Break Into Another World

Chapter 1092: Who doesn't know how to live or die?

"We should have entered the territory of Abyss Castle!"

Xu Ming's expression was slightly serious.

Abyss Castle, a dominant power.

And among the hundreds of Dominion-level forces in the Asura Sea, they are all at the forefront; they are much stronger than the other two Dominion-level forces along Xu Ming's journey—Wanya Island and Huangquan Temple!

The Lord of the Abyss Fortress, "Sura God", is an existence at the same level as Lord Yun and Old Bai!

"The site of Abyss Castle?" Shi Qing's expression also became nervous.

Abyss Castle is a powerful force in all directions, and it is famous even in the entire God Realm. Although Shi Qing has never been to Abyss Castle, he has heard many brutal legends about Abyss Castle.

Xu Ming frowned slightly, observing the flow of the surrounding seawater.

Generally speaking, the flow direction of seawater should be almost straight. But now, Xu Ming discovered that the flow of the surrounding seawater was vaguely curved; it was as if something was attracting the seawater.

"The current trajectory of the sea water is not a very obvious arc!" Xu Ming secretly said, "I should be at the edge of the Abyss Castle, and there is generally no danger here!"

After thinking about it, Xu Ming controlled the water rowing boat and rose towards the sky.

After rising to a high altitude and away from the water, although the speed of the water boat will slow down, Xu Ming can look down at the Shura Sea and see the shape of the Abyss Castle from a high altitude.

The water boat quickly lifted into the air, and in the blink of an eye, it was tens of thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles...

When Shui Xingzhou rose to a very exaggerated height, Xu Ming saw that a whirlpool was formed in the sea water with a range of billions of miles below. At the center of the whirlpool is a pitch-black hole; an immeasurable amount of seawater pours in from the hole and does not know where to go.

"It is said that this pitch-black hole is the entrance of the Abyss Castle!" Xu Ming secretly said, "And the sea vortexes around billions of miles are all within the sphere of influence of the Abyss Castle!"

A dominant force with only billions of miles of territory is already very low-key!

Xu Ming looked at Qi Hei's mouth with some doubts: "Could it be that this endless sea of ​​water really can't fill the Abyss Castle?"

Too lazy to think about it, Xu Ming controlled the water rowing boat and continued to move forward.

After all, there is no intersection between Xu Ming and Abyss Castle. Of course, Xu Ming will not be idle and do nothing, and take the initiative to provoke him; he quietly passes by the site of the Abyss Castle, and by the way, he can see what the Abyss Castle is like.

Time flies.

It seems that half a year has passed with just a flick of the finger.

In the past six months, because he has entered the depths of the Asura Sea, Xu Ming has been attacked and killed more!

Once, there was even a half-step emperor-level existence who came out from the bottom of the sea and attacked Xu Ming. Of course, with Xu Ming's strength, he could easily be killed.

Moreover, along the way, Xu Ming and Shi Qing also saw many scenes of others being robbed and killed. In this regard, Xu Ming always said, "I don't commit crimes if people don't attack me" - as long as the other party doesn't attack Xu Ming, Xu Ming doesn't bother to bother about these things!

It's not that Xu Ming is cold-blooded and ruthless, but that "the strong eat the weak" is the rule of God's Domain!

If Xu Ming helped the weak, it would be too unfair for the strong!

Those gods who died in the robbery, if you want to blame, you can only blame them for being too weak! - In this world where strength is respected, being weak is a sin!

And Xu Ming has no obligation to "wipe the butt" for the weakness of others.

At this time, Xu Ming and Shi Qing were very close to where Yunshangzong was.

"Brother Ming..." Shi Qing sighed deeply, "If it wasn't for your help, I would never have been able to get to this place! I've died hundreds of times on the way!"

Shi Qing's words are not false at all.

From Haitian City to Yunshangzong, I don’t know how many times I have to kill! - Even if it is a master king, there are very few who can persevere from the attack. As for a half-step king like Shi Qing, I'm afraid that just one attack and kill will kill him properly!

If it wasn't for Xu Ming to take him along the way, Shi Qing could not have crossed the Shura Sea and came to Yunshang Sect.

Bang! Bang!

Shi Qing sighed with emotion, and suddenly, he could feel the surrounding void shaking faintly.

This is the movement of the battle!

"Are there experts fighting in the distance?" Shi Qing looked at the direction of the vibration in surprise.

"Yes!" Xu Ming said casually, "There are four gods in black, chasing and killing two female monks! Moreover, they are coming towards us!"

"Oh!" Shi Qing didn't care too much - in the Shura Sea, there are too many such things as attacking and killing! Normally, Xu Ming would simply ignore it.

"Here!" After a while, Xu Ming suddenly said.

Shi Qing looked into the distance curiously, wanting to observe this battle.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

A sharp and strange laughter came from a distance.

"Two little girls, run away! Run away!"

"Can you escape? Hahahaha..."

The strength of the four black-clothed gods is obviously much better than that of the two female cultivators; therefore, while chasing and killing, they are still playing with their opponents like "cats playing with mice".

Xu Ming's expression was indifferent, and there was no wave in the ancient well; it was as if he didn't see anyone flying towards him at all.

"Huh?" However, Shi Qing's expression suddenly changed, "Are they...?"

"What's the matter, Shi Qing?" Xu Ming was a little surprised - could it be that Shi Qing met an acquaintance here?

Sure enough, Shi Qing knelt down beside Xu Ming with a "pop": "Please, Brother Ming, take action and save these two female monks!"

Xu Ming could see that there was no danger to the lives of the two female cultivators for the time being; therefore, he asked in a hurry, "Shi Qing, among these two female cultivators, shouldn't there be 'Cen Jing'?"

Cen Jing is the "netizen" Shi Qing met in the virtual world.

If you really met Cen Jing here, it would be too coincidental!

"No!" Shi Qinglian said, "But I recognize them! They are both from Yunshangzong, and they are friends of Cen Jing!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming smiled - this is quite a coincidence!

"Brother Ming..." Shi Qing couldn't help but urged again.

"Haha, don't worry! With me, they can't be in any danger!" Xu Ming smiled and waved his hand; an illusory energy appeared in the void, and caught the two women to Shui Xing on the deck of the boat.

"Huh?" The two women were stunned at first, but quickly reacted - we seem to have been rescued!

But at the same time, the two women are also worried - although they have been rescued, will they "just get out of the tiger's mouth and enter the wolf's den"?

At this moment, an excited voice sounded: "Jing Rou! Peng Kexin!"

"Huh!?" The two women who were called by their names were startled again; then, surprises bloomed in their eyes, "Shi Qing? Are you Shi Qing? But...why are you here?"

Of course, the two women also recognized Shi Qing.

But what is strange to them is that Shi Qing is not from Yanyan Continent? Why is it here?

At this moment, the four black-clothed gods who were chasing and killing also realized what happened.

The four men aggressively rushed to Xu Ming's water boat and shouted angrily, "Who doesn't know whether to live or die? How dare you take care of the matter of the Huan Sect?"

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