Break Into Another World

Chapter 1119: shut down


The Manado Island Lord's face was ugly, he waved his sleeves, turned around and left.

At the same time, a stream of light shot at Huangquan Hall Master. This is a world ring, which contains eighteen letters, all of which are tokens of entering the world of ten thousand tribulations.

"Haha!" Hall Master Huang Quan said with a cheerful smile, "Everyone, walk slowly and don't give it away!"

The masters of the West Sea Alliance have all included the kings and **** emperors under their command into the world ring and left in despair.

The Shura Sea and the West Sea.

Above the sea that is endlessly far away from Huangquan Temple. Eighteen rulers, including the Lord of Manado Island, all stood in the sky.

A cold and terrifying aura emanated from them. Once other gods enter the range of 100,000 miles around them, they will be directly killed by this terrifying aura.

"Humph!" The Lord of Manado Island was murderous, "Originally, the plan was implemented very smoothly, but Xu Ming appeared out of nowhere, completely disrupting our layout!

"Master of Wanya Island, why did you just leave at that time? - If we, the West Sea Alliance, put pressure on Huangquan Temple together; is it possible that Huangquan Temple dares to ask us for a place in the World of Myriad Tribulations?"

"Stupid!" The Lord of Manado Island sneered, "Do you think Huangquan Temple is so easy to bully? - I tell you, if you really make Huangquan Temple anxious, if nothing else, at least the eighteen of us are absolutely For sure death!"

"Then, is this the case?"

"How is that possible!?" Wanya Island Lord said coldly, "Although we can't deal with Huangquan Hall for the time being, that Xu Ming must be killed! Otherwise, where will the face of our West Sea Alliance go?"

"But... that Xu Ming is in the Hall of Yellow Springs. If you do something to him, Hall Master Huang Quan will definitely protect him?"

"Humph! I don't believe it, he will never leave the Yellow Spring Palace!" Manya Island Master scoffed, "Also, let's check the origin of this Xu Ming! I have never heard of this person, I estimate that he should not be from the Asura Sea and Xihai, but from other places; in any case, we must first find out what his origins are! In case there is a big background..."

Although the Manado Island owner seems arrogant, he is actually very cautious by nature.

In the dark Huangquan Hall, the space is filled with joy.

"Fellow Daoist Xu Ming, it's amazing!"

"Yes, yes! Brother Xu Ming's camouflage is so strong that I have never seen it in my life!"

"Even an almighty master like Wanya Island Master can't see through Daoist Xu Ming's camouflage! They thought, Daoist Xu Ming, you are really only a tenth grade silver moon!"

"Haha... I also want to blame the Manado Island Master for being so stupid! If Daoist Xu Ming is really only the tenth rank of Silver Moon, how could he be so strong?"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Many experts from the Huangquan Hall were talking beside Xu Ming.

"Pretend?" Xu Ming laughed secretly in his heart - how could he pretend to be fake? His true cultivation is the tenth grade Yinyue!

However, Xu Ming was too lazy to explain, so let them misunderstand!

"Tsk tsk tsk! Unbelievable!" Hall Master Huang Quan circled Xu Ming a few times, tsk tsk admiration, "Even if I already knew that you used a camouflage technique; however, I still can't see the slightest flaw in you; No matter how you look at it, you are a tenth-grade Silver Moon!—Awesome! What a great trick!"

While admiring, the Hall Master Huang Quan couldn't help but guess Xu Ming's background.

"Such a powerful camouflage technique, even I can't see through it; I'm afraid, at least the level of 'half-sacred' can be seen through him, right?" Hall Master Huang Quan speculated, "Could it be that... behind Xu Ming, there is a half-sage standing. exist?"

Huangquan Hall Master could not be determined.

However, even if it cannot be determined, it is enough to make the Hall Master Huang Quan awe-inspiring!

"No matter what, I have to befriend Xu Ming first!"

that night.

The master of Huangquan Hall held a banquet and grandly welcomed Xu Ming.

In the entire Huangquan Hall, almost all the existences above the emperor level were present. As for the king-level masters, they are not qualified to participate in the banquet to welcome Xu Ming.

Gong chips are staggered.

As for Xu Ming, he just dealt with it without a smile.

For Huangquan Hall, Xu Ming really didn't have much sense of belonging. After all, the elders and generals in the Huangquan Hall wanted to kill Xu Ming and seize the mark of successor as soon as they came up.

In the past, Xu Ming can have a lot of adults, and he doesn't care; however, Xu Ming also doesn't want to have too many causal links with Huangquan Temple.

After accepting the inheritance of the position of general, Xu Ming left the Hall of Yellow Springs, and the two became clear from then on.

"Palace Master Huangquan!" Suddenly, Xu Ming asked, "Is there Mo Fang? Why, I didn't see him?"

"You said Elder Mo Fang? Why, do you know him?" Huangquan Palace Master laughed, "He is in Huangquan Palace! However, he is in seclusion, and he is attacking the realm of half-step domination; therefore, he cannot come to the banquet tonight. !"

"Retire? Attack the half-step **** realm?" Xu Ming thought deeply and didn't say much.

The banquet continued in a seemingly peaceful atmosphere.

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock! …

Inside the Hall of Yellow Springs, there is a closed room tens of thousands of miles in size.

The primordial qi of heaven and earth is already thick to the extreme here, and it will even condense into the primordial liquid of heaven and earth in mid-air and drip down.

The sound of "tick-tock" and "tick-tock" sounds like there is no rhythm, but it is not annoying at all, on the contrary, it can be calm and let the state reach the extreme!

Cultivation in such an environment can naturally achieve the best effect of retreat and the highest success rate of breakthrough.

At this moment, in the center of the closed room, a thin old man who looked a little treacherous was sitting with his knees closed and his eyes closed. Tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth vitality formed a ferocious vitality vortex around him; one after another vigorous heaven and earth vitality, madly poured into his body!

This emaciated old man is none other than Elder Mo Fang!


Elder Mo Fang's divine body trembled faintly.

This tremor may seem weak, but it occurs at the particle level; every particle of the entire divine body is trembling and transforming.

Suddenly, the tremor of the divine body stopped.

At the same time, Mo Fang opened his eyes faintly: "Huh... I have been in seclusion for so many years, and finally I am fully prepared! Next, it's time for me to attack the half-step master in one fell swoop!"

The process of impacting the half-step master is extremely important, and there is no room for carelessness! In case the breakthrough fails, it would be ten times more difficult to attack the half-step master the second time!

Mo Fang adjusted his state again and made sure that the state had reached Consummation, and then closed his eyes again.

The divine power in his whole body also began to surging.

"Start breaking through from now on!"

At this time, Elder Mo Fang's heart was still like water.

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