Break Into Another World

Chapter 1037: The sword refers to the Muxuge Pavilion

Some happy and some sad. This article is hosted by www. lwχs520. com starter

On the Ziguangzong side, the expressions on their faces looked ugly like eggplants beaten by frost.

On the Muxium Pavilion side, seeing Ziguangzong deflated, naturally everyone is proud of the spring breeze!

Even the other young pavilion masters who had been looking down on Mu Zifan all looked at Mu Zifan happily at this time.

"Haha, third brother, it's fortunate that you drove that Gu Xian to the Purple Light Sect! Otherwise, we would be embarrassed!" The first young pavilion master, Mu Ziyun, laughed.

"Third brother, good eyesight!"

"Third brother, this time, I will serve you!"

The Fourth Young Pavilion Master and the Fifth Young Pavilion Master also spoke one after another.

Mu Zifan shook his head silently in his heart—the speed of this group of people changing faces is really fast! Just now, when Gu Xian just debuted, their posture didn't seem to be like this!

Mu Zifan can clearly remember that just now, except for the second young pavilion master Mu Zinuo, the other three young pavilion masters all mocked him!

"Humph!" A soft hum sounded in the arena.

The one who made the sound was actually Zi Chen, the first young sect master of Ziguang Sect.

"I admit, I misunderstood and sent such a waste to lead the charge!" Zichen said gloomily, "But, what is so arrogant in your Muxuge Pavilion? - I, Zichen, just let it go. It's here! No matter who your Muxie Pavilion sent, the performance of the next genius sent by my Zichen will absolutely crush him!"

Zi Chen's voice was extremely determined, obviously full of confidence.

In the altar of heaven, many masters and experts looked at Zi Chen in surprise, as if thinking—where did he get his confidence?

"So arrogant!"

"Zi Chen, you're ranting again!"

"Where does your confidence come from?"

The young pavilion masters and other geniuses of Muxue Pavilion couldn't bear this sigh and scolded one after another.

Even the Ziguang Sect Master couldn't help his voice transmission: "Chen'er, don't brag about Haikou! If you continue, the people you send will not perform as well as Muxuge; then, our Ziguang Sect will lose two consecutive games. The formation is over! - In this case, it is extremely unfavorable to our Purple Light Sect!"

"Don't worry, father!" Zi Chen said confidently, "I have absolute confidence! Because... I have a genius who defies the limits of the sky!"

"Heaven-defying limit!?" Even Sect Master Ziguang was also moved, "Heaven-defying limit genius, in the entire history of the Heavenly Sacrifice Realm, there are only a handful of people who have appeared! Your subordinates really have the sky-defying limit. exist?"

"Really!" Zi Chen said, "This time, there will never be any accident! That genius who defies the sky is not like Gu Xian this waste! - Gu Xian just joined me recently, and I haven't had time yet. Test him; but that genius who defies the sky has been following me for a long time, and I know his strength thoroughly!"

"That's good!" Sect Master Ziguang's attitude towards Zichen was suddenly much better!

After Zi Chen's mad words were released, the experts in the altar of heaven naturally turned their attention to the Muxuge Pavilion - they wanted to see how the Muxuge Pavilion would respond!

"What an arrogant Zichen!" Mu Ziyun, the first young pavilion master of Muxie Pavilion, snorted coldly, and then sent a voice transmission to his hundreds of subordinates, "Who of you is confident to win this time?"

"Too arrogant!"

"This is simply not taking us seriously!"

"You have to win him! And you have to win pretty!"

The Fourth Young Pavilion Master and the Fifth Young Pavilion Master were also furious.

Only the second young pavilion master, Mu Zinuo, did not say anything, but looked at Xu Ming thoughtfully.

"Xu Ming?" Mu Zifan also said through voice transmission, "This Zichen shows the certainty of victory! We must suppress him, we must not let him be so arrogant! will fight?"

Xu Ming is an extreme genius!

From Mu Zifan's point of view, as long as Xu Ming played, he would win! And winning this crucial moment will definitely increase his status in Muxuge Pavilion.

"Am I going to fight?" Xu Ming thought for a while, and said, "Actually, Luo Shui should be able to win this round!"

Hearing what Brother Ming said, Luo Shui suddenly showed a look of eagerness to try.

"Luo Shui?" Mu Zifan glanced at Luo Shui suspiciously, and said in private, "Luo Shui, you are the first to go against the sky; can you win this time?"

Luo Shui said through voice transmission: "Third Master, Shibie should be treated with admiration for three days! I, Luo Shui, are no longer the Luo Shui I used to be.

Heaven-defying triple?

Of course Mu Zifan couldn't believe it: "How is that possible!? - If you are really at the third level, then you wouldn't lose so badly when you were in the Muxian Palace!"

"I only broke through in the last few days!" Luo Shui said.

"Well..." Mu Zifan was still not optimistic about Luo Shui, and he still hoped that Xu Ming, a genius who defied the sky, would show up! - After all, this is the safest way!

Just when Mu Zifan was hesitating, on the Ziguang Sect side, a young man in red next to Zichen stood up in high spirits.

Suddenly, the red-clothed youth drew his sword and pointed directly at the heaven-defying geniuses at Muxuge Pavilion, provocatively saying: "I, Jianyue, Yinyue fourth-rank, the sky-defying limit! - Today, my sword is pointing at Muxuge Pavilion; just ask, Who dares to fight me!?"

With the sword pointing at Muxuge Pavilion, who would dare to fight! ?

How insolent!

How high-spirited!

"The limit against the sky!?" The entire altar of the sky suddenly boiled!

"An extreme genius against the sky, I don't know how many eras there are before one can appear! Now, he actually appeared under Zi Chen's command?"

"Could it be fake? - Like the Gu Xian just now, he came out to brag?"

"Probably not! If it's fake again, I estimate that Sect Master Ziguang will be so angry that he will kill Zichen!"

"Indeed, Sect Master Ziguang is ruthless, we have all seen it!"

The masters and experts who came to attend the Celestial Ceremony were all talking about it.

"What an arrogant kid!" Xu Ming didn't say anything, but his expression was slightly cold - this red-clothed boy "Jian Yue", I don't know if it was intentional or not; the direction of the tip of his sword was just right Aim at Xu Ming!

Faced with this situation, can Xu Ming endure it? - Definitely unbearable!

"What!? The sky-defying limit!?" Luo Shui originally thought that after breaking through to the third-layer of sky-defying, there should be no more genius than him except Brother Ming! But now, Luo Shui has discovered that there is actually a genius who defies the limits of the sky!

Immediately, Luo Shui was cowardly, and there was no more eagerness to try - he didn't think that he could compete with the extreme genius of the sky!

"Brother Ming..." Luo Shui looked at Xu Ming, expecting Brother Ming to show his power.

"Xu Ming..." Mu Zifan also looked at Xu Ming, "Only you can get on!"

Several other young pavilion masters, and the geniuses under their command are all exclaimed.

"The limit of the sky!?"

"As soon as the sky-defying limit comes out, who would dare to fight against him?"

"For a while, we Muxuge will take the initiative to admit defeat! There is no one who can perform better than the genius of the sky-defying limit!"

"Give up! This time, we Muxuge lost!"

"We've lost more than this moment! - As soon as the sky-defying limit comes out, this year's battle of sacrificing the sky will definitely be won by their Purple Light Sect!"

"Xu Ming!"

"Brother Ming?"

Mu Zifan and Luo Shui waited expectantly for Xu Ming's statement.

"It now seems that I can only fight!" Xu Ming sighed, and flew directly into the arena.

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