Break Into Another World

Chapter 1036: 1 time full

The knife shines like blood. Novel

Gu Xian's swordsmanship is an emperor-level swordsmanship inherited from an ancient ruin. Ordinary half-step king, Gu Xian can kill with a knife!

However, these blood slaves that Gu Xian is facing now are slightly stronger than ordinary half-step kings; in terms of vitality, they are especially good at it! - Therefore, Gu Xian had to use two knives to kill a blood slave!

Killing one with one knife, and killing one with two knives, doesn't seem to be very different, but in fact... For Gu Xian, the difficulty of killing a thousand blood slaves is comparable to killing two thousand ordinary half-step kings. !

After all, Gu Xian needed 2,000 knives to kill a thousand blood slaves, and only 2,000 knives to kill 2,000 ordinary half-step kings!

However, the limit of Gu Xian's strength is to fight against a thousand ordinary half-step kings! The current situation has exceeded his limit by too much!

boom! boom! boom! …

After Gu Xian killed more than a dozen blood slaves, the remaining nearly a thousand blood slaves surrounded him in all directions.

Two fists are invincible to four hands!

hiss! hiss! …

One after another, blood-stained attacks continued to fall on Gu Xian. Although Gu Xian's strength is strong, if the blood poison on his body is not expelled, sooner or later he will become a blood slave.

"Go! Go!"

Gu Xianzi was crazy, and he danced wildly, trying to kill this group of blood slaves.

However, blood slaves are born to kill; they only know how to kill, and they are not afraid of death! - Gu Xian's crazy attack, not only did not kill the blood slaves, but aroused the ferocity of the blood slaves, and the attack became more and more fierce.

Inside the altar.

All the masters and powers who watched this battle to sacrifice to the sky were dumbfounded.

"This Gu Xian can't even beat a thousand blood slaves of the same level?"

"I don't have any strength at all, so I dare to compete? - Is he rushing to reincarnate because he thinks his life is too long?"

Generally speaking, those who dare to participate in the battle of sacrificing the sky have absolute confidence. After all, there is no way out for the Battle of Sacrifice to Heaven. Once it begins, it will be either victory or death!

Like Gu Xian, who can't even beat a thousand blood slaves of the same level, but dares to appear in the battle of sacrifice to the sky, is really extremely rare! Moreover, once such a person appears, it will be regarded as... a shame!

"A shameful thing!" "Zi Chen", the first young sect master of Ziguang Sect, couldn't help covering his face, unable to bear to look directly at the scene in the arena.

"Big brother, what did you do? In the first battle, you sent such a waste?" The other young sect masters of Ziguang Sect complained, "Isn't this a shame for our Ziguang Sect?"

"Even if he comes out later! In that case, he can lose a little less shame!"

"that is!"

"It's not good to be a teacher!"

What can Zichen do? He is also very distressed!

"Where did I think that this Gu Xian is a **** who can't speak but practice!" Zi Chen said depressedly, "I thought that since he dared to participate in the battle of sacrifice to the sky, he would definitely have full confidence!"

At this time, another young sect master said: "No wonder Mu Zifan of Muxie Pavilion would rather have no one under his command than accept this ancient offering! It seems... Mu Zifan's vision is not simple, he may have seen that this ancient Xian is just a scumbag who is strong from outside and works hard at the same time!"

"Big brother! You thought you picked up a treasure! It turns out that you picked up garbage!"

"Humph!" Zi Chen was very depressed.

This time, his Zichen's face was thrown home!

For Zi Chen, it was just a shame; but for Gu Xian, it was a life-and-death crisis!

"Do not-"

In the arena, Gu Xian looked at the blood slaves surrounded by water in all directions, and couldn't help but feel desperate.

"Could it be that I, Gu Xian, are going to be buried here?"

Although Gu Xian came here through the mercenary system with the help of Wanjie Ling, but because he is currently in a state of battle, he cannot leave this place with the help of Wanjie Ling.

Hit and beat, escape and can't escape! - Gu Xian encountered this dilemma.


Suddenly, Gu Xian desperately broke out of the encirclement of many blood slaves, and shouted hysterically: "Let me out! Let me out! I will not participate in this battle of sacrifice to heaven!"

However, no one took pity on him!

The battle of sacrifice to the sky is either victory or death! There will never be a third situation!

Even Gu Xian's begging for mercy has attracted everyone's contempt - you must know that the battle of sacrifice to the sky is a sacrifice to "God"! On such a solemn and serious occasion, there is a farce like begging for mercy, can you not be despised by others?

This time, even the sect master of the Ziguang Sect, the peak of the saint level, couldn't help but scold his son: "Zichen, what did you do to let such a person participate in the battle of sacrifice to heaven!? All the face of our Purple Light Sect has been lost!"

The saint level is already a peak existence!

At this level, treasures, opportunities, etc. may not be valued much! Only the face is very important to see!

The Sect Master of Ziguang Sect felt that he was ashamed, and of course he would not be happy!

"Father, I..." Zi Chen was extremely aggrieved, and at the same time there was some fear.

"I was blamed by my father..." Zi Chen thought in horror.

You must know that the Sect Master of the Purple Light Sect has quite a few sons! The reason why Zi Chen has everything now is not because his talent is stronger than other brothers, but purely because... his father just cultivated him!

If the father gave up his cultivation, and instead cultivated other sons! Then, Zichen is nothing!

So, now being reprimanded by his father, how could Zi Chen not panic?

Thinking of this, Zi Chen even scolded Gu Xian to death in his heart!

However, Gu Xian's plea for mercy also aroused the dissatisfaction of Sage Mo.

"How dare you destroy the solemnity of the Battle to Sacrifice the Heavens? You will die!" Sage Mo Gujing Wubo's expression suddenly turned cold.


Sage Mo didn't see any movement, but Gu Xian lost his breath of life, and immediately disappeared!

"Huh!?" Xu Ming was horrified; however, a saint-level attack was not something he could understand at all!

"This Gu Xian, died so tragically!" Xu Ming suddenly felt a kind of sadness; after all, Gu Xian, like him, came to do the mercenary mission, but unfortunately died in the mercenary mission. .

At the same time, Xu Ming also felt a sense of crisis in his heart—among the saints, a group of rulers, and countless **** emperors, Xu Ming really had no sense of security! If someone wants to kill himself, he really doesn't know how he died!

"It's hard to earn money for mercenary missions! It's better to do less mercenary missions in the future!" Xu Ming secretly said.

In the future, I will definitely have to do less mercenary missions! But this time, since he has come to do the mercenary quest, he will earn a full one at a time!

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