soy sauce brushing dungeons, we are not saviors! Save yourself and upgrade the dungeon progress is complete The trial mission is the ultimate goal!!" I yelled again, and the guys who didn't have a lot of ideas just now fell silent. Usually, they are used to caring about winning or losing, and it is very uncomfortable to suddenly enter this kind of dungeon. Thinking about it from another angle, if the system is really well set, even if we bravely play a thousand horses, the final result will still not change. The only result is that the system will refresh one or more batches of monsters.

I just reiterated the request to everyone, and a new situation appeared again. The section of the city wall that was attacked by countless monsters unexpectedly collapsed in half with a bang. After finding the outlet, the countless elite ghouls crowded together like a dam They flocked into the city like a dike breaking.

The sound of the rumbling siege equipment moving outside the city entered everyone's ears again, but the magic cavalry who had returned to the city to rest had already been entangled by a large number of ghouls. After a few minutes of preparation time, the south gate greeted There came another round of flame catapult attacks.

puff! A huge blood sac was mixed with many stone shells and flew together. After falling into the crowd, a light green smoke rose instantly, and a plague icon appeared on the forehead of the unit covered by the smoke, and the defense became lower. The lower the speed, the lower the movement speed, and the many negative effects mixed with the plague made the already out-of-control scene even more out of control.

A few more rounds of shells fell, and the edge of the collapsed city wall collapsed again. At this moment, ear-piercing beast roars were heard outside the city, and another wave of undead army came.

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