Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 607 Fallen Blood Dragon

Now the position of the city wall is in a mess. All kinds of undead creatures pouring in from the breach are mixed with the defenders. Even if the undead have no backup, we are all in trouble. When I saw the appearance of the undead army outside, I swallowed subconsciously , it's over.

From my position, there are countless giant creatures on the edge of my field of vision. They are the famous undead mammoths. Mammoths are giant elephants that live in ancient ice fields. They are covered with thick long hair and can withstand tens of degrees below zero. In severe cold, adult mammoths have a pair of abnormally shaped teeth more than two yards long, which can easily pierce standard full-body heavy armor in the charging state. It is worth mentioning that the mammoth group has concentrated tombs. , dying mammoths will go to the group cemetery to wait for death by themselves. The ice field area is in severe cold all year round, so the dead mammoth will not rot, and everything including the flesh will be preserved in the severe cold climate. At the moment, this has nothing to do with us, but if the high-ranking necromancer succeeds in enslaving the corpse of the mammoth cemetery, then we will be in big trouble.

From the introduction in the forum encyclopedia information, we know that mammoths can endure extreme climates. Even now, there are still many distributions on the vast ice sheets of the Oath Continent. The long-term continuation of the race means that the cemetery of the mammoth group may be very large. , The mammoth carcasses accumulated over a long period of time will reach a very terrifying level.

"Fuck, it's a herd of mammoths under control. We're in trouble, Tudou, hurry up, tell Captain Parker, let's retreat first, and gather under the magic light cannon! No, go directly to the inner city gate to gather upstairs!! "I turned around and quickly made countermeasures, never feeling so uneasy like today.

Tudou also saw the arrival of the mammoth herd, so after hearing what I said, he quickly went to Captain Parker. The others didn't speak, but followed me down the wall silently.

Fighting so far, I have to say that I am a bit greedy for life and afraid of death, and even I feel that this series of decisions is a bit too useless, but this is not a play, nor is it heroism in American blockbusters. the most important.

After a while, not only Tudou returned to the team, but even the old guys under Captain Parker were basically in order. The magic cavalry at the south gate had been held back by the strange flow, although the fully armed magic cavalry in the narrow space could not eat much Loss, but the power is greatly reduced after losing the speed advantage.

The outer city was beating in the dark, and everyone was sitting at the gate of the inner city. There were two teams of imperial guards on duty at the gate.

After such a long time, the revived undead mammoths have begun to attack the city walls. These giant beasts with ancient blood all have scarlet eyes, and their rough skin and thick flesh can withstand the concentrated fire attack of the arrow tower. A wall, in addition to trampling a large number of ordinary soldiers to death, this wall can also block a lot of city defense attacks for other undead armies, and the constant dull beast roar will make people panic.

After a large number of mammoths joined, the battle in the outer city blew up. It was just chaos at first, but now it was completely defeated. Whether it was ghouls or nc soldiers, as long as they stood in front of the mammoth, they were all squashed flat. Hundreds of giant mammoths appeared, and under their full attack, the gap became wider and wider, no longer narrower than the wide south gate.

Countless giant mammoths rushed in through the gap. They were extremely powerful and tyrannical. With their participation, the magic cavalrymen who were able to resist in front couldn't survive a round at all against the huge mammoth monsters. However, the iron tortoise-like carapace still couldn't stop the mammoth from collapsing with all its strength, and it suffered heavy losses in a short period of time. The undead siege troops have gained an overwhelming advantage. The continuous city defense arrow towers and turrets have been knocked down. The opponent's advantage is getting bigger and bigger, while our advantage is getting smaller and smaller. After a while, the entire south gate was occupied by undead. At this moment, a familiar figure flew over from the inner city palace. It was Generalissimo Afelok!

Before we could say hello, Effilock flew towards the tall magic crystal cannon turret. Before everyone could react, a light blue magic light lit up above the magic crystal turret. I squinted and saw that the dark The upper end of the gun barrel began to charge, and countless complicated patterns lit up on the giant cannon. Three seconds later, a dazzling white light spewed out from the muzzle without warning. The white light even completely surpassed the brilliance of the holy light ball. Like a giant searchlight, the beam of light enveloped the large mammoth at the south gate. Seeing this, my first reaction was, why is there no sound? ?

Indeed, the magic crystal cannon, known as the ultimate weapon on the battlefield, has no sound after being fired! All the living and dead were annihilated by the huge energy, and what remained in my impression was only a touch of white that seemed to blind my eyes.

When I regained my vision, the entire south gate was gone. The original dilapidated city wall, tall gate tower, supporting garrison fortress, and even the mammoths that rushed into the city, and the bloodthirsty people in mid-air were all out of thin air. Disappeared, the core area hit by the magic crystal cannon, the land disappeared for nearly ten yards, and turned into an oval glazed pit.

After more than ten seconds, the retreating NC soldiers reacted and began to cheer. Although the magic crystal cannon destroyed part of the city wall and ancillary buildings, it was nothing compared to destroying these demonic colossi.

But the cheers didn't last long, and the mammoth outside rushed in again! The city wall was missing a section, and the mammoth could almost maintain the maximum speed when rushing into the city. If it weren't for the giant pit to delay their charge a little, they could almost rush directly under the magic crystal cannon turret.

As I expected, the magic pattern on the huge cannon body of the magic crystal cannon lit up again, and it was another silent blow. The mammoth giants that rushed into the city were wiped out again, and the deep pit in the city was nearly ten times deeper. code.

After three shots in succession, the entire south gate section of the city wall had disappeared, and the giant mammoth resurrected by the undead had also been completely wiped out. The surface of the huge pit more than 30 yards deep was covered with a hard surface like glass. The fighting in the rest of the positions is still going on, countless ghoul death knights are still attacking, and the blood gathered from all directions is hoarding in this giant pit little by little. When the fighting in the alley is over, this giant pit has already It turned into a lake of blood.

The magic crystal cannon is worthy of being a weapon of the level of a big killer. Only three cannons have wiped out the almost invincible mammoth herd. Although the price is a bit high, we have no choice. After losing the mammoth herd, the undead army was powerless, and the sporadic cannon fodder was wiped out. The seemingly unsolvable battle situation was miraculously stabilized.

At this critical moment, a little time for relaxation is crucial. Grand Marshal Effilock began to organize the rout and re-formation, rescue the wounded, and count the battle damage. After half an hour, the battle damage has been cleared up. More than half of the defenders lost. The alliance royal family The proud magic cavalry lost nearly 80%, and only 2,000 of the 10,000 elite were able to fight. As for all other fighters including adventurers, the total number does not exceed 30,000. After getting the specific number, Marshal Effilock's face was ashen, and his eyes were sunken, and his eyes had long lost their previous expressions.

Now it is only temporarily defending, we can take a temporary breath, there are still various undead creatures gathering outside the city, and the battle is not over yet.

The former capital where the sun never sets has become the current battlefield, and the city is in a mess. The battle priests of the temple have put all their energy on treating the wounded, and the energy replenishment of the holy light ball has slowed down by a level. The light emitted by the holy light ball has a faint yellow breath.

Our team, the flower protector's team, and a few acquainted teams all gathered together. Normally, everyone should be bragging loudly, but seeing the scene around now, everyone lost their nonsense. interest, the entire street was surprisingly deserted.

For half the night, the expected next wave of attacks did not come, but when I tried to go offline, I got an order that I was not allowed to go offline temporarily. If I had to leave due to physical reasons, the system would put the character into a temporary Online hosting status, all consequences are at your own risk.

In the early hours of the morning, finally, the general offensive began!

The countless undead cannon fodder gathered outside the city began to rush into the city like crazy. After being bored for several hours, they finally had something to do. Everyone clenched their weapons and started to fight back. Countless skeletons jumped into the blood lake and could no longer climb up. They came up, but there were still more skeletons jumping down, and a small number of surviving guys went around the blood lake to catch up with us, and were repelled under the organized attack, and they also became dead bones floating in the blood lake.

At this moment, a black cloud suddenly appeared in the sky above the dim ball of holy light. The black cloud almost covered the entire ball of holy light. More than 80% of the brilliance was blocked by the black cloud. A large number of energies of opposite attributes collided and annihilated continuously, but The holy light ball lacking the supplement of holy energy can't take advantage of it at all.

Everyone only saw the black cloud, but I, who have excellent eyesight, found something else. Above the black cloud, stood a man covered in a black robe. Those endless death energies came from his body. are constantly emerging.

At this time, Marshal Effilock also discovered the existence of the black robe. With a loud shout, he soared into the sky in an instant, piercing the sky like a sharp blade.

The black robe didn't say a word, and planned to leave after being discovered.

"Damn pagan gods, are you still planning to leave here!!" Marshal Effilock's figure flashed, and the long sword in his hand cut off the black robe's original retreat.

"Jie Jie!!" The divinely favored person sneered coldly, stopped abruptly, and did not leave.

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