Break Into Another World

Chapter 1091: same as you


The fiery red clouds burned the entire sky.

The sparkling waves on the sea, under the reflection of the setting sun, sometimes glowed blue, sometimes glowed red.

The sea breeze is breezy, calm and gentle.

"In front of nature, I can feel my insignificance all the time!" Xu Ming stood proudly on the deck of the water rowing boat, facing the sea breeze, with great emotion, "I don't know when I will be able to look down on this sky. !"

Xu Ming raised his head.

Like a little ant looking up at the sky.


Suddenly, an incomparably huge tentacle protruded from the sea.

This tentacle is several miles thick and thousands of miles long—obviously, it is a master of the gods, showing the body.


The tentacles were like a giant whip, drawing directly towards Xu Ming's water rowing boat.

Xu Ming's eyes were slightly cold: "Dare to attack me?"

Immediately, Xu Ming's aura that reached the emperor level was released slightly.

The huge tentacles trembled suddenly - it seemed that he was startled by Xu Ming's aura.

"I don't know if the seniors pass by, how many offenses, please forgive me!"

The huge tentacles hurriedly shrank to the bottom of the sea.

"Humph!" Xu Ming snorted coldly, a flaming blade condensed in his hand.

call out!

With a wave of Xu Ming's hand, the flaming blade flashed, and the huge tentacles that were thousands of miles long were cut off in an instant.


The huge tentacles smashed onto the sea, causing a stormy sea.

Of course, the length of thousands of miles is not as good as a single strand of hair for the vast Asura Sea. The turbulent waves in front of him were like a small wave in the Shura Sea; it didn't affect the tranquility of the entire Shura Sea.

"Go away!" Xu Ming's voice, calm and cold, resounded throughout the sea.

Although the tentacles were cut off from the god's domain master hidden in the dark, he did not dare to get angry at all, but instead thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you for the grace of not killing the predecessors!"

"Humph!" Xu Ming didn't say much. He rode the boat on the water and quickly went away—if it wasn't for the fact that the other party begged for mercy quickly, or that Xu Ming didn't bother to kill the other party; God's Domain masters are sure to die!

"Brother Ming, you are really amazing!" Shi Qing's face was full of admiration and admiration, "The master who attacked just now should be a king, right? But you were seriously injured in a random blow!"

Shi Qing originally called Xu Ming "senior". However, Xu Ming sounded awkward, so he asked him to call "Brother Ming" instead.

"Just a little reptile!"

As Xu Ming spoke, a small table and two small chairs appeared at the same time.

Xu Ming casually pulled a chair and sat down, and then said, "You can sit too!"

Then, Xu Ming took out another pot of fine wine, poured two glasses, and said, "Drink together!"

"Thank you, Brother Ming!" Shi Qing sat down carefully—it was undoubtedly his honor to be able to drink with a super expert like Xu Ming.

In this way, Xu Ming sat on the deck, sipping wine and enjoying the sea breeze.

Silent for a while.

The night gradually fell, and the stars filled the night sky.

Xu Ming knew that every star was a world of dust! —Also, it’s a super-large dust world! And small dust worlds like "Endless Continent" are almost impossible to see in God's Domain.

Xu Ming drank his wine slowly: "Shi Qing, tell me your story!"

"My story...?" Shi Qing knew that Brother Ming was asking him why he went to Yunshangzong.

"If I tell my story, maybe I can ask Brother Ming to help..." Shi Qing secretly said.

But immediately, Shi Qing put down this idea: "Brother Ming can take me to Yunshangzong, I am very grateful and can't repay! How can I be qualified, please help me more? "

However, since Brother Ming wanted to hear his own story, Shi Qing didn't hesitate, so he started talking.

"She and I met Yixingtian in the virtual world!" Shi Qing said, "At that time, I was only a ten-star god, practicing secret skills in Yixingtian, seeking an opportunity to break through to the silver moon level! And she , is just a three-star god..."

"One Star..." Hearing that it was this place, Xu Ming couldn't help but evoke memories - at the beginning, Xu Ming and Lu Qing met in "One Star"! Later, many stories happened.

Today, Lu Qing is one of Xu Ming's most important friends in his life.

Shi Qing continued to speak, with a beautiful and contented expression on her face: "We met and knew each other in 'One Star'. At first, I taught her secret skills and instructed her to practice; her cultivation gradually caught up. It's even...more than me!"

"And I am also in the discussion with her, and my strength is constantly improving..."

"Yeah!" Xu Ming sipped his wine and nodded slightly - this is a story of two people who met, knew each other, and grew up together in a virtual world like the virtual world!

But Xu Ming knew that the story would definitely not be so much.

Sure enough, Shi Qing's expression gradually became lonely: "Suddenly, for a while, she disappeared and never entered the virtual world again! And I have no way to contact her!"

The virtual world is the best remote communication channel for God's Domain.

Without the help of the Void Heaven Realm, the Divine Realm is so far apart that there is almost no way to communicate with each other!

For example, the Yanyan Continent and the Yunshang Sect are separated by hundreds of millions of miles, and there is no way to contact them at all.

"What happened later?" Xu Ming listened curiously.

"Later... I met a friend of hers in the virtual world, and I just learned that the current situation of Yunshangzong is very bad! And she may be given as a gift to a genius of a big power to seek blessings !" Shi Qing's eyes were filled with anger and weakness.

Anger is that Yun Changzong actually wanted to give his favorite "Cen Jing" as a gift to other forces. What is powerless is that he has no ability to stop all this.

"So, you are going to Yunshang Sect?" Xu Ming asked.

"Yes!" Shi Qing said, "Of course, I know very well that as far as my strength is concerned, if Brother Ming hadn't kindly brought me, it would be difficult for me to cross the Shura Sea and reach the Yunshang Sect! Moreover, even if I arrive at the Yunshang Sect, it is estimated that It's hard to even see her once...but I still have to go!"

In Shi Qing's eyes, a firm light suddenly flickered.

"What a firm will!" Even Xu Ming was somewhat infected.

Shi Qing gradually restrained his emotions, raised his glass, and took a sip; then asked, "Brother Ming, are you going to Thunder Continent...?"

Xu Ming laughed at himself: "Like you, it's for a woman!"

Shui Xingzhou traveled very fast on the vast Asura Sea for about three months.

During this period, Xu Ming was attacked several times. However, the strength of sneak attackers is generally not that high, and at most they are only king-level.

Xu Ming shot at will, killing the sneak attackers, killing or injuring them.


Suddenly, Xu Ming noticed that the flow of the surrounding seawater seemed a little strange.

"We should have entered the territory of Abyss Castle!"

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